

Community discord: discord.gg/TSvY9zJaWz Fair warning this is an EXTREMELY lewd story. Centaur and various humanoid girls. -Big titty futa Centaur adventurer accidentally absorbs an entire civilizations worth of Virility and goes on a journey of Self Discovery, Epic Cumflation, and Growth.-

StratothraxAD · Fantasy
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330 Chs

19.7 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

"J-just calm down okay! Everything going to be fine!"

The girl continued mewling, her eyes darting everywhere in a panic, her hindbrain taking over as her mind was flooded with an ocean of pleasurable chemicals.

"I- I- wha- wha, hnnnn!" she gabbled, as she continued to lose control of her faculties.

It was as Tami was coping with her state of cyclic non-stop orgasm that Fey heard something out of place. She turned her head in the direction the sound was coming from and to her surprise one of the windows slowly began to open, swinging wide into the night, then to her even greater surprise a large hulking figure appeared in the frame, a muscular mass that damn near filled it.

"Tami!" said Fey trying to get the tigerkin girls attention, but it was a pointless endeavour she was still a sloppy trembling mess unable to think coherently let alone say anything of use.

She turned back to the window and to her distress found the figure climbing through it, a great hulking minotaur with huge curling horns. The heavy hooves of the minotaur came down on the floor but made nearly no sound at all which was shocking as Fey well knew that hooves were not exactly ideal for stealth. Magic of some kind? This was a worrying development.

The minotaur glanced her way, his eyes widening slightly seeing what was happening on the bed before he recovered his composure. He had to move out of the way as a second equally large minotaur climbed through the window behind him. Fey was now looking at a pair of near seven foot tall minotaurs inside her bedroom, at night, when she might have been asleep. It wasn't hard to guess that they had ill intentions and that was confirmed when they both drew blades and advanced on the bed.

"Tami!" Cried Fey more urgently. This time she got through to the cumming tigerkin girl and she looked up even as she showered Fey's barrel with another sprinkle of her fluids.

"C-can't you see I'm having sex! The best s-sex ever!"

"We have company!"

She blinked then turned to see the two minotaurs who had come up to the bed and were now looming over it, their dark eyes looking down at them without even a flicker of mercy.

"Wha- who the hell are you people! What are you doing in my home!"

She tried to pull herself free from Fey's dick but her weak limbed attempts only resulted in her pussy clamping down all the harder. She was entirely trapped on Fey and could only let out a long mewl of frustration.

Fey could already see what was about to happen, the intruders were going to kill or harm her Tami! A deep primeval protective instinct took over. She was not about to let harm come to her brood mare. No. That was not going to happen.

The lead minotaur lifted his blade to slash down at Tami, his blade swinging-

Fey Moved.

She ripped through the ropes binding her like they weren't even there, an outsized strength making her ferociously strong, and she lunged forward grabbing for the minotaur's arm even as she rolled from the bed.

Tami was still on her and she screamed and squirted as she was flipped around and dragged off the bed hanging from Fey's dick like an oversized condom, flailing about on the tip of Fey's throbbing bucking shaft.

Fey caught the minotaur's forearm and hauled down on it, using him to help haul herself upwards even as she applied so much pressure under her grip that the minotaur let out a grunt of pain and let drop the blade.

She spun around and kicked at the second minotaur, he dodged to the side, slipping past, incredibly quick for his size and in a flash the blade came up stabbed through into the side of Fey's barrel, through her ribs. She let out a cry as the blade punched through, then she grit her teeth actual real fury flooding the normally placid centaur. She snarled and grabbed hold of the hand holding the blade in her side and squeezed. The minotaur bellowed as the bones in his hands crunched and shattered under Fey's impossibly strong grip and she forcefully ripped his hand away pulling the blade from her body in a sprinkle of blood.

Even as the weapon came free her body was already healing, the wound sealing up in seconds with a soft green glow, Fey barely had to think to make it happen.

She now had a minotaur, one in each hand, holding them with such a powerful grip that the pain was making it near impossible for them to fight back, barely keeping from crying out as their bones crushed and splintered to powder under her grip.

Yes, this was how it should be, pathetic betas, weak in the face of her superior power. She snarled again and hauled on the two minotaurs pulling them toward herself. She grabbed for their necks and wrapped her fingers around their throats, holding them fast, making it clear to them that she could crush their windpipes with her fingers alone.

She could already feel the drain on them happening, and why not? She had no real weapon and these two had tried to kill her. She should take everything they possessed and make it her own. The dark planet sized mass inside of her growled hungrily, the gravity well that the sheer size of the thing created drawing on the two minotaurs, sucking them dry, taking everything that made them male and strong and making it her own, making herself bigger, stronger, more Virile, a better breeder. She felt like a primordial stallion on some ancient primaeval plain, running free and wild.

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