
Chapter 6

Chara's POV

I dragged Ean to Sans' house where the others would be. I know it would be rude to bring a comeplete stranger there, but I'm sure they'll understand.

I walk up the front door and knock, having Paps greet us. "Hello Chara! Nice to see you! Oh who's your friend here?"

"Heh.. nice to see you to Papyrus. This is uh.. my brother. I'll explain inside." I grumble.

I look over to Ean who looks a little freaked out. "Come on Scaredy-cat." I tug his arm and pull him in.

"Chara.. who is This. " I can hear Sans suspicion from across the room.

"Oh my gosh will anyone let me explain?!" I said quite annoyed.

"It's fine Chara, we're listening to you." Asriel patted my shoulder.

"Thanks Az." I smirk. "Everyone, meet my brother, Ean." The room was silent for a moment , until Frisk, Asriel, and Paps bombarded me with questions.

"Chara y u no tell me did!"

"Wowie, you have another brother?! Sans isn't this cool?!"

"totally cool bro."

"OMG omg omg omg!"

Ean looked uncomfortable when Papyrus said 'another brother'. I cleared my throat, getting their attention.

"Ean. Meet my brother, Asriel." I pointed to Azzy, then to Frisk.

"And that's Frisk." Then I pointed to Papyrus and Sans after.

"ThT is Papyrus, and there is Sans. Ok yay introductions are done. No more questions."

"Chara. Sweet, sweet Chara. How can There NOT be questions? -_- " Frisk said sarcastically.

I spot Sans with the expression of concern. I'll talk to him later. For know I'll just sit down and just.. relax.