
Tower of Heaven 2

Jellal was in the hall of the Tower of Heaven, waiting for Trinity Raven to appear, telling them to do something before he left.

Sitting on his throne, Jellal rested the side of his face on his fist. He calmly read the information that he had received from that had been collected by his people about the Magic Council. He had planned to penetrate into the Magic Council and of course, he needed information regarding that organization.

Jellal knew it was only the members of Ten Saints Wizards that he needed to watch out for since their power was better than his, but those ten magicians wouldn't bother with his plan and the only people that he needed to be careful with were from the council of the Magic Council and he felt that it would be quite easy for him to penetrate the Magic Council after knowing their information.

When Jellal was in the middle of reading, the three magicians from Trinity Raven entered the hall.

"Jellal-sama!" 3x

The three people kneeled down in front of Jellal and looked at this man with respect since they knew the power of this young man and their boss.

Jellal was a very talented magician and he had been trained by the master of the Oracion Seis in the past which made his talent blossom even further.

"For my plan, I need to leave this place. I hope that all of you can protect this place for me, Ikaruga, Fukuro, Vidaldus."

"Yes, Jellal-sama!" 3x

The three of them nodded at the same time.

Ikaruga and Fukuro were silent since they didn't have that much interest in this plan nor they would actively ask Jellal about this plan and they were hired to protect this tower, that's all. They wouldn't do anything more, but Vidaldus, who was one of the Trinity Raven, was different since he was very excited about this plan.

"Where are you going Jellal-sama?" Vildaldus asked.

"I'm going out for a bit to proceed with our plan to the next step. You don't need to know about it for now," Jellal said while staring coldly at Vildadus.

"Yes!" Vildaldus hurriedly bowed his head.

"But do you think there is someone who is able to attack this place?" Ikaruga asked. Her question was quite normal since this tower was located in the middle of ocean and there were a lot of guards that protected this place. Sometimes, she even questioned why she was here, well, it was for money, but it bored her to stay in this place all the time while doing nothing.

Jellal chuckled and said, "Well, that's true. There's no way that someone will notice this tower." It wasn't that he was arrogant or something, but it was the truth.

Unless someone with a level of S-Class magician who was free enough to tour around the sea and by chance found this tower, Jellal didn't think that someone would be able to find this place and even if someone was able to find this place, he was sure that person would die after they had entered this place since this place was protected by a hundred of magicians along with elite magicians.

Along with the Trinity Raven and Jellal, they believed even the members of the Ten Saints Wizards were unable to destroy this place alone.

Jellal had entrusted the safety of this tower to the three members of the Trinity Raven, but suddenly the door of the hall was opened.


Jellal raised his head and saw Simon, Shou, Wally, and Millianna who came toward him. He knew that unless there was something, the four of them wouldn't meet him.

"What's wrong?" Jellal asked.

"There's someone coming towards the tower," Simon said.

"Is someone coming?" Jellal frowned and asked, "Where are they?"

"Over here!"

Shou guided Jellal to the nearby window and pointed his finger in the direction where he saw a group of people.

Jellal, including the three members of Trinity Seven, came together and saw three people on top of the gigantic shark in the water.

"Who are they?" Vildadus frowned.

"Should we kill them?" Ikaruga asked calmly without a fluctation of her emotion.


Jellal's eyes weren't focussed on the young man or the girl with blue hair, but his eyes stared at the woman with black long hair. He couldn't forget this woman since this woman was the one who had guided him in the past and also the one who had led him to complete this Tower of Heaven.

However, suddenly that girl had disappeared and after few years that woman appeared again in front of him.

Jellal was wondering what they were about to do and decided to meet them directly.

"I'll meet them directly."


Everyone seemed surprised by Jellal's words, but when they were about to ask, it was too late since Jellal was about to walk away.

However, when everyone was about to discuss something, they felt a fluctation of an enormous magic energy from the young man.

Even Jellal, who was about to leave the hall, stopped his movement and checked the window.

Everyone stared at the figure of the young man that was about to do something and they felt foreboding. They might not have realized it, but they started to have a cold sweat on their bodies.

"An enemy!"

Without hesitation, Ikaruga shouted.

Everyone realized that the three figures that were on the top of gigantic shark of water were enemies, but it was too late.

It was only for a moment, but they couldn't see what was happening and they could only feel something happening on the tower.

When they were wondering what was happening, they felt that the tower started to slide to the side which made them dumbfounded.


Simon, Millianna, Shou, Wally, and everyone in this tower wouldn't think that this tower that had been built for a decade was destroyed easily by that young man.

"Fukuro! Use your jet to get us away!" Ikaruga said without hesitation and jumped on Fukuro's shoulder.

Vildadus also followed and sat on the other side of Fukuro's shoulder.

Fukuro had a very huge body and there were two large jets on his back which made him able to fly. After hearing Ikaruga's order, he quickly escaped from the tower through the window of the tower together with Ikaruga and Vildadus.

The three of them didn't care about the quest anymore since the one that they were about to face was a monster.

Jellal was dumbfounded and stood in there with a blank mind since he didn't think the tower which he had tried to build for several years was destroyed easily. He couldn't comprehend what was happening, but then his cheek was slapped.

"Jellal!" Simon shouted Jellal's name.


"Let's go out."

Jellal realized this dangerous situation and what he needed to do was to get the four of them away from this tower.

For the small fries within this tower? Jellal decided to ignore them and whether they were alive or not, he didn't care since those small fries were the original members of the Cult of Zeref. He could get those kind of small fries easily in the future, but first, he needed to kill the one who had destroyed all of his hard work.

Jella, Simon, Wally, Shou, and Millianna escaped from the tower and joined Trinity Raven who had left earlier.

Even if the upper part of the tower had fallen into the ocean, the lower part of the tower was still intact and there were a lot of people who still hadn't realized what was happening.

"Jellal-sama..." Ikaruga's voice was full of tension at this moment since she didn't think that she would be able to defeat the young man in front of her. She wanted to run away, but she felt that she couldn't run away and decided to wait for Jellal, thinking whether she could work together to defeat the three people in front of her.

Jellal was full of anger and stared at the three figures that came toward him.


Advanced Chapters can be found here->


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