
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Report And The Farm Village Plan

I was woken up by the light of the sun passing through the gap in the curtains, I look at the wall clock and saw that it was only 5:10 am, it is still early, but oh well I need to finish my forging today so, I need to raise early anyways.

I tried to stand up, but I can't move at all, I felt that someone was hugging both of my arms and also I can feel someone is sleeping on top of me. I move the blanket away using my Dojutsu called telekinesis. the blanket moved side way revealing the figure of my wife Miu Hugging my right arm with a comfortable expression on her flawless face, Featherine hugging my left arm while drooling, and lastly, Ajimu sleeping on top of me while sleep talking.

Seeing them I didn't panic and already know what is happening, Miu let Featherine and Ajimu enter here, I am not a Fool so I already know that Miu approve of Featherine and Ajimu. They both have feelings toward me, I and Miu already noticed this.

I use teleportation to get out of bed without disturbing them I slowly open the door and leave. I went to the kitchen to cook something, but when I was about to enter I heard some sound of someone cooking, I went inside and I was surprised to see Jura cooking breakfast for everyone, he already cooks a lot.

"Jura, what you are doing?"

"Oh this I am preparing breakfast, you can see my dish over there," Jura replied while pointing to the plates on the table."

"You can cook?"

"Hey, That's rude you know, anyways your portion is over there"

"Thanks," I took the plate and went to the dining hall, the dining hall still empty. I ate there and afterward I headed to my workplace to start Forging for today.

Arriving at my workplace I started to heat some Mithril in the furnace while applying my Mythical Chakra during the heating prosses. After the Mithril turn Red I started to use my mythical chakra to mold it like a sword after that I took out the molded Mithril to the anvil and started hammering it with a hammer that weights Beyond Infinite, I control the strength of my hammer in each strike, I can precisely control on how much weight that I apply in each of my hammerings, right now I was only using 300,000 tons of the weight of the hammer, Also each strike of my Hammer I transfer my Mythical Chakra to the magic sword that I was forging and use that Mythical Chakra to form a root-like magic rune on the blade of the sword.

With each hit, the rune keeps increasing like the roots of a tree that kept growing to the earth. After an hour of hammering the sword is finally finished, This sword is a magic sword with a design of a long sword, the handle is made of wood from the Worlds trees covered by a red dragon skin made into leather, and the tip of the handle has a red magic stone covered by a clear and tough crystal that cannot be broken by normal means.

The blade of the sword is ashen Black with root-like green runes that cover the blade. The blade constantly releases a sound similar to a heartbeat like a sword is alive. I Check my work and I was satisfied that I manage to create this masterpiece.

"I will call you Ashfolt The Dragon Eater."

The sword started to absorb some Mythical Chakra from John, after a moment the sword stopped absorbing and the blade started to emit a green light and then subsided after a few minutes, the sword's appearance doesn't change but the amount of Mana it has already reach in an alarming level, this sword is already powerful enough to destroy a continent or two.

And if someone manages to know its true name and liberate its true power, destroying multiple multiverses in a single strike is very easy. This long sword is a bit similar to Zanpakuto.

I look at my work and sigh this is still too strong, I can easily create a weak sword, but sometimes I was carried away and ended up making a stronger sword instead. This weapon is very strong in the Mortal Realms, but in front of a True God, this weapon is only barely qualified as Peeler Knife.

Oh well, this work of mine will become stronger again if fully liberated though, in its full liberation, this long sword can destroy countless realities and can heavily injure a True God.

after looking at my work I decided to not sell it and put it in my Storage space, Right after that I continue to create another weapon, but this time I will create a weak weapon that was suitable to use in this world, an hour later I manage to create another magic sword, but this time the strength has only had the power to destroy the one-eyed black dragon and can destroy an entire kingdom in a single swing, yep this weapon still too much for this world to use try again.

I create another magic sword again and after an hour again I manage to create a magic sword with the strength to destroy a small town, this sword is unbreakable in this world and also God has only a chance to destroy it, This sword has a powerful ability to grow along with their owner similar to the knife used by Bell Crenel made by Hephaestus.

I look at this work and said, "This weapon is only be sold to the first class adventurer, this is not suitable to be sold to the public".

I put the sword on the special displays in the store, and after doing that I made a sword again after 10 minutes I create a sword on the level used by a level 2 to 3 adventurer, the sword can use until the shallow part of the deeper floors of the dungeon.

I continue to forge until it reaches noon when I get out of my workshop, Ajimu is there to greet me with a towel in her hand, she handed the tower to me, and I accept it with a grateful smile on my face.

"Keep up the Good work, John". Ajimu said with a gentle smile on her face.

"Thanks", I took the towel and then pat Ajimu's head, Ajimu's smile become wider when I did this.

"Your head pat is very addictive as ever". Ajimu said with a satisfied face.

We headed towards the dining hall while Ajimu is hugging my arm between her chest. we arrived at the Dining hall after 5 minutes. the Dining hall are already full of people, in the distance, I saw Miu waving at me with a loving smile on her face, beside her I saw Featherine is doing a gesture saying nice Job to Ajimu.

Ajimu and I walk towards them, I sat between Miu and Featherine while Ajimu sat on the left side of Miu.

After that We start our lunch, Like the last time everyone is enjoying themselves, Meliodas, Ban, Hashirama, Goku, Saitama, Kamina, and Simon is doing their usual friends bickering while others just sat there and eating their food peacefully, or enjoying their lunch while having a lively conversation. and me As usual, I was fed by Featherine, Ajimu, and Miu.

After the lively lunch, I went to my office, Madara and Hashirama submitted some important reports so I went there.

Madara and Hashirama recount in detail what happened when they are patrolling last night, after an hour.

"So John what we are going to do with those slaves," Hashirama said.

Madara only quietly waits on John's reply.

I put my left hand on my chin and thought, [There are at least 450 slaves that Hashirama and Madara rescued last night, 300 of them were women and the rest is men, their average age is 16 to 17 and the youngest of them were 10 year old and the oldest was 40, I think I can implement that plan to them].

I opened my mouth, "Hashirama lead all the slaves outside the city using the tunnels tonight, and heads northeast 100 km away from the city, in that place you will see a wide grassland and an untouchable lake, in that place, there is still no village or settlement built there so it's very suitable for them to restart a new life there and also help us to create our Village farm that can produce some vegetables and fruits for our company".

I pause for a moment and continue, " Anyone who doesn't want to follow us and wants to leave don't stop them and only make them remember that our company is open to accepting them if they want to come." Madara and Hashirama nodded their head in understanding.

Seeing this I nodded my head and added, Madara, will stay in the city and continue to monitor this city while Hashirama will help the X slaves to escape from this city and build our Village Farm.

Hashirama nodded his head and went to his room to prepare for tonight's mission, After talking, I leave my office and went to continue my Forging.