
Changing The Inevitable

Nate and his family would have never believed their ship would be attacked, they were just harmless travelers, traveling to Mundon the planet they were about to move to, or so Nate thought. He wasn't actually sure what his dad did, just that he had a lot of business trips to other planets, and that they were fairly wealthy. But what happens when they're ship is attacked, ravaged, his parents killed, his sister separated from him, he was kidnapped, and he had to learn how to survive, and fast.

saucygirl6643 · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

| Forced |

"Here," Julian said, giving me a uniform. "Wear it, switch between the ones you have, keep them clean." I nodded looking at the uniform. "Well, put it on," Julian said, staring at me.

I looked around the cabin, we were called the Lunkfrinin group, also known as the worst group of the academy, Julian the captain of it. The cabin was clean, neat, empty, it was just full of metal bunk beds, and at the end of the room was a closet where we put our uniforms, nothing else.

"Oh, sure." I took off my pajamas, before sliding on the uniform. It felt weird, almost itchy on my figure. Other boys were in their bunk beds doing nothing, either from playing around with one of their blasters or playing cards on their bunks with group members. We had eight in our group.

"Come one, it's almost time for dinner," Julian said walking to the cabin's door. I followed him rubbing my still sore wrist.

"What happened to your wrist?" Julian inquired, staring at my wrist as we walked.

"Handcuffs," I said bluntly.

"Woah, what did you do?" He said his eyes wide.

"My parents got killed in front of me, I attacked them," I said, my

voice having a twinge of sadness in it.


"Ace, I think that's his name." Julian's jaw dropped his steps faltering.

"Do you have a death wish?" He said bewildered. I looked at him confused.

"No, why?"

"Ace is one of the deadliest fighters that graduated from this academy." He said his hands in the air. "What did you do to get your parents killed?" My jaw clenched, I didn't do anything.

"I didn't do anything, they did something. Double-crossed Ringther or something"

"Your family has a death wish, I've determined." I scoffed walking a little faster towards the building with the cafeteria.

"Hey! Wait up!" Julian said from behind me.


The lunch lady plopped another pile of the alien-like scum on my plate, her face having an evil smile on it. Did she do this on purpose? To torture the trainees? I gave her a glare turning to Julian, before looking back down at the greenish pile of food.

"Let's go to our table," Julian said laughing at my reaction to the food and taking me to the table that had all of our cabin mates in it.

"Hey, Julian." One of the boys from our table said.

"Hey, John," Julian replied, sitting at the cafeteria table, tables surrounding us with other teenagers sitting on the benches.

John had straight red hair plastered almost on his forehead, he was eating his food like there was nothing wrong with it, I couldn't help but cringe when he gulped some more down.

"That's disgusting," I said with a scrunched up face pushing my plate away. Julian pushed it back to me.

"I'd eat it, you know, with the changing, and the training."

"What?" I said, training? Right now? "Do you mean I'm going to train tomorrow still as a human? I'm going to get creamed." I muttered.

"Yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you that Sergeant Drentinger mind linked me the news." I groaned, how am I going to be able to escape if I can not even move, because of how sore I'll be. Maybe I should leave tonight, I thought solemnly to myself.

Julian looked at me with his eyebrows scrunched up," it's not that hard."

"It isn't for you, I have a fragile body." I groaned again, gulping down some water. Julian patted my back, a smile on his face.

"Sucks to suck." I scowled at him, my eyes squinted.

My muscles tightened when a hand clamped on my shoulder, unfortunately, an all too familiar hand.

"Nate." His cold voice made me shutter, my mind flashing my parents' death again. Julian looked like his eyes were about to pop out and roll out of his sockets.

Ace's cold eyes burning in my head. I turned around looking up at his stern face.


"Sergeant Drentinger wants to see you." Ace took his hand off my shoulder motioning me to walk with him.

I smiled at a very scared Julian. "I'll be back, feel free to dump my share of food." With that, I turned around jogging to Ace.

"What does he want?"

"Something about a transmitter, I honestly was not listening." He sighed, while I followed him through the hallways of the building.

"Why aren't we going to his office?" I said, feeling slightly nervous.

"Because he wanted to meet at the medical room." Ace answered bluntly.

"Wha..What? He's not going to change me is he?" Ace shrugged making me almost mad.

"Why aren't you answering me?" I growled out stoping.

"Because I don't know the answers, numb-nut." He grabbed my arm pulling me through the hallways, teens looking curiously at us.

Kayden and his friends were murmuring looking at me with smirks on their faces.


Ace opened a white door with a medical sign on it. The smell of chemicals wafted into my nose.

"This way." There were rooms everywhere, a front desk with a Lumkonton woman behind it looking stern and serious as expected.

Ace walked down the hallway of rooms before coming with a slightly large door.

Hopefully, I wasn't about to be changed or my plans would be ruined.

On the other slide of the door showed a metal table with restraints hanging on the sides of the table, a trolly cart holding many instruments made me shutter, near it.

The room also had a cheap counter with a computer and a shelf of liquids with syringes hooked on it, built into the wall.

Sergeant Drentinger stood there talking with a male nurse, their voices low.

The male nurse looked more of a bodybuilder if you asked me, huge with bulging muscles coming out of his scrubs, obviously not human, but not Lumpkonton, maybe a hybrid?

"Ah...Nate, so glad that you came."

"Not like I had a choice," I muttered, Sergeant Drentingers eyebrows shot up, as he looked at me surprised that I spoke up to him. I felt Ace's shoulders slightly shake beside me probably trying to contain a chuckle.

"Get on the table." He snapped, his attention back to the Male Nurse.

I walked towards the metal table jumping on it, the metal feeling cool through my uniform.

I waited there for a few moments while Sergeant Drentniger talked to the male nurse. What were they talking about? No idea. Hopefully, it didn't involve me.

"Nate," Drentinger's voice snapped me out of my dream world. He smiled at me, walking towards me like I was prey.

"We need to put a tracker on you, standard procedure."

"So you're not changing me today?" he chuckled.

"No, although it was not my choice."

"Whose then?"

"So many questions that I won't answer." He said amused.

"How does the tracker work?"

"It melds with your skin." I got up quickly making my way to the door. Not today satan! Well, that's what I was thinking until Ace stepped in front of me.

"No," I said firmly, looking Ace in the eye. "Now get out of my way," I said shakily, moving to the side.

Ace blocked me again, his eyes filled with amusement. "Kid, get on the table before I have to knock you unconscious." He said with a bored tone.

"No," I said, even firmer feeling a trickle of confidence. The amusement emptied his eyes, hardening while he stepped towards me, making me step back, his raven black hair hanging over his eyes, as he stalked toward me.

He grabbed me like a rag doll before slamming me on the steel table, on my back.

I tried to get out of his grasp but I only succeeded in helping him.

The leather straps were painfully tight on my limbs, and I couldn't help but cry out when He tightened the last belt.

"He's all yours, nurse." Ace huffed looking at me with scrutinizing eyes, as I gulped fear clutching my insides and threatening it to release its contents.

"Don't touch me!" I growled at the nurse who just smirked in return.

The ceiling took most of my view but I could see from the side pretty well. The nurse was fiddling with something in his trolly. I gulped nervously waiting for my downfall.

Sergeant Drentinger leaned against the door watching curiously at me with a grin on his face while I snarled at him.

"You can proceed." Sergeant Drentinger said to the nurse, who quickly nodded, walking towards me with the trolly rolling beside him.

There was a bowl of black gue, a brush in it, with a metal disk by it on the trolly.

My wrist was exposed to him, as he put his cold fingers on my wrist, rolling my sleeve up. I tried to yank my arm back but the restraint held me from doing so.

I felt powerless from escaping this horror.

The nurse took a rag out of his pocket holding it over my face.

"Open your mouth, wouldn't want you biting your tongue off." He said snidely, waiting for me as I shook my head. He exhaled slowly, frustrated, he pinched my nose, with his forefingers making my air supply cut off.

"Open your mouth." I shook my head in response.

"He's a stubborn bugger isn't he." Sergeant Drentinger inquired looking at me curiously, after a minute.

"Always will be!" I growled out, just for the rag to be shoved in my mouth.

Sometimes I think I lack common sense.

I hear a chuckle across the room to see Ace with amusement in his eyes, the anger gone.

I breathed in deeply through my nose trying not to panic.

I shouldn't have come here, I should have tried to getaway.

The nurse picked up the bowl with the substance in it mixing it with a brush, what was this art?

Taking the brush out of the gue, the nurse leaned forward over me to my wrist applying it to my skin.

Tingles spread around the spot he put the substance on.

Tingles quickly turned into a burning sensation making me clench my teeth on the rag.

The nurse piled on more and more substance making me cry out.

Stop! I think to myself. Can't he see that the pain is unbearable? My teeth clenched harder on the towel, tears starting to blur my version.

The burning felt like my skin was melting! I couldn't breathe!

Soon my body couldn't take the pain and my mind rejected consciousness and slowly my vision faded bringing me back to the peaceful darkness that almost felt comforting. The burning sensation is now dull but still painful.

I am really enjoying this not going to lie, love writing this book, it's new and fun! Hope you guys enjoy reading! Cya!<3 <3

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