
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

The Truth

Penelope: Brother I haven't seen you in a while and I barely get to see you at all. We used to hang out all the time when we were kids but after you started your martial training you haven't even come to see me... I need an explanation

Penelope pouted with her hands on her hips and she waited for an answer. Revan walked over and sat on her bed, "Sit down first, I have a lot to explain..."

Penelope noticed the seriousness on Revan's face. She walked over and sat beside him. Her bed was a good fit for her status, royal and floral in design. They accentuated her personality well. Her bed had 4 gold pillars at each of the corners, Revan had never seen a bed like that before.

Revan had great patience with Penelope. He let her ask whatever she wanted and answered each and every question. He focused on her eyes the entire time, he noticed that they were filled with emotions as she spoke. Innocence, naivety, kindness, and love. There wasn't an ounce of negative emotion within her eyes that Revan could detect.

Penelope: I have one more question, so how was school..... find anyone you like yet

Revan rolled his eyes, "I'm not some type of beast, I focus on my studies because that is the most important thing for me right not, women can wait. Why would I need women around me if you'll be taking care of me"

Penelope smiled and it instantly brightened the room, "Awh, when did my brother become such a softy. But.... that was a joke, now it's time for my real question. I want to know more about your training brother, can you tell me about the specifics, father never tells me about stuff like that, he says it's only for men and women should be more delicate."

Revan: Ha, hasn't father always been like that.

Revan looked at her dead on, the atmosphere of the room became much less playful and much more serious, you could hear a pin drop.

Revan: Umm, about that. You want the truth....

Penelope was vehemently nodding her head.

Revan let out a long sigh, "Alright, I'll tell you but I'm going to need your help, and you must swear not to tell anyone else, not even father or mother."

Penelope thrusted her pinky up into the air and it interlocked with Revan's, "pinky promise, I won't tell anyone, not a soul will know unless you give me permission."

Revan: Alright, I trust you. During my martial training I actually underwent some intense training and I got into some trouble. We're only supposed to start cultivating our chakras after our 18th birthday. If we don't have someone much stronger looking over us..... our chakras will go out of control and we will receive cultivation backlash. I didn't have anyone near me to help but I still decided to try and cultivate my root chakra. It was going well until it felt like I hit a wall I couldn't breakthrough. I over stressed my body and didn't listen to it, I lost consciousness that night and when I woke up there were pieces of my memory that I forgot, I nearly forgot how even you looked, Penelope

After making up that entire story Revan looked at Penelope to see her reaction. She was all ears and very attentive, there was no hint of rejection. Revan thought, "Good, that story I made up worked. I'm sorry Penelope but I can't just come out and say that I came here from a planet called Earth and the Revan you used to know is no longer here. My name on Earth is Revan as well but in due time you'll know the actual truth."

Revan snapped back from reality and when he did he noticed that he was being embraced by Penelope. She was tearing up a bit, "BROTHER, promise me next time that you won't go out training alone, or at least promise that you won't cultivate your chakras before you turn 18 ever again!"

Revan hugged her back, "I promise."


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