
Chaos Devourer System

In a future timeline... Earth undergoes a heaven-defying transformation when an unknown forces shift the planet away from the Milky Way Galaxy to an entirely new and unimaginable galaxy. A cosmic energy known as Mana invades Earth, transforming its essence and shattering its regular norms. This Mana awakens new genes in humans, once thought mythical. The world’s rules change, placing paramount importance on strength and respect for those with powerful genes. As humanity grows stronger and more curious, they venture beyond Earth to explore the new universe, only to encounter advanced alien races, world-devouring entities, and boundless, unexplored worlds. The Universe is Simply Boundless and word "Impossible" Does Not Exist. The story follows Zeras Celestria, a young man from one of the Nine Families. Deemed trash for his inability to awaken the powerful A-grade Lightning Hammer Gene and instead awakening the F-grade Multi-colored Hair Gene, Zeras is sold to a dark force that experiments on humans. Left for dead among other experimental failures, Zeras’s life seeped away as he clenched his teeth tightly, a mad thirst for revenge flashing in his eyes with also a tint of helplessness. Untill... "Congratulations." "Host has been blessed by Chaos." "Host has successfully awakened the SSS-grade Chaos Devouring Gene." Armed with an SSS-grade Gene and an undying will for revenge. Zeras embarked on a path to becoming the strongest and dominating the limitless universe. A Path Many Has Embarked On But None Having Succeeded. **A Future Scene...** "Look into my eyes. What do you see?" A young man with hair as white as the purest snow, lips redder than blood, and a face of perfect beauty. Yet those eyes—no, they couldn't be called eyes. They were unending black holes of... "I see death, madness, pain, and..." "Yes, I am the last embodiment of Chaos..." -- -- -- Update Schedule: Update daily. Minimum of two chapters per day. -- -- -- [Also Check out My New Book: Infinity Guardian System]

Supreme_IQ · Action
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678 Chs

Detected by the Base AI

"What?" Annah asked, her voice shaking lightly as horror appeared on her face in the next second when a hole suddenly appeared on her forehead and she dropped down to the ground, dead.

Zeras slowly put the gun down as he stared at the female corpse of the scientist while holding on to the purple card.

Looking at the notification of the system

[A tracking Gene has been placed on Host.]

[Host is too weak to completely override the Gene.]

[Host is advised to put down the purple card to get rid of the Gene tracker.]

It seems while Annah had told him the card is used for opening the Off-limits, she never told him of the tracker present within.

If not for the notification by the system, then he wouldn't even know he was being tracked and would be busted without realizing why.

And to be honest, he didn't plan on leaving her alive in the first place, she was someone who did inhumane experiments on living beings.

He would never allow such a psychopathic scientist to live a single more day.

An AI voice rang out in the entire place in the next second.

"An intruder has been detected. Location of intruder at the 4C lab. All forces are to be deployed in capturing the intruder..."

Zeras debated on whether he should leave the card as doing that would make him avoid being tracked, but thinking about it again, he discovered it didn't matter much, holding onto it or not, he would still be found.

And if he played his cards right, it might actually turn out well for him.

But before going, he had something important to do.

Zeras immediately moved toward the female corpse as he gently placed his palm on her forehead.

"[A mortal with a D-grade Gene has been detected.]

[Does Host wish to absorb life essence.]


[Host have successfully absorbed Life Essence]

[+10 Energy points.]

"Hmm, the higher the grade of gene, the higher the energy points, huh?" He muttered surprised a bit. But it made sense, a person with a D-grade Gene should have more life-essence than a person with an E-grade gene.

Immediately moving towards the two other bodies, he immediately absorbed their life essence too.

[+10 Energy points.]

[+10 Energy points]

Now looking at his energy points


Done with that, Zeras immediately burst out of the door and ran towards the off-limits area.

He could already feel the ground shaking behind him as if an entire army was following after him making him quicken his steps as he saw the iron door with a cross-mark just about four meters away.

-- -- --

In the middle of a luxurious room. Glittering blue tiles lined the ground releasing gentle glows, as a beautiful tune could be heard playing softly in the room.

The walls were covered in a mixture of white and purple paint while stacks of papers were arranged on a desk at the corner of the room.

At the center, a large golden bathtub could be seen steaming with hot water while a middle-aged man of about 40 could be seen in it as he sucked on the large cigar in his hands blowing the smoke out of his nose and mouth, his head moving forward and backward to the gentle tunes.

An AI voice suddenly rang out in the entire space causing the man to open his eyes as a slightly surprised glint flashed on his eyes.

"An intruder has been detected. Location of intruder at the 4C lab. All forces are to be deployed in capturing the intruder..."

"An intruder, huh? Probably just another lab rat trying to tempt fate."

The man raised his right hand as he clicked on his right watch before saying

"Deploy all guard units."

Clicking once again on the watch, he slowly came out of the tub as he muttered to himself while stretching:

"It has been a really long while since I've stretched this old bone of mine. Hopefully, I get to have small fun today."

He said as he fully came out of the tub.

The man was about 1.9 meters tall, with a slightly chubby body.

This was Chris Telenom. The Base Head of this Branch of the Mutant Organization.

An awakened Gene Cultivator.

-- -- --

Zeras arrived in front of the large metallic door as he swiped the purple card on it causing it to open as he immediately entered into it.

He could hear the roars of different beasts as he looked at the cages holding them within while a large door could be seen at the end of the long hall.

A sinister smile appeared on his face staring at the card and at the cage as he muttered to himself.

"I hope you all like my gift. Activate Dash..."

Powerstones are greatly appreciated

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