
Chaos Unleashed: Rise of The Strongest Celestial

Update time: 9pm, 10pm GMT+1 [WSA 2024 Entry] Have you met a man who loves fantasy creatures like Elves and Beast-kin so much that he'd literally try to change his race? This same man would literally master every single job in the world at the age of 31. Shocking, isn't it? Meet Stephen Morgans, the man who was once hailed as the wasted genius on earth and commits suicide with truck-san and reincarnates as the creatures he loved so much in his own novel. Of course, it wasn't without angering the gods. Reincarnated as Asher Von Wight with a reincarnated twin brother Cashel Von Wight, how will he fend off the angry gods? Becoming their lackey or becoming a god slayer? ———— *The novel might seem a bit slow in some places and a bit fast in another. **If you want a main character who gets overpowered in just 10 chapters, of course, it's not too unrealistic and unexplainable, sign up. ***The Main Character may be a bit– Very posseseive so here we go with the #yandere tag, UmU. ****Writing quality is 4.5 stars and the updating stability is 1, 2 or 3 chapters a day. *****Other tags are; #Action, #Adventure, #Cliffhangers/Suspense, #Romance #Overpowered, #No-harem, #Anti-hero, #Villan #Yandere, #Gore, #Scheming, #Isekai, #Medieval+Technology, #Magic, #Fights, e.t.c ******Discord server link is https://discord.com/invite/cDmEpjvBMb Thanks for reading!

Kelvar10_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

25: Unique magic

"Anyways, those talks aside, Asher and you all, vote for me to be the classrep!" Marigold shouted excitedly.

"No way, I hate tedious stuff." Asher spoke back immediately.

"I'll vote for you but…" Flyyn started.

"What are the benefits?" Mikey ended his sentence for him.

"Hey guys, don't you think it's bribery if she gives you things for the votes?" Luke asked as he was quite fearful of the rules.

"No way. Imagine! She could give us enough gold coins to–" Mikey was interrupted.

"Ahem!" Marigold cleared her throat. "I never said I'm giving any gold coins."

"No way, I take back my vote." Mikey spoke immediately.

"Wait, hear me out! The library will be free for the first one hour you stay in there and after an hour, you'll pay 2 coppers unlike the former one bronze coin."

"That's even worse, who goes to the library these days?"

"There'll be fifteen Air Regulators in the class with cushioned chairs and tables! My family will sponsor it!"


"Automatic writing notebooks! Everything the teacher says will be written! No need to write!"



"Just stop it already." Asher interrupted.

"He's right, everything is enough. Don't put pressure on her, idiot." Flynn hit Mikey's head.

"Ah, sorry. I got carried away..." Mikey apologized.

"I'll vote for you if you can do one thing for me..." Asher said.

"What? What thing?" Marigold sprung up.

"A machine that calculates power into numbers. Being the science freak he is, Wilston should have made some by now." Asher ended with a smile.

"No way, if you attack that thing, it'll get destroyed with no remains!" Luke said.

"Who said I'm attacking it?"


Once again, Asher found himself in front of the principal who had a big smile on his face, quite different from the last time.

"So? Speak up. I heard you got a good idea." Wilston brought his face closer and Asher backed away.

"I– Well... Thought of a recording machine that could calculate the density of mana in the air and maybe if that same machine or a different one could record the power of spells."

"Hmm, that's something. Tell me more." Wilston finally sat down and Asher followed.

"You already made a detection machine that could locate everyone with mana in a particular area so I was thinking that you could use this principle."

"I see, I see. Although we'll need..."


The next day after homeroom, Asher found himself yawing this time.

"See? Even he finds it boring. I hate economics." Cashel yawned too.

"Heh, I have a free 2 hours and thirty minutes. I'm skipping Magic Theory class." Asher smirked.

"Can you at least join this class? The teacher is teaching us about 'Unique magic.' I heard that Ms. Victoria would continue the class with us too. You'll miss a lot if you don't come with us." Marigold stated.

"Unique magic?" Asher raised an eyebrow.

'Did I write anything about unique magic in the novel?'


As Mr. Flenchwester walked into the class, everyone stiffened up in anticipation and anxiety and he smiled at this.

"I promised everyone I'd teach a rather unique subject, right? Unique magic." Mr. Flenchwester laughed at his own cringely unfunny joke.

"Alright, alright. Let's get to it. Unique magic is an individual magic it ability of every mage. Like a special spell that can't be copied which is why we call it unique.

For example, my unique magic is called 'Transport.' I can teleport both living and non-living things except me at the cost of my mana and unlike mana awakening, we don't use the crystal orb.

It is through extensive training that you can discover your own unique magic. Any questions? Before we move the the training field?"


After answering questions for about thirty minutes, Flenchwester led them all to the training field to start their training for unique magic for the next 3 hours and 30 minutes.

The training included meditation and casting, at least trying to at the same time which was something known as impossible.

If one did this continuously, they would be able to bring out thier unique magic although it was impossible to have two.

"Unique magic huh? I wonder what mine will be." Asher thought as he began to meditate and tried to cast but the moment he did, he broke his concentration.

It was even worse for him since his casting required imagination.

"Haha! A challenge, finally!"

He looked around the field and he could see Cashel with smoke coming out of his ears. It seemed he was having the same trouble.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Flynn and Mikey lying leisurely on the grass near him and he walked over to them.

"Hey, you guys aren't training?" Asher asked as he sat next to them.

"Nah, we already have our unique magics." Flynn spoke.

"You do?" Asher was genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, I have the unique magic [Copy] and Mikey here has [Summon]."

"Oh? Tell me more."

"Well, as the name of my unique magic implies, I can copy spells and some unique magics while Mikey can summon anything, Mana, power, strength, speed, golems, e.t.c. Once, I tried to copy his unique magic and let's say... It didn't end well." Flynn shivered as he remembered the past.

"I see, can you give any tips to awakening unique magic?" Asher asked.

"That'll cost you... a hundred gold coins." Mikey who had been quiet suddenly spoke.

In the same second, he was hit hard on the head.

"Stop it man! No wonder no one but me is your friend!"

"Ah! That hurt! You used mana!"

Ignoring his friend, Flynn continued,

"The secret is to meditate while envisioning your core. It'll take you to a separate space and it's hard for first timers but you can cast spells and..."

Asher didn't hear the rest of Flynn's words.

'Envision my core? Taking me to a separate space? Haven't I done that already?' Asher thought.

"Thanks man!" Asher smiled in joy before going back to meditating.

Meanwhile, Mikey thought to himself,

'This guy is already a monster just with normal magic. I wonder what his unique magic will be.'


I too wonder what it will be... Teehee~

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