
Changing The Inevitable

Nate and his family would have never believed their ship would be attacked, they were just harmless travelers, traveling to Mundon the planet they were about to move to, or so Nate thought. He wasn't actually sure what his dad did, just that he had a lot of business trips to other planets, and that they were fairly wealthy. But what happens when they're ship is attacked, ravaged, his parents killed, his sister separated from him, he was kidnapped, and he had to learn how to survive, and fast.

saucygirl6643 · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

| Escape |

I woke up with a start. Immediately trying to grab for my hand but I was stopped in the middle of doing so.

I WAS STILL HERE?? My body felt cold on the metal table. I feel so wanted right now t's unbelievable, I joked to myself, giggling slightly. Man, I must be tired I just laughed at my own joke.

I tugged at my restraints frustratingly. Something felt sticky on my hand. Oh well, I'll see the damage to my wrist soon enough.

Hunger ripped through my stomach making me groan. I want real food, good food, not slop from a cow's butt.

The white paneled ceiling suddenly looked entertaining as I started to count the cracks because of how bored I was.

50..51..52..53.. Gosh,

How torn up was this ceiling?

Bang! The sound of the door slamming open, making me physically jump. I stared up at the ceiling not really wanting to see them, or what they were going to do with me now.

"Are you gonna cut me open now?" I Hissed, pulling at my restraints.

"No, but you'll go into procedure soon for The Change." I recognized the male nurse's voice, my blood-boiled.

"Can I get out of this room and to my cabin?" I asked hopefully, maybe I can still escape.

"No." His short reply annoyed me.

"Well, can I at least use the bathroom? Or is that too much to ask?" I said sarcastically.

"I don't know, maybe it would be better if you use a bedpan." He replied even more sarcastic.

He wouldn't dare, I think my dignity would be stripped from me if I used a bedpan, if I didn't have too.

"Ha, ha... Can I use the bathroom now?"

"One second," His buff figure came towards me, starting to unfasten my restraints making me groan in pain from the excruciating tingles rushing up my arms and legs from the lack of blood flow through my limps.

My wrist with the tracker in it now acing dully and painfully. I looked down at my blood-caked hand.

A small bump was seen at the top of the skin showing where the disk was put. How is the skin already healed over?

My finger types ran over the small bump making me shiver.

"Liquid skin, healed your cut pretty well." The nurse said suddenly in front of me.

"What was that black liquid?" I asked shivering at the thought of it.

"Filigern it's an acid, it melds the tracker with your skin." My hand was still bloodied with dried blood on it, it's not that hard to wipe off my hand after I'm unconscious. I scoff mentally.

"Why wasn't I given drugs to help with the pain?" I said angrily.

"Sergeant Drentinger doesn't allow his students to use any pain relief unless their condition is critical. Something about they need to learn pain tolerance." He mumbled pulling me off the table, my legs were wobbly when my feet met the floor.

The world swayed some more making me stumble, because of my weak limbs, the nurse steadied me.

"Take it nice and easy, your legs are gonna be weak for a while, Ace did the restraints a little too tight." His gruff voice said.

After a few minutes of extreme struggle, we made it to the bathrooms.

"So," I said while washing my hands after doing my business. "When will I be changed?"

The tall nurse looks at me through the mirror, as if contemplating if he should tell.

"I reckon in about two hours, you've been out for at least five hours. I was supposed to measure your weight and other things when I came so I could pass the information to the anesthesiologist but I decided you should probably use the bathroom before the procedure. As soon as you had your fiasco about not wanting to be a Lumpkonton, Sergeant Drentinger isn't going to take chances, you'll do the procedure soon."

"I'll be under right? No pain?" I asked, drying my hands on a paper towel. I felt a tingle of regret for trying to fight back

"No, you won't feel a thing," Well at least that was a relief. I don't think my body could take more spurts of nerve ending pain.

"Okay, let's get back to the room."

By the time we made it to the door back to the room I dreaded, I had a plan. My heart thudded in anticipation, waiting for the right moment.

My mind was repeating the same things over and over again, I need to escape, I need to escape...

We entered the room, he put a hand on my shoulder leading me towards the table again.

No. Not again.

I tripped over my shoes making me stumble right into the trolly. Well, I could say it was an accident, but it really wasn't.

The sharp tools scattered along the floor, I fell with his landing on some medical instruments giving me cuts. I picked up one of the scalpels and slid it into my training sleeve.

The nurse muttered a curse helping me up, making me wince slightly when that caused the scalpel in my sleeve to cut the palm of my hand.

"You okay kid?" The nurse asked, looking me up and down. I nodded.

"Please don't strap me down again," I said with a pleading tone hopefully that would sound vulnerable.

"I won't..yet.. I still have to take your weight and do some other tests to make sure the anesthesiologist doesn't overdose you."

It took over ten minutes before he was finished. Strapping me down again, ignoring my protests.

"I would relax, your procedure will start in about an hour and a half." a shiver went through my body.

The nurse left the room with a slam, after staying awhile picking up the scattered instruments on the floor.

I didn't waste any time.

I hissed in pain when the scalpel dug into my wrist, cutting my arm from trying to get it out of my sleeve. The leather restraints make me frustrated.

I sighed in relief once I got it out of my sleeve rubbing the blade against the restraints. The restrain snapped loudly once I cut it all the way.

My breath froze in my chest, my body turning into ice.

The medical door creaked open.

Would they see my restraint cut? All the possibilities ranged through my brain.

Ace. I slid the scalpel into my leave again trying to make the restraint look not cut.

"Just came to wish you luck, you know before changing." He said in a cheery voice walking into the room.

"Save it, you suck," I replied not feeling like life really mattered anymore.

Ace tisked looking down at me.

"You need a shower." He said honestly looking at me. Well no duh sherlock of course I needed a shower.

"I know. You can leave now." Ace didn't look up but studied my hand instead. He traced his hand on my tracker making me shiver.

"Don't touch me," I growled out, looking at the wall in front of me, too exhausted to look him in the eyes.

Cold fingers gripped my face, making me look at him. Anger swimming in his stormy eyes.

"I can do what I want." He said lowly his fingers gripped on my chin. I pulled away looking at the wall, away from his scrutiny.

"The changing won't be too bad, I've done it before." My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"Wait, what? You were not born as a Lumpkonton?" He shook his head, looking at the wall, then looking down at me.

I had so many questions, starting with where he came from.

"Good luck," and with that, he briskly walked out of the room, leaving me confused and bewildered.

The word escape flooded in my mind and I rapidly got out my scalpel. My hand was free. I reached over to my other wrist sawing at it.

I cringed when the scalpel slipped off the leather sliding against my skin making me cry out.

I muttered a curse, the strap snapping off with a pop.

I smiled in triumph, starting on my legs.

My shoes met the floor after I cut off my last restraints.

I walked to the door silently.


I landed on my butt with a thump, the door had hit me right in the face.

I looked up sheepishly.

A skinny man stood in front of me with his mouth open in a wide O.


I kicked his shin making him cry out holding it. Scrambling up I gripped his shirt slamming him to the wall.

He gasped trying to push me off him. I grunted as I threw him to the ground. His glasses fell off his face.

I'm guessing he needed them to see since he was scrambling for his glasses squinting in an attempt to find them.

"Sorry," I mumbled before slamming my foot into his head, he crumbled on the floor, his eyes rolling into his head before laying limp.

I grimaced, that had to hurt.

I rushed to the door opening it before walking down the hallway, quickly, trying not to catch any attention.

The hallways had few people in it, and I quickly exited the medical area walking speedily opening the miny hospital's doors, trying not to act nervously in front of people.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my uniform, nervousness rushing through my body. Is anyone suspicious? I started to jog down the halls, nodding to anyone that passed me.

"Find him! I don't care about your excuses, find him!" An outraged voice yelled. I froze in my spot looking for an escape, a janitor's closet was next to me.

I flew into the closet shutting it silently behind me, my ear against the door as I listened.

"Sir, we looked in his room, he cut the straps, we don't know how long he has escaped."

Sergeant Drentinger's loud voice made me shiver. "Look! I want him found and immediately sedated changed!"

"We're activating his tracker just as we speak, he'll be found soon, rest assured." Their voices started to fade away.

My tracker! I looked down at my wrist. This is going to hurt. I took out my scalpel, shakily bringing it towards my wist.

I bit my cry of pain when I started to cut into the skin above the tracker disk.

My pain caused me to grunt.

This was not going to be fun.

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