

Community discord: discord.gg/TSvY9zJaWz Fair warning this is an EXTREMELY lewd story. Centaur and various humanoid girls. -Big titty futa Centaur adventurer accidentally absorbs an entire civilizations worth of Virility and goes on a journey of Self Discovery, Epic Cumflation, and Growth.-

StratothraxAD · Fantasy
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330 Chs

19.8 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

She snarled, yes, this felt good, really really good. Her dick flexed beneath her as she started to grow larger, her cock along with her becoming thicker and longer.

Tami let out a long low moan below her, still hanging helplessly from her dick.

"Oh, oh shit! Are you getting bigger?!" she gasped.

Fey snorted, of course she was, and it felt fucking great. She arched her back as the pleasure of growth washed through her body. Her bones groaned as they lengthened, already the minotaur's had lost half a foot of height each and were rapidly losing more.

The only thing that could make this better was if she had a broodmare to fuck full, to breed into oblivion. Fortunately, she just happened to have exactly that stretched over her cock.

She dragged the two minotaurs to the bed and jumped up her font hooves on top of it, thrusting her horse hips forward.

Tami let out a yelp as she was forced up against the wood of the bed frame and desperately grabbed for it, clutching herself to it. This of course allowed Fey what she wanted and she shoved her dick deeper into the teenager's cunt, pushing out her belly bulge inches.

"Oh shiiiit!" wailed Tami as Fey's cock slammed up against the entrance to her womb.

"W-wait f-Fey! S-stop! I c-can't, I'm too small!"

"You will take all of me, you wanted this," snarled Fey, viciously thrusting forward, sending inches more into the cumming squealing tigerkin girl.

She rutted her against the bed frame. Fucking her deeper and deeper with each thrust until Tami's distended stomach was crashing up against the wooden frame that she was bent over.

Fey held the minotaurs closer as she drained them, syphoning them smaller and smaller down from seven foot to five as she got inches higher and her massive cock surged outward to three foot long, the veins along its length becoming thicker, scraping apart Tami's insides, sending her into a screaming squirting spiralling mess.

Deeper and deeper into the tigerkin until her medial ring was slamming up against her fuck hole, brutally hammering at her reddened teenage cunt until with a roar Fey forced herself inside. Tami's lips stretched wider than ever to take the thick medial ring, then slipping down inches and inches on the other side as Fey slammed home, at the exact same moment forcing her way through Tami's cervix and deep into her womb, the double ring of her pussy and her cervix clamping down on Fey in quivering twin desperation.

"You're mine, mine! mine to fill with my offspring, until you're so pregnant you can't move, a unmovable useless thing who just gives birth to my children over and over and over, so lost in pleasure you care for nothing else in the world but to be fucked full of cum and birth more of mine."

"Hnyyyaaaa! Y-yes! I want that p-please fuck me! Fuck me into the ground! Fill me with everything you've got! PLEASE!"

Fey snarled as the two minotaurs she held became smaller and smaller until they were rotund little things, only a foot tall, then as they shrank down even further not even that, tiny things the size of rats that fell from her hands as the built up growth she had taken ripped through her body and her eyes rolled up as her cock surged yet larger.

Her thrusting became arrhythmic and brutal, the belly bulge in Tam surging forward as she pushed ever deeper, shoving up between her breasts and rubbing across her face, turning her into a teenage cock sleeve, a condom for Fey's massiveness.


Tami screamed and buried her face in her bulge as Fey grew larger still, the larger than leg sized dick so overwhelming that she felt like nothing but a stretched out sleeve for Fey, permanently ruined for any other male. This was her first time having sex and she knew instinctively that she would never be able to do it to satisfaction with anyone else, no one could come close to Fey, she was already permanently addicted to the feeling of the centaur inside of her.

Fey roared as her growth finished and with one final thrust she hilted in Tami, her massive melon sized balls slapping against the teenage tigerkin's soft thighs so hard that they left red marks, they stayed their only for a moment however before the pair hiked up brutally, forcing their vast contents out.

Fey's cock thickened with the sheer quantity of cum exploding down her length, a firehose of heavy fluid that reached the tip of her dick buried deep inside Tami and burst free. A massive hosing rope of cum that sprayed up against her womb walls so hard that a bulge extended her belly all the further and her belly button popped from an innie to an outie.

Tami wailed out of control, her voice rising to a higher and higher pitch until she was screaming so hard her throat hurt, orgasming so hard that her first orgasm on Fey felt like a gentle walk in the park. Fireworks exploded up her spine, making her convulse, her head thrashing sending her blonde hair whipping harshly across her face as her insides were doused with boiling hot spunk that instantly forced her body into a state of hyper hormonalness, her eyes rolling up as her eggs were inseminated over and over, her belly bloating outward in cycles as each roping ejaculation exploded into her womb, filling her tummy larger and larger until it was pressing up against the bed frame and rapidly filling out any free space.

Fey mauled on her chest as she came, her fingers sinking deep into her soft breast flesh as her hips bucked harder against the teenager, savagely fucking her larger and larger, ballooning her womb with thick heavy baby batter.

And then Fey really started to cum.

The tigerkin howled as the ropes of cum became significantly thicker and heavier, her taut stretched belly a mass already seven times the weight of her own body bloated outward in a rush, her smooth rounded skin spilling out over the bed and the bed frame, touching down on the floor and lifting her own body up, until her face was pressing up to the inflating mass of her own belly, muffling her shrieking screams.

It just didn't stop, absorbing the two minotaurs seemed to have supercharged the centaur and her ejaculations were like an unending river forcing its way into the little teenager, making her body obscenely vast. Already her smooth cum belly was so large that it was starting to lift Fey off the ground, above the bed and toward the ceiling.

Fey's desperate humps against the teenagers rear peaked and at last after what must have been the fiftieth massive roping surge she finished, the teenager's belly rushed outward a full foot entirely covering the bed from sight and pushing Fey up against the ceiling which was impressive considering its height.

Fey slumped against her cum dump and promptly passed out.

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