

I am currently focusing on this book now. Gratefully, it's on light reader. This is also an interesting novel. It has everything you need. Comedy, tragedy, fun and love which will come soon. I won't exactly say it is a slow-burn novel. 

Here are the first two chapters.


NEW DISCOVERY : The dark sky begins to grow light as the sun rises and morning dawned bright and clear. Birds' chirps filled the air as they were off to start a new day. Underneath, was a small house, and a farm meadow with a front closure, and a shallow depth of field.

A little bird flew itself to the small window of a room and chirped loudly as its eyes were looking around until it focused on the figure sleeping like there was no tomorrow.

"Sweetie, wake up...it's a new morning" 

The silhouette didn't seem to be considered about the call as she was in a deep sleep. She stirred up a little but soon snored and went back to her peaceful sleep.

Outside the room, a man, holding a rake and shovel proceeded towards his beloved wife who was trying to wake their daughter up.

"She worked overnight, let her have some rest dear" The middle-aged man dropped the farm objects and embraced his wife "We have Jeff with us"

"BUT" The woman could only shake her head "You are spoiling her too much".


About half an hour later, a young boy stood right at the door and banged loudly on it. The same woman who had knocked came by, and touched his shoulder to ask "She isn't up yet?".

The young boy nodded, his silver-grey eyes feeling sleepy.

"Here let me try once again" She pushed him away slightly "Sweetie, wake up...it's time to work". The young boy was trying to get some sleep as he leaned against the wall but his mother's cry wouldn't let him. He dropped his shoulder to say "Sister is like a log of wood, she will never wake up...this is her daily routine"

The older woman looked at her son and sighed "Just do what you always do..."

The young boy's eyes sparkled in delight as he felt energetic "Really?" 

"But don't be too excessive...she is your sister," She told him "Jeff, don't go overly extravagant".

Jeff quickly nodded his head and ran out of the house. The older woman rubbed her head as she was feeling a headache coming. Meanwhile, Jeff had carried a pale of cold water as he went to the back of the house. He was smiling happily as he could finally get his revenge.

Oh! Sweet revenge.

The little bird, who had been peeping inside the room scurried off when it saw someone approaching. Jeff opened the window high up, his silver-grey eyes were flashing so delightfully. He carried the pale of cold water above his waist and...


He cruelly splashed the freezing water on the figure.

"Serves you right!!" He beamed and ran away. The delicate figure, who had been cuddling with her pillow, suddenly felt water on her. Out of fright, she jolted up and screamed.



6:30 am.

The entire family Brook family had been fully awakened as they all gathered for breakfast. Mrs Brook came out of the kitchen with the food she had prepared. She frowned when her daughter was absent, looking over at her son and husband blank look, she felt exhausted.

"This girl"

In the meantime, a young girl was facing the mirror glancing over at her replica self. She opened her small makeup kit with a dazzling smile.

'A new morning for me, new day, new colour' She was humming as she brought out a blush and dabbed a little on her face, using the brush, she nudge it slowly on her face until it was glowing. Feeling a little satisfied with her look, she took out the eyeliner and painted it unto her brows. She picked up a gloss and pasted it on her heart-shaped lips.


She gazed at her pretty face and giggled. She had an overall on like her brother and parents.

A farmer's lifestyle is a busy and hectic one. A lot of tasks and work must be done every day to achieve their ultimate goal and feed themselves. But this young girl was decorating herself as if she was going to attend a beauty pageant.

She put her boot on, tied her hair into town ponytails and wore a straw hat.

'Time to start your day, Lilac'

"Sweetie, come out for breakfast" The loud call of her mother entered her ears. She adjusted her cloth and strode out of her room. Walking a bit further, she saw her wonderful family at the dining table.

"Hello, happy family" She stretched her hands and giggled "How do I look?"

Jeff was the first to react as his jaws dropped. He eyed the mad girl in front of him and dropped his glass of milk "Father, sister is becoming insane every day...we should take her to an asylum" He queried to his father. Mrs Brook couldn't believe her eyes at the irritating sight. Her daughter looked like that ugly Ursula from the little mermaid cartoon.

Out of the three, Mr Brook seemed to be the only one who was calm. He forced a smile and nodded his head "My Lilac is always the most pretty in my eyes"

Lilac chuckled at her father's sweet words, she walked over to him and kissed his cheeks "Morning father...did you know that your stupid son threw water at me? Papa, I am wronged" She pouted her lips.

Mrs Brook scratched her head "Darling, what's with the makeup? Come let me take it off for you"

Lilac frowned "Why?"

This time it was Jeff who spoke up. He rolled his eyes at his crazy sister "Why? Do you have any idea how you look right now? Even my stomach is grumbling as I stare at you...you are just like a witch...those old witches with toothless teeth. Every day with a different madness, the previous day, you had made me wear a skirt...you even tried on my new boxers. Father, I tell you, her brain needs to be checked"

Lilac removed one of her boots and threw it at him.

"Sister!!" The fourteen-year-old boy cried out in pain. He furiously ran towards the girl but she ran away from him.

Watching the scene holding before their eyes, the Brook couple exchanged looks and continued with their food. They'd better not talk since today was going to be really hectic




City A.

The early sunset was flashing over at the two silhouettes inside the beach house. The female woke up with a smile as she was beheld by such a heating view. She stared hard at the handsome man beside her. As if hypnotised, she raised her body a little and kissed his lips.

"You know the saying, a man gets hard early in the morning" was the teasing words of the man. He wrapped his hand around the woman "You kissed my lips so early in the morning, so you should be punished"

The woman blinked sexily as she moved her naked body. She straightened herself up on the bed, with a smirk, she winked at the man "Let me pleasure you"

The man smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. He followed her every movement and groaned when her hot butt was rubbing his hard manhood. The woman smiled in satisfaction to see she was successful in seducing the man. Her slender fingers touched his body all over, and looking at his closed eyes, she grinned. 

"Take him, he is all yours" Getting permission, she wrapped her hands around his manhood.

"Ugh!" The man groaned. His d**k felt right in her hands, he patiently waited for her to take all of him and it happened. The woman brought her face towards the huge and manly manhood and took him fully. The man leaned fully against the bedhead as her warm mouth took him. He felt like he was on cloud nine.

He loved women like this.

She licked him and profusely swallowed him whole once again. Spitting on his d**k, she stroked him with her hands, her eyes were glinting lustfully. She could not wait to enter him. Just as the man was at his peak, she fastened her hands and swallowed his whole again waiting for him to cum in her.

The man groaned lustfully as he grabbed the woman's hair before he cummed inside her.


The woman swallowed his seeds and began laughing "You liked it?".

 The man's lips curled upward as he felt the woman touch him again.

'F**k!! He was aroused'

He glanced at the sexy woman and slapped her big ass "F**k! You are so beautiful". The woman smiled, unleashing her big booties out, she eyed the man and positioned herself slowly on his member. The man closed his eyes as he felt her insides warm him up.

"F**k!" He cursed. The woman as well could not help but moan, she pushed her back and cried in ecstasy. It was like heaven to her. Slowly and yearningly, she began to move. Her shouts and lewd sounds became louder as she pounded on him.

"Ahhh...f**k...this is...ahhhh" The man pushed her and now the tables were turned. He was on top and her below. He took himself out and with a strong thrust, he drove himself him. He made sure he was in her deep, almost touching her womb. A loud groan escaped from his lips and he fucked her faster.

"Ahhh, too fast....ugh....f**k...there, almost there" The lewd woman shouted until she found herself moved to the realm of the sweet and pleasant ecstasy. But the man continued to pound on her as he was nowhere close to cumming. It went on for ten minutes but the man still couldn't cum. His speed became faster as he began to split the woman's vagina.

"Fast...ahhhhh, stop" The woman shouted in pain. She can't experience such vigorous s*x before and besides, the man was really hurting her.

"Ugh," The man groaned in frustration. He stopped when he still couldn't cum...and annoyed, he got up from her body. Regardless of how stark naked he was, he went to the bathroom.

After a while, he came out to find the woman asleep. With a cold and distant look, he went over to the drawer to pick up his phone. He dialled some digits and called the number, within a second the call went through.

"W...where are you? Boss is very angry" was the voice from the other line. The man went out of the beach house and looked at the sunset.

"I will send a video to you...listen to me, I want you to send it to that man and make sure he is not alone...after that come to my beach house...I want you to discard a trash...get me my baby and don't even dare take too long" After that had been said and done, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out one and lit it. Tiny circles were made out of the cloud of thick fumes as the man smoked. After he was done, he played with his phone for some minutes and turned around. 

"Hello...honey" was the call of the woman. She shamelessly came out without any coverings. The man looked at her for a moment with disgust before looking away. He took out a gun from his pocket and rubbed at the surface.

The woman unaware and unsuspicious moved further towards him but as soon as she took a step closer, she was shot straight in the heart and fell to the ground, lifeless.

The man blew the smoke from the mouth of the gun and walked away.

"I hate easy women," He wrote the words on a small notepaper and stapled it on her chest. He went back to the house, arranged his things, and came out when he finally heard the beep of a car. From afar, a man in black came out of a blue Jeep with other men. By the side was a sleek sports car. The man in black approached his master and bowed slightly.

"The video has been sent"

The other man wore his sunglasses "Then discard of that trash over there to him...and say, Krist Wu, loved his dearest woman"

The man in black widened his eyes when he saw the dead woman and she was naked. He looked at his boss and reluctantly looked away.

"Yes Boss"

"By evening, find me a new woman" He adjusted his glasses as he ordered

 "I don't think that is possible because you are leaving the city this afternoon to the local town for an auction" The man in the black spoke.

"What?!! That slums again?" Krist took his glasses off and marched toward his baby. He entered the sports car and drove off.

'Father, we both need a serious discussion'