
Chaos Unleashed: Rise of The Strongest Celestial

Update time: 9pm, 10pm GMT+1 [WSA 2024 Entry] Have you met a man who loves fantasy creatures like Elves and Beast-kin so much that he'd literally try to change his race? This same man would literally master every single job in the world at the age of 31. Shocking, isn't it? Meet Stephen Morgans, the man who was once hailed as the wasted genius on earth and commits suicide with truck-san and reincarnates as the creatures he loved so much in his own novel. Of course, it wasn't without angering the gods. Reincarnated as Asher Von Wight with a reincarnated twin brother Cashel Von Wight, how will he fend off the angry gods? Becoming their lackey or becoming a god slayer? ———— *The novel might seem a bit slow in some places and a bit fast in another. **If you want a main character who gets overpowered in just 10 chapters, of course, it's not too unrealistic and unexplainable, sign up. ***The Main Character may be a bit– Very posseseive so here we go with the #yandere tag, UmU. ****Writing quality is 4.5 stars and the updating stability is 1, 2 or 3 chapters a day. *****Other tags are; #Action, #Adventure, #Cliffhangers/Suspense, #Romance #Overpowered, #No-harem, #Anti-hero, #Villan #Yandere, #Gore, #Scheming, #Isekai, #Medieval+Technology, #Magic, #Fights, e.t.c ******Discord server link is https://discord.com/invite/cDmEpjvBMb Thanks for reading!

Kelvar10_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

14: Hold back? I don't wanna

"...and how in the world did you restore our sight?!"

Everyone was covering their ears at this point and they didn't really hear what Emilia said.

"Answer me!" She shouted again.

"I thought you'd have guessed it by now. It was time magic. It's not as weak as the others and with Essence, the two affinities are broken."

"Time magic?" Bariel thought out loud. "Usually, the most it can do is restore a little too deep wound and the mage uses up all their mana and space, well... telekinesis and expansion."

He looked up to his two children with a fatherly love in his eyes.

"I'm proud of you two."

"Aww, papa... Snap out of it! It was probably an impossible coincidence." Asher ruined the mood with two sentences.

"...or not..." His thoughts traced back to his dream from before.

"Alright! I've decided!" Emilia looked up and her purple eyes had a beast-like slit in them. Her fangs grew and her teeth grew sharper. Nine large white tails with purple tips sprouted out from her back and her hair began to defy gravity.

Her mana core which was previously at the peak white stage shot up to the pure core stage. Asher felt a chill go down his spine as he looked at his mother.

"You're in for one hellish training, boys."


A Year Later

An handsome thirteen year old walked down the hallways looking at a purple screen that didn't leave his sight even when he closed his eyes.

His previously long white hair had been cut short and his eyes remained a light purple as always. Of course, this boy was Asher!

'I guess I can say I've improved.' He thought as he stared at the screen.

[Name: Asher Von Wight

 Race: Celestial Beast-Elf

Level: 0 Exp: 0/100

 Status: Satisfied  System Points: 12

 Strength: 70 → 234   Agility: 95 → 203

 Stamina: 85 → 221       Endurance: 100 → 297

 Intelligence: 50    Wisdom: 200

Mana: 1.E28      Essence: 100,000,000,000

Essence core:- Rank 1 - Stage 1

Elements:- Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Darkness, Light, Time, Space, Null, Lightning 

Bloodlines: Nine Tailed Magic Fox




"...but that only goes for my stats. I was never able to increase the stage of my core." Each time he tried to 'visit' his core, he felt an overwhelming force sending his conciousness out.

"I guess that's what she meant by 'taming my core.'"

His finally stopped walking as he had reached his destination and he walked into a living room.

Bariel was inside, holding a bottle of beer in his hands. He only drank such stuff when Emilia was out and he'd tipped the kids with some gold to not tell.

Even so, Asher kept it at the back of his mind if he ever needed to blackmail his father in the future.

Cashel was there too, same haircut although the two of them hadn't cut their hairs, it was transformation magic. They had a conversation with themselves that went like;

"I want Eva-chan to see my new look as a surprise!"

Cashel looked up from the loaf of bread he was eating with mayonnaise. That stuff was simply disgusting to Asher and just a whiff of it made him empty his stomach.

He squeezed his nose and sat down at a farther end of the room from Cashel and he turned off his nose with mana. A trick he'd learnt to do in the past year.

"Tensions are rising at the border currently," Bariel started not looking away from his beer bottle. He seemed to be reading the paper on it.

"Humans... are raiding small villages around the border and claiming it to be the work of rogue mercenaries and the likes. So you'll have to be careful... because the attacks seem to be spreading more into the empire... little by little..."

Bariel's speech slurred a little and Cashel was wondering how powerful that alcohol was to be able to make a white core mage drunk. Along with bread and mayo, alcohol was on his list, same with Asher whose drink tolerance reached insane levels in his past life.

"Anyways... Winfred academy isn't ordinary. What they teach there isn't just your ordinary magic and fight classes. They show the 'real world'. In other words... death is allowed. Backstabbing to gain power, forbidden magic, curse magic. One single mistake and you'll be having tea with Hades."

Asher and Cashel subconsciously gulped. What was this hell? Why would they send them there?

Then as if he read their mind, Bariel answered;

"Every parent who sends their children there does that knowing all the consequences. That's why we train you for nine years straight before you go to prepare you and you guys will be the last I'd be worried about with your insane mana amount and an even crazier regeneration speed."

Bariel slowly turned his face up to face his children and he displayed a grim face.

"This was your mother's wish... That you should hide your identities with the transformation abilities you know already and seal your bloodlines to not cause a commotion there or something like that."

Bariel studied their faces, they were the same. That deadly look they were giving him. They looked at each other and nodded and they looked back at Bariel.

"Hold back? I don't wanna." They said at the same time.

"Haha, you're truly my sons after all. Remember, don't cause a commotion at least not too much. I'll miss you guys."

"What's with that tone? You're talking like we'll disappear at any moment now." Cashel spoke.

"That's because you will. The call spell should be activating around... now."


A large formation appeared under the twins feet's shining with a bright and in the next second... they disappeared.

"Damn Wilston. At least let me finish." Bariel spoke and immediately all his drunkenness vanished.

"Ah– Why in the world did that skip my mind. I have to tell the king immediately. Wilston made the school international so it's gonna be more chaos than we expect. Tsk."


Bariel sure is forgetful, sigh...

Send powerstones to concot a memory enhancement pill! (^3^♪

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Kelvar10_creators' thoughts