
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Penelope Lazos

Revan followed behind Tao Tai. There were guards on both sides, the stone courtyard was quite vast. The guards bowed when they spotted Revan, "Greetings, Second Young Master!"

Revan waved at them as he walked by. He entered through the main gates and went around the main building. There was one golden door with jewels placed throughout it. Tao Tai took a few steps in front of Revan and went to open the door. Before he opened the door, a voice came out and opened the door from within. It was a sweet and soft voice, it was something akin to fresh spring and cherry blossoms. It was a breath of fresh air. "Brotherrr, you're back!"

A cute little girl with sleek black hair came out. Her hair curled at the ends and her small nose and big eyes only worked to accentuate her cuteness. She had cherry red lips and bluish-green eyes that sparkled magnificently. She was an obvious beauty, she had jade white skin and she had a slim figure.

She ran directly past Tao Tai and pounced towards Revan. She extended her arms and wrapped them around Revan while burying her face into his robes. "You came back so early.... don't you have classes?"

Revan smiled at the little girl. He thought, "TCH, my one weakness, everything and all things cute..." He smiled and patted her head and hugged her back.

Revan: Ha, the teacher was impressed with your brother's big brain and told me that I can go home

"Tao Tai is big brother lying?" She looked very innocently at Tao Tai, it was clear that she had been sheltered for most of her life.

Tao Tai ruffled his robes, "Well, that is what your brother said. Do you not believe him? Hmmmmm."


Tao Tai: I'm just kidding don't get too worked up over nothing Penelope. If what he said is a lie, the teacher would have came to see us or notified us one way or another. So we'll wait.... but for now you two catch up. I know you haven't seen each other for quite a while. I'll be heading back to my quarters, there's never enough studying when it comes to strategizing

Tao Tai bowed slightly and left, he kept walking until eventually he was out of their sight.

Penelope got a hold of Revan's right hand and pulled him into her room. "Well you heard what Tao Tai said.... we have a lot to talk about... you can tell me how school has been, anything basically."

Revan followed her through the golden doors. As soon as he walked in he was hit by a flowery fragrance. He thought, "Hmmm, a bit strong but a suitable perfume for MY little sister."

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