
Chance Encounter

They thought they could play her, she will prove them wrong. With help from an unexpected source.

Neytiri85 · General
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26 Chs

Surprise Visits

Mina stirred in her sleep. Her phone was buzzing at the nightstand waking both her and Aiden up. Aiden reached an arm over to pick it up.

"It's him again," he said looking at the screen before passing her the phone.

Mina eyed it sleepily before rejecting the call and turning her phone on to silent. Aiden put it back and then pulled her closer to him. Her head was laid on his chest whilst one of her legs wrapped around his.

"Why is he calling at three in the morning?" he asked groggily when it started flashing again.

The pair had only finished making love not half an hour before. He had called during but both were oblivious.

It had been a week since she couldn't make their wedding and she had over one hundred missed calls from him, he would even call in the middle of the night. Mina smirked when she imagined Lola's face every time he tried calling her.

She imagined Lola thought that Mina was still clueless and in love with Ben. Neither of them had any idea that she was the one playing both of them instead of the other way round.

Knock! Knock!

Aiden groaned and growled.

"What!" he shouted.

"I'm sorry sir to disturb you both, but the jerk is at the gates again. He's been there for a few hours and is refusing to leave until he sees Mina," Clay called out.

Mina sighed before getting up and getting dressed. She had contemplated wearing Aiden's shirt but decided against it. Mainly because Aiden was larger than Ben and Ben would instantly know it wasn't his and also because when she wore it a few days ago Aiden had ravished her at the kitchen counter. Luckily Daniel and Clay had been out.

"Who?" he asked confused as he sat up and watched her.

She smiled at him as she leaned over to give him a quick kiss.

"That's what he calls Ben," she said before leaving Aiden chuckled.

As she approached the main gate with Clay behind her she could see another man stood next to Max. Clay seemed to read her thoughts as he moved to walk next to her.

"That is Lucas, he is the night shift guard. He is Max's younger brother. Don't worry he also knows what he should and shouldn't say," he said.

As Mina approached she could see similarities in the pair. They both were huge, hulking men with short brown spiked hair. Max had tattoo's on both arms were as Lucas only had one arm covered. Max's face was all hard lines and scowls were as Lucas's had a softer look to him.

"I'm sorry for waking you Miss Mina," Max said in a surprisingly soft voice, not one she had expected to hear from him. "This is my brother Lucas, he guards the gate at night. This man has refused to leave, no matter what we say."

Lucas nodded to her, his eyes went from steel cold to soft when he turned his gaze from Ben to her. She smiled and nodded at him in greeting, momentarily ignoring a seething Ben.

"Nice to meet you, Lucas. Please feel free to call me Mina," she said as she held her hand out to him.

His big hand engulfed hers entirely as he gave it a soft shake. Finally, she turned to look at Ben.

"Do we all know each other now?" he said sarcastically. "Have we all been introduced? Should I say who I am huh? because these oaf's don't seem to know who I am."

"Ben," Mina said with a sigh.

"Tell them, Mina! Tell them I'm your fiance and should be allowed to speak and see you whenever I want!" he yelled.

"Keep your voice down!" Max growled at him and Ben rightfully looked a little scared.

"What took you so long to come out huh? I've been here for two hours," he asked her keeping his voice low.

"Ben, what time is it?" she asked in a level toned voice.

Ben looked at his watch.

"It's 3 AM," he said, oblivious.

"So if you arrived two hours ago what would that time have been?" she sounded like she was trying to get a small child to understand his mistake.

"1 AM," he said still oblivious.

"Did you really think I would be awake at that time?" she asked him, giving up on the idea he may come to the realisation himself.

"Well, I..." he stuttered.

"Ben I was asleep, I went to bed around eleven that's why they wouldn't come and get me. I have had a long day and wanted to sleep early. Why are you here so late?" she asked.

"You've been avoiding my calls, I was worried," he said softly.

"I haven't been avoiding them, Ben, I've been busy. You know I always planned to go back to work, getting back in touch with my family has provided me with that chance. So, I haven't had the free time to take your calls," Mina smiled at him.

Ben's eyes lit up at the mention of her family. He ignored the fact that she was going back to work, he never wanted her to work. At home, he could control her more but at work, especially within the family business, he had no say in what she did.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry Mina I hadn't realised, if you had taken just one of my calls then I would have known that. You should have told me," he said making it her fault.

"Of course, I should have told you," she said playing along. "It's late Ben, I'm going to go back inside. Goodnight," she said as she turned to leave.

"Wait!" he called. "Don't I get a kiss goodnight?"

Mina's eyes widened slightly, not enough to alert Ben but still, she was surprised. She looked at Clay, Max and Lucas. Clay was looking at her equally concerned whilst Max and Lucas still glared at Ben. Then she smiled.

"Normally I would Ben, but you know I am shy," she pointedly looked at the three men around them.

"Oh yes, of course," he said.

Mina wasn't sure if he looked disappointed or annoyed. He had never shown her any public displays of affection, not since he took her from her family. So, why was he asking for it now?

"Oh and Ben please no more surprised visits, especially in the middle of the night. People need their sleep, uninterrupted. If you want to see me you will have to call Clay, he will be with me most of the day," she said before walking inside and back to Aiden.

When she entered the room he was looking at an iPad with a smile on his face. He quickly turned it off and looked up at her.

"What were you looking at?" she asked.

Aiden lifted the iPad and showed her. On the screen, she had a clear view of Max, Lucas and Ben at the front gate. She raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked whilst turning up the volume.

".... How much would it cost?" Ben asked the two men. "Come on, everyone has a price. Her birthday is next week, I want to plan a surprise for her. Whilst she is out I will come in and set it up. I just need you to let me in, so how much?"

Max and Lucas said nothing, nor did they move. They were like lifesized statues. If it wasn't for the slight breeze ruffling their clothes and the slight clenching of their jaws, then they could have been mistaken for statues.

"Come on guys, I'll pay anything if you just let me inside. Mina won't be angry at you. Especially, if I tell her you guys helped set up the surprise and you don't even have to," he bribed again, and again, he was met with silence and cold stares.

"Ok, ok. I'll give you a few days to think about it, " he said defeated before driving away.

Aiden turned to her and noticed the look of pain and sadness on her face.

"What's wrong?" he asked taking hold of her hands.

"It's nothing," she said sadly.

"Tell me," he asked softly.

"Every year for his birthday, I would plan all kinds of surprises. These past few years he either never showed up or he was several hours late. All this time he has never done anything to surprise me on my birthday, or anything at all. I was always the one planning my own birthday meal, the past three years I never bothered."

"Ok, so it looks like he will try something this year," he said.

"That's the problem. My birthday isn't for another two months," a stray tear fell down her face before she angrily wiped it away. "After all this time he still doesn't know when my birthday is."

"Don't worry about him anymore," Aiden cooed in her ear before placing a soft kiss on her neck. "He doesn't matter and never will again."

Mina nodded and wrapped her arms around Aiden as they laid back down. His soft caress helped ease her mind and heart as she finally let go of the last bit of good feeling she had for him.


The next morning was her first day working as the new manager for the department that handled admission and the accounts. She would be working almost under Aiden but mainly with her new grandmother.

Aiden had reluctantly agreed to behave at work and treat her like another employee. However, she wasn't expecting him to be able to manage that when they were alone together. Thankfully, she had a good team of people under her so all she had to do was mainly supervise them and make sure the books were all in order as well as timetabling the staff.

Everyone was warm and friendly towards her and she found her earlier nerves had vanished quickly. They knew she was from the Logan family but they didn't treat her like she was. She had made a simple mistake and they told her about it and explained what to do next time. No one had ever done that before.

At lunch, both Aiden and Elle came to see how she was doing. Mina had been worried that their arrival would start rumours within the staff but Elle assured her that everyone that works for her hospitals has to sign confidentiality agreements that have a very hefty penalty.

She explained it was because of her family, in the past, they had problems with information being leaked to the media so she took steps to make sure that didn't happen again.

The rest of the afternoon flew by and Mina was exhausted but on cloud nine. When she returned home Aiden had dinner on the table all ready for her. He had lit some candles and was playing soft jazz in the background. In her place was a single rose with a small jewellery box.

Clay put a hand dramatically over his heart and almost swooned, which made Mina laugh. Daniel pulled him away and Clay waved at her. Mina put her bag and jacket down and smiled as Aiden came to give her a kiss.

"What's this?" she asked once he finished exploring her mouth.

She could feel her heart constricting. No one had ever surprised her like this. Ben's surprises were a pizza and some almost withered flowers that had been on offer at the local store.

"Well, it was your first day and I wanted to surprise you," he smiled down at her, his eyes shone with everything he felt.

Aiden moved closer to the table and picked up the small box.

"Aiden, you didn't have to buy me anything," she said with a smile.

"I know, I wanted to," he told her.

She kissed him before opening the box. Mina gasped when she saw what was inside. A small silver heart necklace. It was simple but beautiful and she was near to tears. She turned to Aiden and pulled him down for the most passionate kiss she could do.

He gripped her hips and moaned into her mouth. He allowed her to ravish his mouth before moving down her neck, she moaned his name breathlessly.

"If you keep saying my name like that then we won't get to eat anything," he whispered into her ear.

Mina stood back and pulled out her phone before dialling Clay's number.

"Clay, come back with Daniel and enjoy the meal. Aiden and I are not that hungry."

She ended the call and smiled sexily at Aiden. He laughed and picked her up before almost racing back to their room. Mina squealed in delight and happiness, something she hadn't felt in a long time.


A few days later Mina was sat with Aiden, Daniel and Clay in his office for a meeting. Aiden had insisted that Daniel and Clay could leave them but Mina had told them to stay. When he pouted at her she laughed.

"If they leave us alone we won't get any work done," she had told him.

Clay laughed whilst Daniel smiled a little, Aiden was still pouting. They had been going for about an hour before they were interrupted.

"Miss you can't go in there!"

Tanya stormed in followed by Aiden's secretary.

"I'm sorry Mr Danvers, she just barged past me," she explained apologetically.

"It's ok Maggie," he said.

Maggie nodded and closed the door whilst he stood and faced Tanya.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

Tanya ignored him and walked to his desk and sat down in his chair.

"Finish your meeting first, I'll wait," she said with a smile.

Aiden glared at her and didn't move. Mina started to collect her things.

"Would you like us to come back later?" she asked, the glare he gave her was all the answer she needed to sit back down and watch.

"This is better than a soap opera," Clay whispered in her ear.

"Tanya, I asked what are you doing here?" Aiden spoke in a sterner voice as Daniel came to stand next to him.

"Miss Collins now is not a good time. As you can see we are busy," he told her.

Tanya scanned the other two in the room and instantly stood. She was wearing a long dark overcoat. Mina had a feeling she knew what she was wearing underneath and she wanted to throw up.

"Who's this?" she asked moving closer to Mina.

"She is none of your concern," Aiden said standing almost in front of Mina protectively. "Tanya I asked you a question and I expect an answer. This is my place of business."

"Aiden, you know why I'm here," she cooed at him.

They all watched as she undid the tie to her coat and let it drop. Two sets of eyes widened whilst the other two glared.

What do you think she is wearing?

Who is shocked and who is glaring?

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