
Chaos Throughout The Omniverse (HIATUS)

Luxion was a lonely 15 year old, who unfortunately died. Luckily for him, he received the opportunity to reincarnate with a few wishes. Unexpectedly, the catch was that he had to marry the daughter of the Origin Embodiment, Lady Fate herself. -Note- * MC will be OP * MC will be goofball * MC will have harem * MC is Chaotic-neutral and will be kind to friends/family, but ruthless to enemies or anyone who will directly antagonise him. * MC won't start attacking someone for stupid reasons and will not directly fight unless he's friends/family are threatened. * MC will do stuff on a whim, even if it's considered evil or unorthodox to others, but this will rarely happen. * If you don't want MC who can solve most problems with ease, then leave. * There will be times when the MC is nerfed at important events in order for plot development.

KeeperOfBooks · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

2. Problem Solving


Just a heads up, I'll be changing a few things, but it won't affect the story... too much.

" " Speaking out loud

[ ] System speaking

' ' Thoughts in head

< > Authors Note

( ) General information

That's all I wanted to inform you of, take care!


I have run into a bit of a problem. Although it's nothing major or anything, but it's still annoying.

The problem is my Saiyan bloodline!

Yeah, that's right! My Saiyan genes are giving me a headache! I thought it would be cool to have a battle orientated bloodline, and it sure is, but I forgot certain things.

Let's first talk about the Zenkai. A Zenkai allows a Saiyan to receive a power boost proportional to the amount of damage received. My Ancient Legendary Saiyan bloodline turned a normal Zenkai into a Super Zenkai. Just getting a scratch will make me stronger by a small amount.

But wait! There's more! Because of my wish, [Super Growth], my Super Zenkai became 100x stronger. Yes it's useful, but it will definitely become a pain in the ass later on.

Moving to the second problem! All Saiyans are very talented when it comes to battle, but normal Saiyans battle talent can't compare to the Ancient Saiyans unique ability, Combat Adaptability.

As the name states, it allows me to quickly adapt to any combat situation and even increases my resistance to certain elements like heat or cold. And now the Combat Adaptability is 100x stronger. If Combat Adaptability was a cheat before, then it's now a broken skill. I just need to pick up a weapon and swing it, then I know how to use it with ease.

The third problem is my immense hunger. Saiyans are known to have a massive appetite, and it's difficult to hide the fact that I need lots of food. And then comes [Gluttonous King], it turned my struggles into torture. I'm only sustaining myself with food from the [Shop].

The final problem is the Saiyans mentality. I keep having an urge to fight, I've started to become slightly aggressive and my ego slightly inflated. Luckily, I used [Mind Manipulation] to remove that mentality and I used [Soul Manipulation] to keep my personality the same. I don't want myself to change.

The biggest problem I've discovered would heavily affect the world. The magic particles of the world is slowly disappearing.

I've calculated that in about 100 years, there will be no more magic particles left. Magic particles is the only reason wizards and other magical creatures are able to regenerate mana. Just like how plants need sunlight to photosynthesize, magical creatures need magical particles to regenerate mana. No more magic particles equals no more magic.

Fortunately, my Chaos Energy is self generated, so I don't need an outside source to help me regenerate it. Unfortunately, my friends and family need magic particles.

Wizards and witches can live up till 200 years, and my friends are only 13. Most wizards and witches die at the age of 170, and that's only with them being supported by the magic particles. Less magic particles means that their life span is decreased.

With that problem appearing, I started working hard. Normally, I take time with my projects, but this is a serious issue.

I ordered some clones to start studying ancient runes and developing my own set of runes with Thu'um. Some clones started gathering materials for experiments while I started studying alchemy, enchanting and potions.

This led me to my current situation.

"Well that's interesting? So Helga Hufflepuffs Cup was enchanted to not only double the potency of any liquid in it, but it also can make more of the liquid that's poured into it." I said as I watched the empty cup start filling itself with coke.

<AN: I don't know what Helga Hufflepuffs Cup does, so I'm just making it up. If you don't like it, then sue me! (Please don't sue me, I was just joking).>

When the cup was half full, I stopped the production and took a sip.

"Yep, tastes just like freshly opened bottle of coke. So refreshing." I smacked my lips to savour the taste.

"Could I put potions in it?" I quickly downed the cup, rinsed it and threw some Pepper Up potion in.

I watched as the cup filled up with more Pepper Up potion until it started overflowing.

"Interesting... so the type of liquid changes the production speed? Let's drop in bit of Liquid Luck, shall we."

That's right, I have myself a bottle of Liquid Luck, Felix Felicis. Although it's completely useless to me, because I'm the physical embodiment of it, I've been studying it and trying to remove the side effects.

I dropped a single drop of Felix Felicis into the cup and activated the production enchantment. Very slowly, I saw the drop size Liquid Luck increase.

"Judging by the speed, it should take between 15-20 hours for the cup to be full, and about 1 hour for another bottle of it." Then I was hit with an epiphany.

I returned the small amount of Felix Felicis back into the bottle and took out a certain red stone from my Inventory.

"Hello my dear Philosophers Stone. Would you be so kind as to produce some Elixir of Life for me?" With that, I started injecting it with mana.

By the way, ever since my mana turned into Chaos Energy, I had to actively change the Chaos Energy into Mana. But I've been doing it for so long that changing it into mana was like moving a limb. It's like I've always been born with it.

The PS (Philosophers Stone) started glowing a beautiful crimson and a silver liquid started dripping into the cup. After there was enough liquid to fill a 10ml bottle, the stone stopped producing Elixir of Life, no matter how much mana I poured into it.

<AN: I was too lazy to write the full name of PS.>

"Is that it?"

[Yes, the Philosophers Stone can only produce 10ml of Elixir of Life per day. The Elixir of Life should be consumed once a day in order to rejuvenate oneself and halt the aging process. But that's to be expected of such a low quality Philosophers Stone.]

<AN: The only reason Liz says full name of PS is because she's a System! She must be professional.>

"This is low quality!?"

[Indeed, that is because Nicholas Flamel didn't know what he was doing at the time of its production. I'm sure you can make a much higher quality Philosophers Stone.]

"You really think so?"

[I know so. Don't underestimate yourself, because once you put your mind to something, you get very high results. You yourself know that, but you're just to lazy to realise.]

"W... What have you done with my Liz!? Who are you!? You're an imposter aren't you!?" I shouted in surprise.

'What happened to my cute kuudere Liz?'

[... I take back what I said. Continue your 'studying'.]

After that, she refused to talk to me at all.

~Time Skip~

"We're finally back, huh?" I said while looking at the Hogwarts Express.

"No matter how many times I look at it, it's still as impressive." Said Harry who stood next to me.

Now that we were 13 years old, our features started becoming more mature. Since I had Harry exercising, he became more meaty and he no longer looks like a walking stickman. I also had his eyes fixed, so he no longer needed glasses. And because of sharing [Gluttonous King], his mana and physical body improved in quality and quantity.

He now officially looked like a protagonist from a romance movie, because he became very handsome. Girls were constantly looking at him, but the main attraction was, unfortunately, me.

I was already quite handsome with my messy hair, sharp crimson eyes and a mischevious smirk. But again, because of my sin skills, my looks became god level. I actually had to reduce my charisma, or else something bad would happen.

Not only me, but also my friends and lovers became much more appealing. Their mana was also already on par with an average adult wizard. For Harry, I already ate the leach, so he doesn't have to worry about his mana being drained.

The trains whistle hooted and people started entering the train.

"Anyway, let's go back to Hogwarts!" I smiled.



"What's with the dramatic pause?" "Yeah?" "He must be sick."


"Can't you let me be?" I complained

"But that was completely unnecessary."

"Tch, you guys are just jealous."

"Jealous of what!?"

"That I can be myself!" I stopped listening to my arguing friends and entered the train.


That's the end of the chapter guys, it feels satisfying to finish another chapter.

Stay tuned for more Dragon Bal-uh, I mean, Chaos Throughout The Omniverse.

Sorry for the long wait! I won't make excuses, I was too lazy to write. But I soon got bored and decided to finish this chapter.

So here you go, one chapter served to you on a silver plate. I'll try to do slice of life, BUT a fair warning! I've never done slice of life stuff before, so I'll need some ideas from my most beloved readers, aka, you guys. Yes, I mean you.

Anyway, see ya!

KeeperOfBookscreators' thoughts