
Chance Encounter

They thought they could play her, she will prove them wrong. With help from an unexpected source.

Neytiri85 · General
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26 Chs

Taste of Your Own Medicine!

When Clay shut the door after Mina he had a worried expression on his face as Aiden approached them with Daniel. Aiden didn't miss his expression as he turned to Mina who just sighed.

"It will be ok Clay," she told him.

"But...." he started.

"What's happened?" Aiden asked.

Mina could see Clay was conflicted from telling his boss everything and to keeping her trust. She smiled at the young man, she really was liking being around him.

"I made a date with Ben to get married tomorrow at four," she told them.

Mina couldn't help but burst out laughing at the twin looks of pure shock Aiden and Daniel were sporting.

"But Mina.." started Clay, unsure of what to say.

"Don't worry, I'm not actually going," she said in between her laughter.

Now all three men looked at her confused.

"Then, why did you say you would meet him?" Clay asked.

"Think about it. Firstly, I am already legally married so why would I go and secondly, he made me wait and then cancelled so I am going to do the same thing to him. I can't miss this opportunity. Clay I will need you to be the one that goes to the courthouse, mainly to check he shows up and then to act as my messenger. If you show up at the time I said then tell him I am running behind and sent you ahead or something. Then after four, I will call you or you call me, then tell him I can't make it."

Clay thought it over for a minute before clapping and jumping with joy. He was really excited about this plan. Aiden and Daniel had yet to comment. Mina looked at Aiden who had an unreadable expression on his face whilst Daniel was smiling.

"I like it, Miss Mina," Daniel said.

"Aiden?" Mina asked, his expression hadn't changed.

"Come with me," he demanded taking Mina's wrist gently and leading her to their room.

Once inside he shut the door and pushed Mina against it. Before she could register what was happening his mouth was on hers. He devoured her mouth as her hands slowly came up to wrap around his neck. She kissed him as best as she could before the need for air became too great. When she turned her head to force him to release her, he attacked her neck.

Mina moaned softly as he assaulted her with kisses and nips. His lips and tongue travelled up and down her column making her dizzy.

"Aiden?" she asked and moaned at the same time.

Aiden wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up. She automatically wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked them towards the bed. He continued to lick and kiss her neck as he sat on the bed with her in his lap.

Eventually, he pulled back and smirked at the desire he could see in her eyes. Mina's hazed filled mind took a few seconds to register that he had stopped kissing her and that she was sat on his lap.

"Aiden?" she asked again once she was sure her voice was working.

"For a moment there, I was afraid."

His words instantly sobered her up and she looked at him with concern.

"Afraid? Of what?" she asked, placing one hand on his face.

"That you were going to leave me," he spoke so honestly that it made her heart skip a beat. "I know we have only been together for a few days but I can honestly say I have never felt like this about anyone else. These past few days I have rushed home to see you, I have picked up my phone countless times to call or message you during the day before forcing myself to put it down. I've never liked sleeping in the same bed as someone, but with you, I love having you in my arms as we sleep."

Mina's eyes were wide and her mouth hung open as he poured his heart out to her. Hers had frozen in her chest as had her lungs as she waited.

"When you said you had agreed to meet with that idiot to get married I thought you were unhappy here with me. I thought ....."

Mina didn't allow him to finish as she stopped him with a kiss. She poured as much of her growing feelings for him as she could into it. No one had ever made her feel special or wanted. No one had ever valued her opinion or allowed her to sort things out herself. He had made her feel safe and cherished in just only a few days.

She pulled back and stared into his eyes before finally making a decision to show Aiden just how much she was in this with him. Mina climbed off of his lap and stood facing him. A brief look of hurt flashed across his face until she slowly started undressing in front of him.

Her jacket fell to the floor with a thud as he watched her every move with hungry eyes. Mina smirked slightly when she saw him gulp as she undid her belt before pulling the zipper down. She felt empowered, she felt sexy and desired for the first time in her life. Just before she could push her pants down his hands stopped her. She looked at him quizzically.

"Mina, you don't have to do this. I can wait until you are really ready," he told her.

Mina smiled before taking a small step forward and gently giving him a small kiss. When she stepped back she allowed her pants to fall.

"I am ready," she said.

Aiden eyed her long pale legs. Her top reached just under her butt so she was still covered. With one long deep breath, Mina grabbed the bottom of her top and lifted it over her head. She was now stood in only a pair of panties. Thankfully, her breasts were big enough to not always need a bra and she was glad of that right now.

She stood there waiting as Aiden hungrily scanned her body before standing up. He reached behind her and pulled her long hair out of its bobble before untangling the braid. Her soft hair flowed down her bare back.

"I like it better down," he whispered as he stroked her hair before grazing his hands over her shoulders.

Mina blushed slightly as his hands gently moved up and down her arms. Deciding that she shouldn't be the only one without clothes on she brought her hands up and pushed his dinner jacket off of his shoulders. She then started working on his buttons. One by one she revealed his tanned skin underneath.

Aiden removed his shirt as Mina undid his belt and zipper before pushing his pants down to pool at their feet like hers. He was now stood only in a pair of black boxers and Mina gasped. A very noticeable bulge greeted her.

"See what you do to me," he whispered in her ear before flicking the lobe with his tongue.

He then created a path going down her body. Aiden licked and nipped past her shoulders, in between her breasts and down to her belly button. He kissed around her stomach as his hands grazed down her legs.

Aiden gazed up at her as he grabbed her clothes and helped her step out of them as well as her heels. He then did the same to his own before standing up again. They stared into each other's eyes getting lost in the depths of desire pooling in both.

Mina wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her again, he smiled just before their lips connected. His arms came around her waist as he lifted her once more and turned them around before laying her down on the bed.

He hovered over her, his full body covered hers and she moaned at the contact. Mina could feel his hands explore her body and she arched into his touch. Aiden kneaded her breasts as his mouth devoured hers. One of his legs slid in between hers, rubbing her mound through her underwear.

Mina flung her head back and moaned. Aiden watched her writhe in pleasure underneath him before taking one of her peaks into his mouth. She jerked at the sudden hotness on her sensitive chest. Soon, she could feel her pleasure building.

"Aiden! I'm close!" she panted trying to push him away and pull him closer at the same time.

Aiden smirked against her breast as he continued to tease and rub her.

"Mmmmmm! Oh, Aiden!" she moaned as her body convulsed.

Her orgasm hit her hard and fast. It was more intense than any she had ever had before and they had only touched. Aiden lifted up and smiled at the breathtaking view beneath him. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were lidded and her mouth hung open panting.

"Mina, are you sure you want this? Want me? because once we do this there is no going back," he needed to ask one more time.

Mina nodded frantically.

"Say it," he ordered.

"I'm sure Aiden. Please, make love to me! Now!" she demanded.

Aiden was pleased she hadn't told him to just fuck her. He knew that his heart was lost the minute he first saw her, first tasted her. Now that he had her he was never going to let her go. He would have to make her blissfully happy so that when the year is done she won't even think about leaving.

She lifted her hips and he pulled her underwear down and helped him push his off of her. Mina eyed the full thick length of his cock and licked her lips. She went to touch it and he pulled her hand away.

"Though I would love to feel your hand on me right now, there is something else I want and that's to be inside you."

He reached into the nightstand at his side and pulled out a condom, she eyed him quizzically.

"Though I have agreed to give my grandmother a grandchild, I don't want one just yet. I want to enjoy my new wife for a while first," he said as he wiggled his eyebrows at her, causing her blush to spread further.

She watched him open the wrapper and place the condom on his thick cock. Aiden then brought a hand to her sex. He stroked her up and down and jolts of electric pleasure shot up her spine. Once he felt she was wet enough he lined himself up and slowly pushed forward.

He could feel a little resistance as well as a bit of pain on her face.

"Does it hurt? Should I stop?" He asked, the last he wanted to do was hurt her.

Mina shook her head and gripped his hips, urging him to continue. Slowly, little by little, he edged further in. Drawing out a little before moving back in. It was taking all of his control not to slam into her. She was so tight against him.

Eventually, Mina's whimpers of pain turned into moans of pleasure so he figured it was safe to start moving a little faster. Mina locked her legs around his waist as he leant forward and kissed her. Their tongues battled, mimicking the movement of his hips.

"Aiden, please!" she moaned, again unsure of what she was asking.

Mina wanted something but she had no clue what it was. Her experience with sex was severely lacking so she had no idea what she needed. Aiden seemed to understand her plea as he flipped them and pushed her up.

She was now sat on top of him and his cock had inched even further into her with this new angle. Her back was arched as he gripped her hips and showed her how to ride him. He watched her face as she slowly took control and set the pace.

Mina's hands gripped his chest and he was happy she didn't have long nails. Otherwise, he would find several small cuts on his chest in the morning. She was riding him with abandon now, her hips rising and falling to meet his thrusts.

"I'm cummin!" she shouted just as her walls clenched around him and her body jerked.

Mina fell against his chest as he gently stroked her back. Her body jerked several times before he turned them back over and continued towards his release which he felt was close at hand.

"Aiden!" she moaned grabbing his ass cheeks.

Aiden loved how passionate she was in bed. She grabbed and pulled at him deliciously. He didn't think she was aware she was doing it, and he loved that. Loved how open she was to him. His pleasure started coiling at the base of his spine and soon his thrusts quickened.

"Amina!" he cried out as his hips jerked roughly against her.

Eventually, once he was able to think straight Aiden moved off of her and pulled off the condom, tied it and threw it in the bin. He eyed his wife who was breathing hard with her eyes closed. A smile on her face told him she was happy.

Aiden got off the bed and went into the bathroom. He came out after five minutes to see Mina sat up looking down at he hands, the covers were wrapped around her body. Concealing her beautiful skin from his gaze.

"Mina?" he asked but she didn't look up.

Aiden sat in front of her and took hold of her hands, Mina still wouldn't look at him. He became worried now, she had looked so happy and sated before he left.

'Oh shit!' he thought. 'I left, she must think I wasn't satisfied.'

He wanted to slap himself, he should have known that she would think something bad about herself if he left just after making love to her. No doubt she was thinking she didn't satisfy him or something. Aiden put two fingers under her chin and forced her head up to look at him.

"Stop whatever you are thinking!" he ordered softly. "I went to draw a bath for us, we are both hot and sweaty and a nice bath after sex with help relax your muscles. I know at the end I may have been a bit too rough."

You could see the moment when she understood as her cheeks blushed even more than they had as they made love. He chuckled as she tried to hide her face in the covers. Aiden allowed her a moment before pulling them away and picking her up.

"Come, wife! Let's relax that body of yours," he whispered seductively in her ear as she giggled.


The next day Mina couldn't help but smile as she sat at the kitchen counter. Aiden had made love to her again in the bath after allowing her to rest for two minutes. He then curled her around him as they both fell into a restful sleep. She awoke still wrapped around him. At first, she wasn't sure why she had awoken so early but then she felt his hand in between her legs and his mouth on her neck.

If he had his way he would have ravished her right then and there but she knew he had to get ready for work. She told him to behave just as he inserted a finger inside her. Mina moaned and cried out as her orgasm hit her. Aiden smirked as he brought his fingers up to his mouth to taste her.

Mina stared at him in shock before playfully pushing him away, calling him a devil in disguise.

"You'll be late for work," she chastised him as he smirked.

"I'm the boss, I can arrive whenever I want," he said trying to grab her again.

Thankfully, Daniel had knocked reminding him of an important meeting they had to prepare for. He had reluctantly gotten up and sulked when she denied his request to join him in the shower.

"Well, someone is happy this morning," Clay teased as he walked in.

Mina blushed and tried to hide her face but it was already too late.

"Oh no point hiding from me hun, I can tell when someone has had the night of their life and you honey, are blushing brighter than a ruby."

"Shut up," she told him trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Fine, fine. I'll stop," he agreed. "So, what's the plan today?"

"Well actually, I have been thinking about getting a job. When I was talking with Aiden's grandmother she mentioned that there was a job for a manager at the hospital. I had told her I had wanted to go back to work when she remembered I had managed one of my families hotels she had offered me the job if I wanted it. So, can you ring her and see when she is available to discuss it," I asked him.

Clay nodded and took out his phone, she waited as he talked with whoever was at the other end of the phone until finally, he ended the call.

"She said to come by at half 12 for a long lunch and you both can have a good long chat about it," he smiled at her.

"Oh! That might make me a bit late for my wedding," she teased with a smirk, Clay laughed.


It was now three o'clock. She was still with Aiden's grandmother. Elle had been delighted when she called about the job the very next day, so she told her assistant to make sure her afternoon was clear so she could spend as much time with her as she could.

"Excuse me, Miss Danvers, Miss Mina. I have to get going or I will be late for that appointment," Mina smiled at him and Elle waved him off.


It was now half-past three and Mina still hadn't arrived at the courthouse. Ben scowled as he paced around the lobby. Lola glared at him from her seat.

"I really don't see why you are marrying her," she complained again.

She had been pouting ever since Ben told her he planned on marrying Mina today. Ben stopped his pacing, glared at her before sitting down next to her.

"I told you. The time I've been waiting for is happening. Her family are starting to get back in touch and I need to secure my place before they are fully back. You should see the house they have given her, it's perfect. I will marry her, move in and then suggest you can move into one of the rooms so that we can work better or something. I'll think of a better excuse later," he told her stroking her cheek.

"Can you imagine! Having sex as your doting wife sleeps in the next room. It will be like old times," Lola laughed.

Ben chuckled too as he pictured how clueless Mina would be. She had no idea that she is just a tool to him, always has been. Ben's amusement is cut short when he sees Mina's assistant approaching them without Mina.

"Where is she?" he demanded angrily.

"Who's this?" Lola asked.

"Hello, I'm Clay Rodgers Miss Mina's assistant. Her family hired me for her. Miss Mina is sorry but she is running a little behind. She had an impromptu meeting with her grandmother, she sent me ahead to let you know she is on her way," Clay said before taking a seat in front of them.

'Mina, the jerk and a woman, who I am assuming is the slut, are both here. I told them what you said about meeting your grandmother,' Clay texted her before taking a sneaky photo of the pair in front of him.

'Yeah, that is the slut aka Lola. I bet Ben's eyes shone with happiness at the mention of my 'grandmother', and Lola most likely looked like she'd sucked a lemon, lol,' she texted back.

After another half an hour it was now past their time to go in. Ben was seething as he tried to convince the clerk to wait another ten minutes. When he returned to the group he rounded on Clay.

"Where is she? She needs to be here in the next ten minutes or we lose our slot!" he demanded again.

"Hold on, I'll give her a ring," Clay said before moving away from the pair.

Lola was hoping that Mina had been in an accident or something equally terrible and that she wasn't going to make it. That meant she could still have Ben all to herself. Ben glared at Clay as he watched him talk on the phone.

"I'm sorry, but Miss Mina isn't going to make it. Her grandmother wanted to take her for an early dinner and she couldn't refuse. She asked if you could book another time and she would try and make it. Though she isn't sure when she will next be free," Clay told them before bowing and walking off.

Ben seethed whilst Lola smiled. She wrapped her arm around his and cooed in his ear.

"Don't worry babe, I'll make you feel better back at the office."

Ben angrily pulled his arm away and stormed off. He furiously pulled his phone out and tried calling Mina. It rang and then went to voicemail, each time he rang. Lola stood gobsmacked as she watched him storm off before rushing to follow him.

Clay secretly videoed the moment before returning to Mina. They both had a good laugh when they watched Lola's face go from happy to shocked. Mina could imagine that Lola thought she had Ben in the palm of her hand. However, it's always Ben pulling the strings. Now he knows how it feels to be the one that's pulled.

What do you think?

What will Ben do next?

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