
Chaos Devourer System

In a future timeline... Earth undergoes a heaven-defying transformation when an unknown forces shift the planet away from the Milky Way Galaxy to an entirely new and unimaginable galaxy. A cosmic energy known as Mana invades Earth, transforming its essence and shattering its regular norms. This Mana awakens new genes in humans, once thought mythical. The world’s rules change, placing paramount importance on strength and respect for those with powerful genes. As humanity grows stronger and more curious, they venture beyond Earth to explore the new universe, only to encounter advanced alien races, world-devouring entities, and boundless, unexplored worlds. The Universe is Simply Boundless and word "Impossible" Does Not Exist. The story follows Zeras Celestria, a young man from one of the Nine Families. Deemed trash for his inability to awaken the powerful A-grade Lightning Hammer Gene and instead awakening the F-grade Multi-colored Hair Gene, Zeras is sold to a dark force that experiments on humans. Left for dead among other experimental failures, Zeras’s life seeped away as he clenched his teeth tightly, a mad thirst for revenge flashing in his eyes with also a tint of helplessness. Untill... "Congratulations." "Host has been blessed by Chaos." "Host has successfully awakened the SSS-grade Chaos Devouring Gene." Armed with an SSS-grade Gene and an undying will for revenge. Zeras embarked on a path to becoming the strongest and dominating the limitless universe. A Path Many Has Embarked On But None Having Succeeded. **A Future Scene...** "Look into my eyes. What do you see?" A young man with hair as white as the purest snow, lips redder than blood, and a face of perfect beauty. Yet those eyes—no, they couldn't be called eyes. They were unending black holes of... "I see death, madness, pain, and..." "Yes, I am the last embodiment of Chaos..." -- -- -- Update Schedule: Update daily. Minimum of two chapters per day. -- -- -- [Also Check out My New Book: Infinity Guardian System]

Supreme_IQ · Action
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680 Chs

[Bonus chapter]

Zeras stood there at the edges of the battle stages as he continuously yawned.

He could see some old burly Atlanteans appearing on the Colosseum wanting to watch his first fight, it seemed those were the so-called Atlantean soldiers.

They were kinda disappointed in seeing him probably due to his size, and it struck them curious what scared Plank so much he called the most bloody fighter, Roder, to come to teach the boy a lesson.

The door to the battle stage eventually opened as the figure of a man moved away from the darkness.

The man was clad in a blue colored pant, with his upper body revealed. His large tummy swung around every time he moved.

A Trident was flung towards Zeras with speed, but he was unfazed as he caught the trident in his hand without moving a single inch back, dispersing the force to his body.

"Defend yourself...kid" Roder yelled as he closed in on Zeras, his burly figure not affecting his speed in the least.

A Trident's throngs pierced his face as Zeras took a step to the side easily dodging the trident.

Roder immediately slashed the trident horizontally, causing Zeras to lie horizontally on the floor too, easily dodging all of Roder's trident strikes.

It seems increasing his perception was finally showing its edges.

"It's the only thing you can do is dodge...kiddo," Roder yelled as he started to pant, the continuous swerving is draining away some of his energy.

"It's the only thing you can do is swerve your belly around old man." Zeras chortled back unforgivenly causing the tempo of the trident's attack to increase.

But while one might think he's taking the old man unseriously, Zeras was actually trying to watch how the man could move so fast, and how he was able to swing his trident with so much force.

Zeras never had any training with the trident. The only weapon he could use was the dagger and maybe the gun, but even using that he didn't have any type of accuracy.

His main weapon in battle was his speed. But here, that was very limited due to him not knowing how to swim like the Atlanteans.

The best place to learn was during a battle so learning how to increase his speed was very important and that was what he was doing.

The fighter noticed Zeras being able to continuously move more easily around as time went by, causing him to dodge Roder's attack a lot easier.

A strange expression appeared on their face as it seemed to them Zeras was able to predict where the attack was coming from before it even moved closer to him.

They didn't for a second doubt Roder's strength, but they were surprised seeing him failing to land a single hit this entire time.


Roder yelled as he slammed the trident forward horizontally, but he was shocked when he felt it connecting this time.

Looking at his trident, he saw Zeras blocking the trident with his as he stood there staring at him with a smile.

"Don't you want me to fight back old man, then you got your wish." Zeras pushed back Roder's trident with his as he immediately slammed to the side with speed.

A clang resonated as Roder blocked the trident. Slipping it to the side, he once again slashed towards Zeras from an unpredictable angle.

Every collision sent forward a powerful force that resonated deeply in the area.

With every collision, Zeras felt something strange about the Atlanteans and that was their strange strength.

Anytime Roder swung his trident, the force accompanying it was double what should normally be possible. It was as if there was a strange force accompanying every strike, increasing its might.

Both fighters went all out, putting their all into this fight as Roder fought hard to deal with the boy as he was told while Zeras tried to increase his comprehension of the trident.

Roder's trident pierced forward once again but this time, Zeras flunged his trident upwards instead.

Wrapping around his arm on Roder's trident, he used the soft force to suddenly drag Roder towards him.

Quickly moving behind the man, he wrapped his arm tightly around the man as he kicked the back of his knee causing Roder to fall in a kneeling position.

The trident he plunged up dropped down back, as Roder looked up only to see the trident's throngs moving towards his eyes.

He immediately tried closing them, but he knew it was useless, the trident could pierce through his brain from his eyes.

But after five seconds, he didn't feel anything making him open his eyes once again.

His eyelashes brushed lightly against the trident's throngs, showing just how dangerously close they were to impale him as the trident was held by Zeras preventing it from truly killing the man.

"I...I... Surrender..." The man said as Zeras slowly released his hold, and went in the direction of the exit.

All the Atlantean soldiers stood there mouth agape as they couldn't believe what was happening.

Roder was defeated and by a kid no less.

A piece of incredible news that seemed untrue rang out through the whole of Ligeris City of the new Atlantic soldier who defeated Rider. A boy lesser than 18.

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