
Chaos and Thunder

Blake Griffin along with his family moved to the town of Lukas, where he is met by supernatural beings. Now, Blake must live as the Ruiner of Nations. The question is, how?

Kachlin · Others
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5 Chs

Episode 2: I am the Alpha!

The dude got up and shouted.

"What the heck dude"

"Sorry, I was in a rush"

Blake said, with an apologetic smile.

"It's fine"

The dude said.

"I am Max Carter by the way, what is your name?

Blake asked.

"Blake Griffin "

Blake said.

"You look new the principal office is straight down then take a right turn "

Max said, pointing his index finger.

"Thanks, "

Blake thanked, then rushed to the principal's Office.

Upon arriving at the principal's Office, Blake saw his sister talking to a boy beside a boy and a girl.

"Blake took a seat and waited his turn.

A few minutes later, everyone was called inside the office.

"Charlotte, Joseph, Skye, and Blake welcome to Lukas Hills High the school built by my great-great-grandfather 120 years ago and now owned by me"

The fat Principal said, with a stern look.

"I don't want any violence whatsoever"

The fat Principal said, with a serious face.

After talking, Blake and the others went to their classes.

Upon arriving at a brown door with the words B-9 written in bold.

The teacher who is a middle-aged man looked through the window pocket on the door and saw Blake and Signalled him to come in.

Blake opened the door and walked in. The teacher introduced Blake to the class and then showed him to the back of the class.

Blake sat down.

Blake sensed hostility toward him so he looked around.

[Emilia White

Species: Werewolf

Bloodline: werejaguar


Super Strength: Werejaguars possesses incredible superhuman strength, to the point that they appear to be on par with Alpha Werewolves.

Super Speed: Werejaguars possess the superhuman speed that allows them to run faster than even the most athletic human beings.

Super Agility/Reflexes: Werejaguars possesses superhuman agility, allowing them to jump extremely high and far in a single bound and perform various gymnastic and acrobatic feats.

Super Durability: Werejaguars, while being vulnerable to open wounds like slashes and punctures, are extremely durable to blunt force trauma, allowing them to endure severe blows with an only minor injury. Kate jumped through a wall of plate-glass windows without being slowed down. Additionally, even open wounds such as being shot with various bullets don't seem to slow Werejaguars down, though it can anger them enough to force them to transform against their will.

Super Senses: Like their jaguar counterparts, Werejaguars possess extremely sensitive and acute senses of sight, hearing, and smell. With their enhanced sight, they can see much farther than normal humans and have perfect eyesight in the dark, as well as being able to see a supernatural phenomenon that cannot be perceived by human eyes, such as a Kitsune's aura or the Nemeton while it is hiding. With their enhanced sense of smell, Werejaguars can track scents for up to several miles, so long as they are not covered up by stronger scents like chemicals or washed away by the rain, and they can also interpret individual human scents, allowing them to discern the personal identity and emotional state through chemosignals. A Werejaguar's enhanced hearing can allow them to hear extremely quiet sounds that would ordinarily not be picked up by human ears, such as whispered conversations from several yards away. These senses, while working together, can help a Werejaguar significantly in battle, aiding them in fighting at night, hearing the footsteps of approaching enemies before they can get close, and locating missing people by scent.

Accelerated Healing: Like their fellow Werecreatures, Wolves, and Coyotes, Werejaguars have immensely accelerated cellular regeneration, allowing them to heal from mild to moderate wounds within moments. Werejaguars' healing seems to be even more rapid than the average shapeshifter, as Kate Argent has not only shown that she can be shot multiple times without being slowed down, but her healing ability was so advanced that it resurrected her after she was killed by Peter Hale; he clawed her so deeply when ripping out her throat that she was transformed into a Werejaguar, and her healing ability, enhanced by the impending full moon, brought Kate back to life so she could complete her transformation.

Memory Manipulation (Possibly): Werejaguars, like their Werewolf and Werecoyote counterparts, are possibly able to manipulate a person's memories through the use of their claws, which are inserted into the base of the neck of their target, creating a connection between the two.

Memory Reading (Possibly): If they can manipulate memories, they would also be able to read the memories of others.

Memory Implantation (Possibly): If they can manipulate memories, they would also be able to implant memories into the minds of others, which can either be the memories of others, or false memories manufactured by them.

Memory Suppression (Possibly): If they can manipulate memories, they would able to suppress the memories of others.

Memory Erasure (Possibly): If they can manipulate memories, they would be able to completely erase the memories of others.

Magic: Werejaguars can utilize supernatural forces, usually through rituals, to achieve any effect they desire.

Ritual Magic: The only known Werejaguar, Kate Argent, demonstrated the ability to perform certain magical or mystical rituals to defy the laws of the human world. Both of the rituals she performed required Kate to transport her victims to the Temple of Tezcatlipoca. It is unknown if this is a power that all Werejaguars possess.

Ritual Manipulation: Werejaguars can create, modify and manipulate rituals of any kind.

Berserker Conversion: Through rituals, Werejaguars can convert people (including supernatural beings) into Berserker.

Power Granting: By converting people into Berserkers, they can give them the powers of these creatures.


Mountain Ash: Since Werejaguars are supernatural creatures, they are vulnerable to rowan, both in its wood form and its incinerated form known as mountain ash. As a result, not only can they not touch or handle it, but they can also be barred from entering an area that has been warded with an unbroken circle of it, and can also be trapped within a circle in the same way.

Wolfsbane: Yellow wolfsbane seemed to weaken Kate Argent when nothing else would, but it didn't have as extreme of an effect as it had on Werewolves and Werecoyotes.

Lunar Eclipse: Since Werewolves and Werecoyotes, who are beholden to the moon just like Werejaguars, lose their powers during the phase in a lunar eclipse when the moon is in the Earth's umbral shadow, it can be assumed that Werejaguars will also lose their powers during this lunar phase as well.

Electricity (possibly): Electricity is a weakness that seems to be shared by most animalistic shapeshifters, such as Werewolves and Werecoyotes, indicating that it could be a Werejaguar weakness as well. This seems to be implied when Araya Calavera had a taser wand while preparing to battle Kate Argent, but since a Werejaguar has yet to be electrocuted, it is unknown if this is truly a Werejaguar's weakness or not.

Immunity: Blue and purple wolf's bane


" Emilia, you say"

Blake muttered, looking at Emilia with interest.


After classes, Blake went to the cafeteria to have lunch.

Blake arrived took his lunch and looked for an empty bench and sat on it.

"Hey you what you doing at my table, hurry up and get lost"

A voice behind Blake spoke.

Blake behind him saw a boy being followed by three boys one of which was the boy talking to his sister this morning.

[Ethan Hayes

Species: Werewolf

Rank: Alpha

Bloodline:The Hayes


Super Strength: Alpha Werewolves are considerably much stronger than humans, hunters, slayers, most other shapeshifters (including regular werewolves), and even normal vampires as well as most demons. They are strong enough to break through solid concrete. The full moon will boost their strength and so will intense feelings of anger, making them more powerful than the oldest of normal vampires. True Alphas are far stronger than normal Alphas that steal or take power, as True Alphas rise only on the force of their own will. In terms of physical force, Alpha Werewolves are equal to Alpha Elder Vampires. An Alpha in Werewolf form will be immensely powerful and can prove a challenge for even an Alpha Elder Vampire and even the Original Vampire Dracula himself, as four Alpha Werewolves in wolf-form can take him down and two Alphas can take down the Alpha Elder Vampires.

Super Speed: Alpha Werewolves are significantly much faster than humans, hunters, other shapeshifters, and most vampires and have higher endurance. Their intensified quickness, agility, reflexes, and endurance makes them faster than any regular werewolf or human. Some have been known to be so fast that their speed is nearly equivalent to an Alpha Elder Vampire. Alpha Werewolves can use this ability in human or werewolf form. The full moon will increase their speed and being in Wolf-form will make them even faster.

Super Agility: Alpha Werewolves possess much more agility than any other werewolves, slayers, hunters, and humans. They can move, jump very high, climb, flip, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. They can also jump down from incredible heights with almost gravity-defying grace.

Super Senses: Alpha Werewolves can see, hear, and smell from a far distance better than humans and other werewolves. True Alphas can sense things better than normal Alphas, as they can tell when other werewolves are listening in on their private conversations.

Clairvoyance: Being part of the supernatural 'family', Alpha Werewolves can see and hear ghosts the same way vampires and other ghosts can.

Pack Sense: Alphas can sense the location of their pack and can even speak to them telepathically.

Invulnerability - Their extremely dense body tissue renders an Alpha Werewolf indestructible, capable of withstanding high-caliber bullets, sharp objects, extreme forces, asphyxiation, artillery shells, lasers, and falls from great heights. Alpha Werewolves are also invulnerable to extreme temperatures (both hot and cold). In addition, Alpha Werewolves are immune to all earthly diseases, bacteria, and viruses. Some of the few things that actually can harm Alpha Werewolves are wolfs-bane, mountain ash, and other Alpha werewolves. In addition, Alpha Werewolves are capable of breathing underwater and can even survive without an atmosphere, in outer space. Because of this, Alpha Werewolves are resistant to all forms of physical damage. Their enhanced durability allows them to exert much harder attacks when in battle (without them having to worry about injuring themselves in the process), with such attacks having the force to break the sound barrier and generate shock-waves in-between their bodies and what they come in physical contact with while exerting blows of tremendous force.

Power Absorbing: If an Alpha kills a member of his Pack, the power of the deceased will be added to that of the Alphas. They will "become stronger, faster, more powerful". Three lead Alphas Deucalion, Kali, and Ennis carried out this capability. They murdered every member of their Packs, subsuming all their power. Subsequently, they formed the basis of the dastardly and dreaded Alpha Pack. In Currents, Kali and the twins forced Derek to kill Boyd by his hand. As Boyd dies, Derek's eyes glow a much brighter Alpha red as he absorbs Boyd's power.

Roar: When an Alpha is in danger, it sends out a loud howl or roar that signals other members of its pack. In addition, the voice/roar of an Alpha Werewolf can force the transformation of other werewolves against their will. An Alpha's Roar is a supernatural weapon. The Roar is how an Alpha asserts its dominance, and exerts and demonstrates its greater power and status over regular shapeshifters. Using their Roar, an Alpha can energize, weaken or restrain other canine were-creatures; they can force or prevent transformations upon other werewolves. In Night School, Peter was able to force Scott to shift into a werewolf using just his voice. Because Peter was the one who Bit Scott, he also put Scott under a form of mind control to have Scott murder his friends. Deucalion forced Scott to shapeshift in the distillery in Lunar Ellipse. Scott was able to force Malia Tate to shift from full coyote form to human using his roar in More Bad than Good, which may have contributed to Malia's inability to access her shifting afterward as well as unintentionally empowering his Beta Isaac Lahey simultaneously, allowing the latter to break free of a steel-jawed trap. In De-Void, Scott used his Alpha roar on Stiles. Because Stiles was fully accepted as part of Scott's Pack it allowed his best friend to be split, separated from the Nogitsune's control.

Immune to Witch Spells and Curses: Alpha Werewolves are invulnerable to, thus, they are more immune to Spells and Curses.

Empathy: Being that Alpha werewolves senses are so strong, they developed the ability to sense other's emotions through touch. With time this power grows stronger, this is used to sense a person's true intentions and if they are lying or not. At first this ability can be very annoying and hard to control, sensing everyone's emotions without meaning to. This ability can also be developed enough to absorb pain from someone.

Pain Transference: Alpha Werewolves can absorb and alleviate pain from other people/creatures and can "heal" in some cases. Alphas can heal the extremely ill with their pain transference ability.

Strong Fangs, Teeth & Claws: In werewolf form, a Alpha werewolf's greatest weapons are its sharp teeth and sharp claws which can cut through steel. Alpha Werewolves have powerful teeth claws; able to cut solid walls, and are as strong as steel and regrow in seconds. Their fangs can tear off and eat human flesh and can rip out a human heart right out of their chest cavity. The Alpha werewolf's claws and teeth are extremely sharp and tough, enabling them to rend through a variety of substances including fabric, wood, cinder block, allows them to bite any creatures. and even all metals. Alpha Werewolves can also use their claws to crawl along walls at great speed in pursuit of prey. their teeth is immensely strong and serves as their primary weapon and way to eat. Their teeth can rip open almost anything they bite into, including humans, angels, demons and various other creatures.

Enhanced Emotions: Particularly emotions such as anger, rage, aggression and violence due to their werewolf heritage. Alpha werewolf are more prone to violence and rage than beta and omega werewolves. However, emotions such as love, joy, and happiness are intensified for them as well, allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows them to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age.

Lycanthrope Enhancement: Alpha werewolf are capable of using their werewolf features to further supplement their powers and abilities. Alpha werewolf can grow claws from their nails and fangs from their teeth even when they are still in their human forms. Also Alpha werewolf can display werewolf fangs. Their eyes also change into those of their Alpha werewolf form, presumably granting them better eyesight. Due to their werewolf heritage, a Alpha werewolf strength and speed are heightened further during a full moon and at its peak in their Alpha werewolf forms.


Weaknesses: All forms of wolves bane, ...


State: Angry]


Blake replied, nonchalant.

Blake saidas he stood up.

Ethan punched Blake while also holding back.

Blake felt nothing, then looked at Ethan.


Blake said, with a disappointed face.

Ethan angry punched with all his might even using a bit of his werewolf strength.


Again, Blake felt nothing.

Ethan knowing that humans are near, walked away furious.

"I am the alpha"

Blake said, making Ethan and the other supernatural's in the cafeteria pause for a moment before continuing what they were doing.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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