
Tower of Heaven 1

Simon, it was the name of this young man.

It had been few years since Simon was inside this tower after being kidnapped as a slave and somehow, he had gotten used to living in this place.

Simon stood on the middle floor of the tower and stared at the sea absentmindedly, thinking about a lot of things within his head.

After the incident few years ago, everything had changed, at first, Simon along with a number of children were together being forced to work as a slave to build this tower.

Simon knew that this tower was made to revive Zeref, the legendary Dark Magician.

The one who made this plan was the Cult of Zeref, the group of lunatics that could destroy a village, city, and a lot of more without care.

The purpose of this organization was to build The Tower of Heaven, also known as the R-System.

The use of this tower was extremely simple and that was to use a gigantic amount of magic power to revive someone and that someone was Zeref, the legendary Dark Magician.

The Cult of Zeref wanted to revive Zeref and make him became their leader to create a terror within this continent.

However, that plan was almost destroyed by one little girl and that little girl was Erza Scarlet.

Thinking about that brave little girl, Simon showed a rare smile under his grumpy face. He might have tried to hide it, but he loved that brave girl. However, unfortunately, he couldn't see her anymore, but that might be the best since she shouldn't be staying in this damnable place.

After the end of the Cult of Zeref, everyone thought that they had been freed and they would be able to get out from this tower, but that was wrong since someone who was worse than the Cult of Zeref was born.

Simon didn't mean that this person wasn't good for him and everyone in the Tower of Heaven, but the presence of this person might not be good for the world since what this person was about to do was to destroy the world once this person had revived Zeref, the legendary Dark Magician.

The name of that person was Jellal Fernandes.

Simon wasn't sure, but he had heard that Jellal was planning to enter the Magic Council, but he didn't care too much since he wasn't included in that mission. The only thing that he was doing was to protect this tower.

The tower had been completed, but it needed a lot of magic energy to be used and their magic wasn't enough.

From the information that he had gathered, the magic energy that was needed to activate this tower was around 2.7 Billion Edeas.

That amount was very enermous and unless it was Zeref, the legendary Dark Magician or the dragons on the legends, Simon wasn't sure whether anyone was able to gather that much magic energy.

Jellal didn't tell them the details, but Simon was sure that Jellal had a way to gather that amount of magic energy.

"It must be good to be free."

Simon turned and saw three people walking together. He didn't say anything and only nodded before looking at the ocean once again.

The three people that walked past Simon were Trinity Raven, they were members of the assassination guild and they were being hired by Jellal to protect the tower since the tower was very precious for his plan.

Seeing that Simon ignored him, one of the members of the Trinity Seven wanted to give Simon a lesson, but he was stopped.

"Jellal is waiting for us."

The man snorted and said, "You're lucky."

Simon kept ignoring that person since he had something more important to do. In this life, there were two people that he wanted to meet.

One was Erza Scarlet, the girl that had made his heart throbbed and the other one was his little sister.

Simon was wondering whether his little sister was alright since he had never seen her for the past few years. He didn't have parents and both siblings could only depend to each other. He sighed, but he quickly made his expression calm since someone was coming.

"What a bastard!"

"Are you alright, Simon?"

Simon nodded with a rare smile. "I'm alright, Wally, Shou."

"Nyaa, I wonder when we can get out of this place," Millianna said with a sigh.

It had been few years after Erza started the rebellion against the Cult of Zeref, and the only people that were left from that time were only the four of them.

'Well, it should be five, if I include Jellal as well..'

However, Simon didn't think that Jellal was part of them since Jellal was their capturer. If there wasn't Jellal then the four of them would have already escaped from this damned place.

The three people in front of them were Simon's only friends and they were Millianna, Shou, and Wally.

The four of them were part of Jella's team (being forced, of course).

"I can't stand them!" Shou said stared at the place where the Trinity Raven disappeared.

"Even so, their power is undeniable," Wally said while pushing the frame of his sunglasses.

"How can you support them?!" Shou complained to Wally.

"Well, I'm just telling you the truth," Wally said with a helpless expression.

"Hey, did you see something over there?" Millianna suddenly said while pointing her finger in some direction.


Wally, Simon, and Shou followed the direction that was pointed by Millianna.

"What?" Shou frowned and didn't see anything.

"Over there! There's something moving in this direction!" Millinna was surprised.

"Someone is coming?!"

Simon, Shou, and Wally were in shock since they didn't expect someone to come to this tower.

They didn't move for a while to confirm whether it was really someone since it might be a beast in the ocean, however, that thing got closer and they were able to see a gigantic shark in the water with a group of people on the top of it.

"Who are they?" Simon said with a frown.

"Should we report to Jellal?" Wally asked.


The four of them looked at each other for a moment and weren't sure what to do. They hated this place, but at the same time, they felt that they had a responsibility to protect this tower. Their feeling was contradiction and in the end they decide....


"Is this the tower?" Juvia stared at the Tower of Heaven with amazement since she didn't expect that there was such a large tower in the middle of the ocean.

"Yes." Bourne nodded and said, "But soon, this tower is going to be destroyed."

"What do you want to do? If you want, I can destroy it with my magic," Ultear said. She mastered an "arc of time" and with this magic, she would be able to return or fasten the time of this tower to destroy it.

"Let me do it. I need to show Juvia how strong the "water" magic is," Bourne said.

"What kind of magic are you going to show me, Bourne-sama?" Juvia was looking at Bourne with expectation.

"First, don't be surprised by his power," Ultear said.

Juvia nodded and understood that Bourne was very strong, that was why she was curious since his magic was similar to hers.

Bourne's tip of right finger suddenly transformed into water and it transformed into the shape of a drill. The drill started to spin very fast and it even caused a small whirlwind around it then slowly the drills were compressed into smaller in size, sharper, and spun faster.

With his "water" magic, he could transform his body into various shapes from drill, sword, or even tentacle.

Bourne gathered a large amount of magic energy within his right fingers and checked the situation within the tower. Luckily, they were in the water so he could tell how many people were inside the tower.

'Eight people, huh?'

After confirming the number of people within the tower, Bourne didn't hesitate and used his magic directly.

"Water Severing Wave!"

The finger drills on his right hand extended at high speed, cutting the Tower of Heaven in half in an instant.


The tower was cut cleanly in half and the upper part of the tower slowly slid to the side before falling off into the ocean.


Juvia was silent and didn't expect the potential of her magic to be so powerful.

"How is it?" Bourne asked with a smile toward Juvia.

However, Juvia didn't care about any of that and thought that Bourne was very handsome at this moment.

Advanced Chapters can be found here->


akikan40creators' thoughts