
Chaos Unleashed: Rise of The Strongest Celestial

Update time: 9pm, 10pm GMT+1 [WSA 2024 Entry] Have you met a man who loves fantasy creatures like Elves and Beast-kin so much that he'd literally try to change his race? This same man would literally master every single job in the world at the age of 31. Shocking, isn't it? Meet Stephen Morgans, the man who was once hailed as the wasted genius on earth and commits suicide with truck-san and reincarnates as the creatures he loved so much in his own novel. Of course, it wasn't without angering the gods. Reincarnated as Asher Von Wight with a reincarnated twin brother Cashel Von Wight, how will he fend off the angry gods? Becoming their lackey or becoming a god slayer? ———— *The novel might seem a bit slow in some places and a bit fast in another. **If you want a main character who gets overpowered in just 10 chapters, of course, it's not too unrealistic and unexplainable, sign up. ***The Main Character may be a bit– Very posseseive so here we go with the #yandere tag, UmU. ****Writing quality is 4.5 stars and the updating stability is 1, 2 or 3 chapters a day. *****Other tags are; #Action, #Adventure, #Cliffhangers/Suspense, #Romance #Overpowered, #No-harem, #Anti-hero, #Villan #Yandere, #Gore, #Scheming, #Isekai, #Medieval+Technology, #Magic, #Fights, e.t.c ******Discord server link is https://discord.com/invite/cDmEpjvBMb Thanks for reading!

Kelvar10_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

16: The Protagonist

Asher walked down a clearing within the grass. It was the first day of school so everyone was free so as to let them settle down and change the rankings.

Asher was on a hunt. A hunt for what was common sense in this school. All the news, gists, things to know, everything.

On his watch, he could see his current ranking out of twenty thousand.

Rank 13,592

He sighed, his rank wasn't so high that someone would be coming after his head, right?

Suddenly, Asher felt an urge to crouch down and immediately, he followed his instinct, not hesitating and sure enough, a dagger flew past where his head was supposed to be a second ago.

He heaved a sigh and he turned around as he stood.

"Woah~ You're quite fast, prettyface."

A black haired girl with brown eyes was looking at him while blowing a gum. His watch alerted him immediately.

Sethia Rangell- Elf - 19,999

He could totally see why she was coming after his head with the 6000 rank difference although he had to ask.

"Why are you coming after me? Number one is a black core mage and you're already at the crimson stage." Asher asked.


Sethia popped the gum again and she answered him with a disdainful smile.

"I just happened to be on my way to claim rank one and I just decided to rank up on the way. Since I saw a free–"

Sethia stopped talking immediately as she felt an heavy impact on her belly. Asher's fist hit home and he twisted it a little to make more pain.

"Letting down your guard and speaking casually in front of your opponent. I've gotta say, you've got guts." Asher spoke as Sethia's body crashed in the vast plains in the distance.

"Damn, I only used 19%. Even that was too much."

Congratulations! You have defeated Sethia Rangell - Rank 19,999

You have received no rank up

"Then why'd you congratulate me in the first place."

Asher continued his stroll. He looked at the different news articles on his watch and he looked at the rankings again. It was chaos.

It would probably take a week for the rankings to settle down. Asher found another function, if you're in the top 200, you can give yourself a stage name.

It was great for hiding yourself if you ignore the fact that your location was being shared in real-time to every single watch user.

Asher swiped to the left and the second year rankings showed up.

Rank 1- FirEmpress

Rank 2 - NoahSilver

Rank 3 - TanukiLeo

Rank 4 - TanukiLeon

Rank 5 - Darkgoddess

Rank 6 - SpicyHawtVar

Rank 7 - SpicyHawtKel

Rank 8 - BigClock

Rank 9 - Lunarclock

Rank 10 - Solarclock

Asher's curiosity was piqued and he clicked on the profile of the first ranker and the picture he saw made him widen his eyes in shock.

Isn't that... Emira?

She may have gotten a lot bigger after puberty but there's no way he wouldn't recognize her.

Her 'about me' read; Looking to fight? I'm available 24/7 although you could never satisfy me. :ZorroSword: :pepefight:

Asher chuckled, this was so like her, he continued to check every profile until he had a stop at number 5.

I'm very busy with work so you'll have to schedule matches. Please, thank you! :hellocattywink:

"I've found my destination." Asher spoke with a smile.


Student President Office

A white haired boy with four ears casually strolled into a building. The air inside was colder than the outside. It was an invention of Winston's.

The air regulator or A/R for short. It was just a downgraded version of A/C for Asher though.

It was an administrative building so fights couldn't happen here. There was a sign at the receptionists table.

Went out to get some coffee. I'll be back in fifteen minutes. Please kindly wait there.

Asher ignored it and kept climbing the stairs till he reached the fourth floor and he entered the main office that took most of the space.

As he entered, he saw three people in the room, a brown haired girl with bangs that's covered her forehead and cream colored eyes.

A silver haired boy with golden eyes and finally, a dark purple haired girl with golden streaks in them and her beautiful dark purple eyes with a golden streak inside.

She was Eva, aka, Darkgoddess.

Everyone looked up at him. Asher knew every single one of them up to what they liked although he's just met them. Of course, an author would know the details of his own novel.

'Noah Silver, protagonist of the story.

Lara Esborn, the protagonist's childhood friend

Eva Roseburn, MY fiànce. In the story, she was a part of Noah's harem but unfortunately for him and fortunately for me, Eva is MY fiànce and Emira is Cashel's.'

"Hey! Heyy!"

Asher snapped back to reality and looked at Noah.

"What?" He said without any respect.

"You're a first year, what are you doing here? If you came to gawk at the Darkgoddess then you better get out or if you came for a fight, meet Gloria downstairs, how did she even let you in the first place?"

Asher, when he wrote the story, as a lover of elves and fey, the story was 'kinda' tilted in favor of those two races and hence, the MC was 'kinda' biased towards races that weren't elves.

Noah realized that Asher wasn't looking at him anymore and he was standing in front of his goddess.

That first year!

"U-um, Noah... What is happening?" Lara finally spoke. Looking at Eva, she seemed to be in a daze ever since Asher walked into the room and she had never seen her friend like that for the past one year.

"It's been a long time. Eva."

Eva finally managed to snap out of it and she did a jump over the table landing in Asher's arms. He could tell that she had changed, there was this obsession he sensed in her eyes.

Asher liked this eyes because he had them too.

"Eva, you wouldn't mind if I killed this bastard, right?"


Damn, yanderes are scary ngl. Send powerstones to protect yourself!


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Kelvar10_creators' thoughts