
Chains of Destiny

Evan Blackwood, a normal boy in the realm of Eldoria. He was the only child of his parents. His parents were Mages that opposed the ruling power, the Council of Shadows. Because of their opposition, they both were assasinated by the council. Evan who was just ten, was taken as a slave. Evan was sold of to become a gladiator, to entertain the nobles. He is pushed close to death on many occasions, but his thirst for vegeance kept him alive. Finding solace in darkness, Evan awakens as a dark mage. Shadow Song, the organization that rebels against the council. The organization was the one his parents belonged to. They set their sights on Evan, and assist in his escape. With freedom, Evan can now pursue his vengeance, using the Shadow song as a stepping stone. As he pretends to go along with their plan to restore balance to Eldoria, while planning to exact his revenge. His rage burns deep, as he doesn't care to use those around him or even the entire realm to get his revenge. As he gets closer to his revenge, he leaves a bloody trail behind. But now to get his opportunity, he will have to risk even more. Will he do it or will he find something worth saving in this world. Protagonist: Evan Blackwood

VoidPhantom · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Underneath a tree that served as the first to many more behind it. Evan sat, his unkept hair swayed, as the nights air blew. The grasses danced in rythm to the whistling wind, their outline shown under the dim light of the moon.

Evan stared at the city, the place were his soul was placed under bondage, were freedom was a fleeting dream. Still he forced his dream to become a reality. Standing up, his rags softly moved with wind, looking at the city once more, he turned, walking into the forest.

His bare feet strode in a steady pace. The moon's shine was blocked by the umbrella of trees, plunging every where within the forest into abyssal darkness. Evan walked through, uncaring of this, darkness had been his closest companion during the years.

Night passed, and the sun's first Ray's seeped  into the forest, like columns of light. Slowly life rose within the forest that had been desolate a few minutes ago.

Songs of birds filled the air, announcing the break of day. Little critters peaked out of their holes.

Evan stood still for a while, he wanted to appreciate the beauty of freedom. Rays of sunlight washed over him, causing him to feel rejuvenated. He allowed his guard down for the first time in a very long while.

Taking in deep breaths of the morning air, air not tainted by rotten flesh, excreta and rusted metals. Evan continued his journey.

There was need for him to get to Shadow song as soon as possible, the pachment he found suggested they knew of him, and we're expecting him.

Treading the path for another hour, a biting feeling arose within the depts of Evans stomach, signifying hunger. Wasting no time at all, he heeded the cries of his belly, and set out to search for food.

Not to long, he found a brown three horned deer. Before his world had been turned upside down, Evan had possessed a liking for the study of mysterious creatures that roamed the realm of Eldoria.

The three horned deer gracously grazed, cutting and chewing the grass in a calm manner. Totally unaware that it had been placed on the menu for breakfast.

Suddenly black tendrils shot up in a number of five, taking the majestic eater unaware. It tried to dash, but was to late as the tendrils coiled around his limbs like snakes, pulling it down to the ground.

As the body slammed against the ground, the fifth tendril coiled around it's neck, then snapping it. The light in the eyes of the deer died down, as life departed from it. This was the circle of life, the strong prey on the weak.

Evan retrieved his score, and then using the rudimentary method of clashing to stones together, he made fire. His shadow tendrils worked as knives, as he dissected the deer.

A few hours later, an aroma filled the air. The crisp sounds of meat crackling above the fire could be heard. Without wating any longer, Evan pulled out a piece and began devouring. Though this was the first time he had done this, the results were not bad. Evan gobbled down piece after piece, until there was no room left.

As a magnificent breakfast was rounding up, sounds of carriages rose up. Quickly Evan climbed up a tree, wanting to observe from above.

Two carriages came into view, pulled by a land dragon each. A crest of an eagle stand un top of a sphere was engraved with gold, on the black chariots. This signified nobility.

The carriage halted a stones throw from were Evan had been. Two fully armoured men came out of the first carriage, they carried aura of powerful men.

One of the men stepped forward to were Evan had made a fire, he observed the meat that was still roasting. He turned back an went to the door of the second chariot.

"My Lord, it seems whoever was here has left."

"Ha ha ha" a deep laugh came from inside the chariot. "It seems your senses have dulled Luke."

The chariot door opened, and a old man stepped out. His hair was all grey, showing he had seen a long life. He was clad in a white garment embroidered with gold. Holding his walking stick, he passed the kneeling man, and went towards the fire.

When he got to the fire, he let out a laugh. "Ha ha ha, do you really think you can hide from my eyes kid? Why don't you come down?" Evan who was ontop a tree was shocked, but he didn't move.

"Oh? You want to play stubborn." The old man pointed a finger in the direction of Evan, his finger released a fire bullet that collided with the branch Evan was on, snapping it. Evan was not prepared so he fell, but managed to use his tendrils to hold onto some branches at the last moment, saving him from a brutal fall.

"Oh? Darkness magic?" The old man was surprised when he saw the shadow technique. Darkness magic was extremely rare, as one would have to have gone through hell to posses this attribute. The old man looked at Evan in new light.

"What type of person attacks some one for no reason?" Evan glared at this old man. He knew that this man was not simple, so he restrained himself from action.

"Huh? I told you to come down, but you refused. Don't you know it is improper to disobey your elder." The old man had a grin on his face, but he was shocked inside. When he looked at Evans' eyes, he saw boundless darkness, there was no spec of light. Then when Evan glared at him, he felt a piercing killing intent. He was sure that Evan did not plan to kill him, but just a mistake leakage of killing intent was already that strong.

Pulling himself out of his thoughts, the man asked. " What is your name?"


"Evan who?"

"You don't need to know that."

The old man frowned when he heard Evan's response, but he did not push it further.

"Are you on your way somewhere Evan?"

"Yes, Esperia" Evan answered without care.

"Great, we are on our way there, why don't you join us."

Evan could tell that this man wanted to probe him further, but he agreed, he needed to get to Esperia fast."


"Great, I am Winston Clingsworth"

The old man then led Evan to the idle carriages that had been waiting for them.