
Chainsaw Man: Operation - Kill Makima

I have never known myself to be the type of guy who's moral compass guides me Never overly righteous or selfless enough to sacrifice my being for a better world ...I guess death changes everyone These devils need to learn that not even primordial are above the law Commencing Operation Kill the Devil Makima. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chainsaw Man Fic

Honoured_Writer · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

2 Devils Pawn

"How is the coffee ?" A mesmerising voice that enticed my ears forced my eyes to open

Lifting my head to gaze upon a ethreal beauty, who for most would be the incarnation of feminine perfection itself but the few….and I mean few that knew of her true nature she was a poison

The Devil itself

An indescribable figure that couldn't be described with words other than indescribable which is a hypocritical sentiment but a sentiment shared with most

And those hypnotic eyes that pierced the soul as if she knew everything about you to down to every crevice of your past and every nickel of your future

'Frightening to say the least, that's not even including the power I feel from her…haaah How am I going to kill you oh sweet intoxicating poison Makima ?'

Collecting my thoughts I responded after a brief pause, "Bland, dull even. That's to say that I would take a rather plain cup of coffee over a sickeningly sweet one after all there's nothing wrong with the mediocre and conservative when compared to the extreme and overwhelming. A bland cup can be comforting, non pretentious and blunt in its nature just the way I enjoy the finer things in life. Still sugar never killed anyone."

My answer was truthful and straightforward no need to deceive over a beverage after all

Her ever perpetual smile remained yet the light of such a grin wasnt present in the myriad of her eyes

A false smile that as quickly as it came was replaced with a more convincing 'sincere' one that if I didn't know better, I would have fallen prey to

"The mission?" She questioned with an innocent tilt of her head

"Predictable and irksome, it seemed more of a way to fill my schedule than anything else. Any other devil hunter could have exterminated the devil, there are many more of my calibre"

"That's not true is it?" The contours of her fingers draped around the side of her face whilst she steadied her elbow and head upon the table, "There are no other devil hunters with your capabilities"

"Kishibe." I responded firmly, giving the name of the supposed Strongest Devil Hunter in the World

'Ah..there it is again, that fake smile of hers,' I caught a glimpse of the darkness once more allowing the silence to hang in the air once more

"Hm," she acknowledged my words before quickly moving onto another topic in which she pouted strangely with a huff that signalled her comedic disappointment "And is that any way to repay me? With that mission complete, another pay check for you"

"..Is there any reason for you inviting me or was it just to pout?" I cut in like a blade, I was and always will be an impatient man so I despise drawn out conversations with no end goal such as this

"Two new puppies have joined this organisation and I'm assigning them to Aki's team of misfits," She answered

'Aki and his group?' I internally pondered, remembering the visages of each hunter on their team including that eccentric woman, Himeno

My eyes narrowed, trying to find any noticeable change on her face, 'The Devil was in the details after all' but to no avail

"And what does this have to do with me?" I raised my eyebrow

"You will also be assigned with them to Aki's team as a additional leader with around the same level of authority as him to look after the puppies and ensure they don't do anything naughty," Sensing my vexation she continued, "Now now~ I know how much you love going solo but these are orders from the higher ups"

'A lie. Does she think I'm a fool? Those very same higher ups who are poisoned by this very same devils control'

I sighed a little at its antics shrouded by trickery and deception,"Fine, not like I can say no to you can I?"

"Nope," she stated emphasising the 'P' cutely

Slouching back onto the chair slightly, I clasped my hands close to my face accompanied by a visible frown, "And what of those two 'puppies', what is so special about them that I get dragged into all this?"

"Oh~ you'll see after all they'll be arriving any time soon," She grinned

I didn't believe it possible but my narrowed eyes narrowed more, 'What is she playing a-!'

'These fluctuations!' A well of negative energy like no other washed over the room that it was sickening, 'Two of them- no the second is forgettable but that ONE!'

It was unbelievable.

The door slammed open and two figures emerged from the entrance

A strawberry haired hybrid with blood red horns crowing hee head

And it… a blonde bladed teeth devil from these fluctuations were birthing from

I didn't even realise it but a bead of sweat cascaded down my face and a small awakened looking smile had crept up onto my face

Despite the shock and a little fear I could feel well up inside me… there was something even greater within that whispered it's name into my ears and I listened


'I can see it, hes the key!' I held in a laugh threatening to break out of my laugh, 'The key to killing Makima!'