
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Stop The Time

After John leaves the office.

"Oh well, you heard him I will go first I need to prepare before I leave".

Madara looks at Hashirama, "Yeah see you soon then."

Hashirama waves his hands and leaves the office. Madara also leaves the office and continues his patrol around the city and gathers information at the same time.

Hashirama went to his room and pack some of his clothes, a lot of Kunai and explosive tags, and a week's worth of food inside a large scroll.

While Madara and Hashirama doing their work, John returns to his workshop located on the 4th floor of the Balete Company store.

I stretch my arm and then took a deep breath and then sigh, "Ok then let's continue hammering those metals."

With masterful movement, John took a Mithiral and started to heat it in the furnace.

In the break room of the company located on the 5th floor of the Balete Company store. You can see a woman and a man facing each other while sitting on the sofa on the opposite side facing each other.

The identity of these two is Miu and Jura, Miu took a sip of her tea and then opened her mouth and said, "So why did you call me here Brother," Jura didn't beat around the bush and said directly. "Did you give that eye to John?"

"Yes," Miu replied with a calm face.

Hahaha! "To think he managed to control That eyes and make it his own, as expected to the Brother of Lord Vector and the Brother in the law of Her Excellency Lord Blank"

Jura continued, "Also to think that you fall in love with him and stalk him for so long. Hahaha!!! My stomach haha!!"

Miu blushed and did not reply, Jura and Miu, continue to talk with each other while Jura continue to tease her sometimes, but when Miu had enough, Miu created a true void outside the Reality that she was in right now and she force-fully teleported Jura into that newly created True Void, Jura has no time to react and he is forcefully dragged in the True Void. On that day, no one saw Jura's figure.

John continues to forge until evening, John went outside his forge and then headed to the Hostess Of Fertility.

John plan to accompany Madara to his patrol, John and Madara will meet up at the top of Babel Tower at 11:30 pm.

7:00 pm In the lively street of Orario, John is walking on the street heading to the Hostess Of Fertility.

After an hour of walking, he arrives at the pub.

"Welcome Customer!! Oh, your the kid that Syr invited." Anya said with surprise on her face.

My mouth twitched when I heard her calling me a kid. "I'm already 16 you know." Anya blink in surprise, she did not say anything after a few minutes, "This way customer." Anya just led me to the chair near the counter and leave without saying anything.

I didn't mind her and just order my dinner, "Mama Mia, 4 roasted chicken and 3 glasses of milk please."

"Yeah just wait there, kid!"

A few minutes later, tad!! ," Here's your order, you like milk and chicken huh." Mama Mia said while putting my order in front of me.

"It's my favorite food and drink."

Mama Mia nodded her head and said, "I keep that in mind so that your money always be spent here," after saying that she returned to serve another customer. The waitress who is eavesdropping on them takes a note in their mind about John's favorite foods.

I ate silently while observing my surroundings, with my kin hearing I can hear all their conversations in the pub clearly like I was only next to them. After a few minutes, I managed to hear some suspicious conversation between two men in a hood.

"They Managed to find our nest, the red hair goddess, the eye patch goddess, and that s*x goddess will send their Familia tonight to hunt us down." Said the brown-hooded man with a worried tone.

"Don't worry, boss already devised a plan and call some backup from that organization." Reply by the black hooded man.

With a low laugh, the brown-hooded man said, "Haha, Those bitches are dead, if that organization is moving the entire city of Orario will be destroyed in a night, after all that organization is a group of monsters."

The black hooded man grinned and said, "By the way, the boss said that don't touch Tsubaki, Sword Princess, and Reveria."


"Boss plan to make them his Private playthings."

With a twisted smile brown hooded and he replied, "I'll keep that in mind."

"Also those two Amazon sisters are mine ok." the black-hooded man added with a threatening tone.

The brown hooded man wave his hand dismissively and said, "Don't worry I have no interest in those girls, my interest is in Eina I was planning to kidnap her tonight when the two sides are clashing."

"You're cunning."

"Nah that's only a coincidence."

the two hooded men continue their conversation in a low voice while laughing.

Hearing their whole discussion I sigh deeply and muttered in a low voice, "I want to leave you alone and just watch from the sideline, but I changed my mind John is a bit irritated about what the two hooded men were talking about," I lowered my head and secretly open my Rinne Sharingan and activates a Dojutsu called Death Embrace, this Dojutsu can kill anything as long as I will it.

At the moment of activation of the Dojutsu Death Embrace, the two hooded men that I wanted to kill immediately collapse to their table and die instantly without knowing how did they die. After doing that I close my Rinne Sharingan and continue to eat

every customer in the pub stopped and look at the two hooded men for a moment, but they immediately dismissed it and returned to eat their meal and celebrate, they all thought that they are just drunk.

Lunoire who was near the table of the two hooded men walk towards the two.

"Sir wake up I ask you to leave now if you're already drunk." Lunoire shake the two to wake them up, but no matter how many times she tried to wake them up, they never did.

Lunoire had a bad feeling and she tried to check their pulse. She can't feel any pulse at all. At this time Lunoire realizes that they are dead, she opens her wide in shock and screams, "Ahh! Ah!!"

All the customers stop their activities and look towards the scream. The other waitresses of the Hostess went to Lunoire.

Mama Mia that on the counter just looks towards the scream calmly.

I on the other hand just continue to eat my dinner calmly like there is nothing happened, but inwardly I am sweating coldly, shit I didn't think that through, who thought that killing those two scum is a good idea, now the Hostess of Fertility has a chance to be accused of food poisoning. I hope that no one was dumb enough to take dis opportunity to destroy this pub's image after all these pub waitresses along with Mama Mia have a powerful combat force for a pub.

"Lunoire, what is going on," Syr asks in a worried tone.

With trembling hands, Lunoire pointed her hand at the two men on the floor and reply, "They are dead."

The whole pub went silent and all the people in the pub couldn't react or speak at all. But 2 minutes later. An uproar started.

"What's going on, did they just die."

"Hey there is no wound on their body and no one attacked the two how could they die."

"Yes, there is no injury at all."

In the crowd, a chubby man wearing flashy clothing with a nasty smile on his face, muttered, "This is my chance."

The man took a deep breath and shouted, "They might be food poisoned."

Hearing this the other customers started to whisper and some started to doubt the cleanliness of the Hostess Of Fertility foods. The other waitress started to get worried, but before got escalated any further John took a move.

John opened his Rinne Sharingan again and activated a Dojustsu called Alfos King of All Time and Space.

"Alfos." At the moment of activation, the time of the whole universe including the multiverse stopped, and the scoop of the dojutsu kept growing until it envelops the whole omniverse and then go even further and covered the whole realm and then the whole reality where John was in the right now. This all happened in an instant.

Everything, in reality, stopped, except for the God Of All that where in this reality right now. Miu and Jura are not affected by this Dojutsu including the God Of All who created and own this reality.

John looks around with his Rinne Sharingan and sighs, in John's eyes, everything stopped indicating that the time of the whole world stopped, no not just the world base on what John felt, but the whole time of the entire reality stopped. after a few minutes, He fills that someone was looking at him.

John knows that the gaze came from the God Of All who owns and created this reality, I look towards the direction where I felt the gaze, My sight penetrated the world, then the galaxy, then the universe, then the multiverse, then the Gigaverse, then the Megaverse, then The Dimension, then The Omniverse, then the Mortal Realms, then the realms and beyond, then the reality. My sight kept traveling beyond reality and surpassing the law and concept of infinity and distance to reach the True Void that was connected to the Reality that I was in.

After a millisecond I found the True Void that I was looking for, I can feel that the gaze came from the inside this True Void so I continue and penetrated my sight inside the True Void, the moment my sight is in the True Void I saw the Beautiful female God Of All that was directly looking at my eyes, this beautiful God Of All is the one where the gaze that I felt came from. all this happened in a second.

The moment I saw her perfect figure and the heavenly appearance of a female God Of All I said, "Sorry for the disturbance Lord Velmora, I will return the time afterward." I know this female God Of All identity from the information that I found inside the library of my clan when I am still alive.

Velmora is the God of All who owns and created the reality where John is in.

In a true void where no one can reach and enter it except for a God Of All.

Inside this void, there is a beautiful woman with a curvaceous body, her figure is perfect like she is the definition of the Golden ratio, with golden color eyes, very long silver hair, and her skin is white as snow like Miu's skin. She wears a tight white vestment model into a dress, This beautiful woman was Velmora the God Of All who created the concept and law of magic and the creator and owner of the reality where John was in. This is the God Of All where the gaze came from and the God Of All that John saw inside the True Void.

Velmora has the body size of True Infinite, and her hair is straight silver and has a length of Unknown because of the length of her hair, her hair covered the whole True Void that she was living in. And he can manipulate her hair and extend it until it covers All existence and All if he wills it.

Velmora replied directly to John's mind. Inside John's mind he heard a heavenly voice that can charm everything, John who heard this heavenly voice is not affected by it, after all, John become used to this level of voice because his wife Miu has the beauty that can trample all and a voice that has a same level to the voice of Velmora.

(Every Female God Of All has unimaginable beauty and voice that no one can rival or resist except their race).

"It was nothing so don't worry." after that reply, John did not hear Velmora's voice again, John sighed and thought luckily she is not angry, I managed to avoid a troublesome fight.

John walks into the unmoving world toward the two hooded men that died. Along the way, he passes through the people that were frost in time, he continues to walk until he arrived at the back of the five beautiful waitresses of Hostess of Fertility.

John continues to walk until he arrived in front of the five waitresses, there in front of the waitresses, you can see the dead body of the two hooded men. John activates another Dojutsu.

"Destroy." after that words fell the corpse of the two hooded men is destroyed and returned to nothing, all the evidence and memory that they are alive and existed were destroyed and returned to nothing, and no one will remember the two. The two hooded men will never be reincarnated because John also destroyed their souls and returned them to nothing

After erasing the two hooded men, I returned to my sit and continue eating as there nothing had happened, I close my Rinne Sharingan and deactivated my Dojutsu at that moment the time of the entire reality started to move again and return to normal.