
Celestial Inheritance

Follow Victor Celestia, bearer of the all-powerful Omni Bloodline, as he embarks on an unparalleled journey through beloved anime, movie, and novel worlds.

DraculaSwift · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


With the desolate, lifeless planet stretching out before him, Victor contemplated his next move. The stark emptiness of this world made him yearn for a more comfortable abode. He decided that it was time to create a pocket dimension, a sanctuary that would provide him with the solitude and security he desired.

However, he also recognized the delicate intricacies of the DXD universe's timeline. Introducing life here and now, even with the Yggdrasil seed, could disrupt the natural course of events and potentially create irreparable time paradoxes. It would transform this world into something unrecognizable, altering the very essence of what had drawn him to the DXD universe in the first place.

With a sense of responsibility and respect for the universe he had entered, Victor chose to withhold the use of the Yggdrasil seed on this planet. Instead, he opted to create his pocket dimension, a realm where he could observe, learn, and prepare without altering the destiny of the DXD universe. The Yggdrasil seed remained safely in his possession, a symbol of life's potential that he would one day introduce in a manner that preserved the integrity of this unique world's timeline.

Determined to create his sanctuary in the sky, Victor took flight and ascended high above the lifeless planet's surface. As he gazed down at the desolate landscape, he began to visualize the pocket dimension he sought to materialize. With the entirety of Earth as his canvas, he envisioned a realm that mirrored the ancient supercontinent, Pangea, stretching out below him.

Focusing his divine will and the power of his Law of Creation, he conjured the pocket dimension into existence with a subtle, almost imperceptible 'pop' in his mind. It now existed, a hidden realm suspended in the sky, completely invisible to all beings, even gods. Although its presence would be concealed from prying eyes, the immense energy generated might draw the attention of others in the divine realm. Victor remained undisturbed by this possibility, confident that he could manage any encounters that might arise in his new sanctuary.


As Victor stepped into his newly created Pocket Dimension, he found himself enveloped in an abyss of darkness, an empty canvas awaiting his creative touch. Within the recesses of his imagination, he embarked on the task of crafting a world that bore a striking resemblance to the ancient supercontinent of Pangea. However, he lent it a unique circular shape, adding an extra layer of distinction.

The topography of this world bore the unmistakable mark of Victor's divine hand. Towering mountain ranges stretched their arms towards the heavens, their majestic peaks adorned with blankets of snow. Serene rivers and vast seas traversed the landscape, their tranquil surfaces mirroring the brilliant azure of the daytime sky. When night descended, the celestial dome above twinkled with the wondrous tapestry of the cosmos.

Yet, Victor's creative journey was far from over. He envisioned distinct regions within this expansive land, each possessing its own distinct character. The Land of Winter unveiled a breathtaking panorama of snow-clad vistas, where crystalline lakes lay frozen beneath the gentle glow of the moon. In stark contrast, the Land of Summer basked in eternal warmth and sunshine, its meadows adorned with a vivid tapestry of blossoms.

Across the terrain of the Land of Sand, vast golden dunes stretched endlessly, forming a formidable desert landscape. In the Land of Fire, fiery volcanoes erupted with molten fury, casting a fiery hue across the land. At the heart of this diverse world lay a central region, where all seasons converged in harmony. This was a realm where a symphony of weather patterns coexisted, providing a haven for creatures, spirits, and beings of all kinds to thrive within the climate of their choosing.

Victor had woven together a masterpiece, a world ripe with potential, awaiting the touch of life to bring it to its full splendor. Every inch of this land bore the imprint of his boundless creativity, a testament to the vastness of his divine power and imagination.


Victor soared to the heart of the region, a contented smile gracing his features as he beheld the creation he had envisioned. Yet, he felt a lingering question in his mind, one that tugged at his thoughts like a persistent whisper.

As he gazed upon the picturesque landscape, Victor couldn't help but contemplate a name for this extraordinary place. "Hmmm, what should I call this wonder?" he mused aloud. "Elemental Enclaves, perhaps?" he suggested, testing the words on his tongue. But even as he spoke them, he sensed they fell short of capturing the profound beauty and diversity of this realm.

Dissatisfied, he turned to Omni, his ever-present companion, seeking guidance. "Omni," Victor inquired with genuine curiosity, "what name do you believe befits this marvelous creation?"

Victor pondered the suggestions, appreciating Omni's input, but a sense of restlessness still lingered within him. "Mystical Nexus." he repeated softly to himself, testing the words. However, neither option seemed to resonate with the essence of this realm he had crafted.

As he stood in the heart of his creation, Victor decided to simplify the name, seeking a term that could encompass the enchantment and diversity of this place. "How about Nexus?" he suggested, a note of conviction in his voice. It was a name both concise and evocative, capturing the essence of this wondrous land he had brought into being. 

That sounds better said Omni.

With a thoughtful expression, Victor considered the best approach for populating his Nexus with beings to care for it. Creating life from scratch would indeed be an energy-intensive task, and he needed to ensure the realm was well-tended.

Then, an intriguing idea sparked in his mind. "How about using the Yggdrasil seed and modifying its genetic code?" he mused aloud. "I could tailor it to give birth to angels." The concept appealed to him as it seemed a fitting choice for guardians of this mystical realm.

As Victor concentrated his divine power on the Yggdrasil seed, he brought forth an astonishing transformation within it. The seed began to take on a radiant, ethereal quality, as if it were infused with the very essence of the cosmos itself. Its core was now adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to dance like celestial constellations.

But what truly set this Yggdrasil seed apart was the birth of a benevolent spirit within it. This spirit was wise and ancient, a guardian of balance and harmony. It had no desire for worship or egoistic tendencies; instead, it embodied a deep sense of responsibility for nurturing and safeguarding life.

The Yggdrasil tree that would sprout from this seed would be unlike any other. It would serve as a symbol of unity and coexistence, a source of boundless energy for the land, and a place of respite for the angels Victor envisioned. These celestial beings, born from the modified genetic code, would respect the tree as a powerful ally rather than worship it, ensuring that humility and cooperation would prevail in this unique realm.

As Victor observed the Yggdrasil tree and sensed its feeble attempt at communication, he couldn't help but ponder its origins. Was it merely a well-crafted reenactment or perhaps an ancient Yggdrasil tree that had undergone reincarnation? These questions swirled in his mind, leaving a sense of intrigue.

However, Victor decided not to dwell on it for now. He understood that the true nature of the tree might reveal itself in due time. It was crucial to remain vigilant, especially if there was any indication of malevolence or harmful intent. He resolved that if the tree proved to harbor evil intentions, he would not hesitate to take necessary action to protect the harmony of his realm.

As Victor arrived at the heart of Nexus and planted the Yggdrasil tree, he marveled at its rapid growth. In a matter of mere seconds, the tree soared to a towering height of 500 meters, rivaling the One World Trade Center in New York City. The growth of the tree seemed to invigorate the Yggdrasil spirit within it, infusing it with newfound strength and vitality.

For now, the Yggdrasil spirit remained in a state of slumber, its presence ever so faint. Victor understood the importance of patience in this endeavor, knowing that the spirit would awaken in its own time. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up! if there is any error in my writing please let me know, english is my 4th language.

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