
Chaos Throughout The Omniverse (HIATUS)

Luxion was a lonely 15 year old, who unfortunately died. Luckily for him, he received the opportunity to reincarnate with a few wishes. Unexpectedly, the catch was that he had to marry the daughter of the Origin Embodiment, Lady Fate herself. -Note- * MC will be OP * MC will be goofball * MC will have harem * MC is Chaotic-neutral and will be kind to friends/family, but ruthless to enemies or anyone who will directly antagonise him. * MC won't start attacking someone for stupid reasons and will not directly fight unless he's friends/family are threatened. * MC will do stuff on a whim, even if it's considered evil or unorthodox to others, but this will rarely happen. * If you don't want MC who can solve most problems with ease, then leave. * There will be times when the MC is nerfed at important events in order for plot development.

KeeperOfBooks · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

3. Kneel Before Thou King!


" " Speaking out loud

[ ] System speaking

' ' Thoughts in head

< > Authors Note

( ) General information


"The compartments are so full..." Moaned Neville.

We were walking through the train, looking for a compartment for us all to sit. Although, it will be quite difficult to find a compartment for so much people.

Me, Hermione, Daphne, Harry, Luna, Neville and Susan, a total of 7 people. Cho Chang couldn't come because she wanted to spend time with her friends. Luna was with us because she didn't have any friends in her year.

Speaking of Neville, I've ridden him of his PTSD and he's now quite brave, helpful and honest to people. What was unexpected was that other girls started noticing him, that included Susan's BFF, Hannah. I checked her mind and what do you know, she is genuinely in love with Neville.

Apparently, over the break, Hannah got into a bit of an accident and Neville saved her. He even helped her with the aftermath of the accident.

'No wonder she fell for him, that and because he looks less of a wimp and more of a man.'

[It's because you keep sneaking your homemade potions in his food.]

'True, the Manly potions is quite an ingenious invention of me.'

The Manly potion is a potion I created that makes the consumer look more manly. Not only does it make the consumer look more manly, it also uses consumed food to add muscle mass to the body. Neville, that looked like a wimp, is more of a hunk.

'I'm so proud of him. I've taught him well.'

[What did you teach him?]

"Oh look! An empty compartment!" I dashed to the door and opened it.

Inside was a pretty large room that could seat all of us in. In the corner was a person sleeping under a cloak.

'Well well well, it seems that Fate's at work. Thank you Selene!'

'You're welcome dear~'

We all entered and took a seat. Since there wasn't enough seats, Hermione sat on my lap and Susan sat on Neville's. The seating arrangement was Remus by the window, to his left was Neville with Susan and next to him was Harry. Luna was directly opposite to Remus with me to her right, Hermione on my lap and Daphne was to my right.

[New Mission: Repell the Dementors while looking like a badass!

Reward: Depends on how badass you look

Failure Condition: Not Repelling the Dementors

Time Limit: 5 hours

Penalty: None

Do you accept Mission, Y/N?]

'Dementors? Oh yeah, I was in a meeting about the ministry wanting to borrow Dementors for protection. Whoops~ All most forgot about that event.'

[For someone who can perfectly remember everything that they've experienced, you sure are forgetful.]


[Don't give me that! It only looks cute with girls, not with boys.]

'Booo~ You're so boring. Anyway, I accept the mission.'

"Hey Lux, what were you doing during the break?" Susan brought me our of my thoughts.

"Well, I started learning enchanting and ancient runes. I started developing new potions and magic." I said nonchalantly.

""What!?"" Everyone, except Hermione, Daphne and Harry were surprised.

Developing potions and new magic isn't exactly a walk in the park. It takes years of trial and error, even deaths, to discover new potions and magic.

But that only applies to normal people, because I know exactly what effects ingredients have in a potion.

What I didn't tell my friends was that I was also studying rituals. Since rituals are considered evil and bad, I won't bring it up. Not yet at least.

"Ah, I also dabbled with alchemy. It's pretty interesting, you guys should try it too." I said with a smile.

Although I didn't know where to start, a Lottery Ticket saved me by giving me [Basics to Alchemy] book. It's quite amazing actually.

Alchemy, unlike Transfiguration, is permanent and can add effects to an object. I'm currently able to use wood and change it into a simple statue with alchemy. The only downside to alchemy is that it requires runes.

But then it got me thinking, can't I mold my mana into runes like Doctor Strange. When I tried it, it worked! Although difficult at first, it became easier the third time.

I'm planning on becoming a Battle Alchemist, the very first of its kind. I've searched all history books I could find, and there is no such thing as a Battle Alchemist. The amount of alchemists in the world are no more than 20 and all of them are affected by the wizard stupidity.

While I was in thought, it started becoming colder and frost gathered on the window. I narrowed my eyes at the frost which made me look like a predator stalking it's prey.

'It's time.'

"What's happening?" Daphne asked.

Before anyone could answer, the train suddenly came to a stop. Everyone, except Remus, toppled over at the unexpected situation. I found my head buried between Hermione's chest and Daphne's butt.

'Is this some kind of ecchi anime!?' I tried to shout but ended up tickling Daphne.

"Kyaa!" She jumped up and smacked me across the face.

'Did she just say 'Kyaa'? Is this really the Potterverse?'

While contemplating, we all got up and looked around. The lights were out and it was freezing cold. Our breath vapor was visible which means that the temperature is sub-zero.

"What's happening?" Luna asked, still having a dazed expression.

"I think I know, but it's not good." I said.

"Everybody, sit down and try to think of happy things. Eat this if you feel depressed." I handed out some homemade chocolate that's mixed with a potion that makes the consumer happy.

Just as I finished handing out the chocolate, I felt an eerie yet familiar presence outside the door.

'They're here.'

I turned around and looked outside the door. Behind the glass was a floating cloaked figure. It curled its boney fingers and the door slowly opened to reveal the Dementor.

The ragged cloak and the dark aura it released made everyone remember their worst memories. Their faces became pale and they looked obsolutely terrified, but Harry had it the worst. Before any of us could react, the Dementor looked at Harry and he collapsed.

"Leave." I glared at the Dementor.

I wasn't affected at all, because I now have a very strong mentality. The first time I met a Dementor, I almost fainted because of all the bad memories from my previous life.

The Dementor only glanced at me before ignoring me again. This made me really angry.

"I said leave!" I released my always restrained mana, which caused a magic pulse, knocking the Dementor out of the room.

It seemed to realise that my aura had complete dominance over it because it backed eveen further away.

"Kneel." I glared at it, "Kneel before thou king!" I sent an even stronger pulse of magic. The door shuddered and the walls groaned under the raw pressure of my magic.

The Dementor slowly got into a positioned that could be seen as kneeling.

"Good. Now leave, and take you brothers and sisters with you." I said.

It released a loud moan and flew away. A few seconds later, the temperature went back to normal and the gloomy atmosphere disappeared. The lights slowly flickered back on and the train started again. Soon enough, we were back to the same speed before the train stopped.

"That was bloody brilliant mate." Neville said with his mouth agape.

The others nodded while my girlfriends and, surprisingly, Luna had red cheeks while panting slightly. When I looked at them, they quickly avoided eye contact. I smirked at them before taking my seat.

[Completed Mission: Repell the Dementor's while looking like a badass!]

[Received Rewards: Cultivation Technique Creation!]


Since some of you might be wanting Lux to go to a cultivation world, I gave him this. Let me just say that Lux WILL NOT be going to any cultivation worlds, period! Mostly because I haven't read any cultivation stories, because they really don't tickle my fancy. Lux (and me, the great author) doesn't know any cultivation techniques, so I'll just make something up.

Here's a chapter for you greedy swines! How'd you like my new style of writing? Pretty good, right?

Anyway, as I've said before, I'll try to do slice of life stuff and the infamous backstories. Yes yes, I know, so put down your torches and pitch forks. We've all had terrible encounters with backstories, mostly from a certain N*ruto anime/manga.

But you must see the bigger picture! The backstory shall give you more information about our awesome protagonist, so stay tuned!

KeeperOfBookscreators' thoughts