
Celestial 進

Several centuries ago, five celestial religions fought each other. This was the first celestial war. The consequences were disastrous. The entire world was shaken up. Normal humans were living in fear of constant mortality. A single battle between two gods would wipe out small cities. Innumerable kingdoms vanished. This war lasted 100 years. At the final battle, the demon and rakshasa religions were seemingly defeated, but the other gods were also out of strength. Every god went into a slumber, leaving behind a deceiving peaceful ending. The humans that worshipped the surviving religions went on to create their kingdoms. Celestial power was being developed by humans, yet it remained in the shadows. However, signs of these celestials resurfacing emerged, prophesizing the advent of the second celestial war. They could no longer afford to keep development slow. Netan is a young boy abandoned at the temple of Saketh - leader of the Kasi Gods. As the celestials awaken, numerable era defining events keep happening, and Netan seems to be at the epicenter of all of them. Is the cause of this simply chance? Is it his gifts? Or is it perhaps his unknown origin?

Kurukshetra · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Peacock Federation

The next two weeks went by very quietly. Netan didn't act like anything was different and just went to school. His exams also incidentally finished during this time.

Netan was going to school for the last day where his teachers would congratulate everyone for finishing their schooling. Netan would be the youngest there - 16. Before going he was stopped by Muna.

"Netan, congratulations on finishing your exams. I wish you could have fun with your friends but Acharya garu told me to tell you to come early," Muna said to Netan.

Netan nodded. He wasn't planning on going out with his 'friends' even if they called him. After he nodded, Netan started walking towards the school. It was more of a graduation ceremony so he had to be there on time.

Netan reached the school and quickly sat where he was supposed to. After the ceremony he was ready to go back to the temple. Before he could start, one of his classmates stopped him. It was Sami.

"You always come early and go early. How come you never stay?" Sami asked Netan.

"I was told to come early," Netan gave a brief answer.

"You always go on time. Everyone in the class is coming with us. You should come too," Sami tried to convince Netan.

Netan shook his head. "I'm sorry. I have to go," he said. Netan started walking towards the temple while Sami turned around, giving up.

Netan reached the temple and found that things were quiet compared to how they normally were. The entrance showed that the temple was closed, but when he entered, every priest was in the courtyard. They were all lined up facing towards Acharya who was with another person.

This person was dressed like the person netan encountered the other day, but wasn't the same person. Instead of a bow, he had a staff in his hands.

Acharya turned around and saw Netan. He shifted his eyes to the lined up temple students and young priests. These temple students were either children of the priests, children of devotees, or orphans like Netan who were abandoned. The temple started taking in children after that took in Netan.

Netan quickly got into the line, waiting for Acharya to say something. Acharya looked to check if everyone was present. Then he turned towards the students aged from 16 to 28. The person beside Acharya scoured the entire line up. After going through each person he turned towards Acharya and nodded. He then started walking towards the starting of the line.

He walked from the start and stopped at the second person.

"Her," he said. He continued walking. He then stopped at the fifth person. "Her."

He then proceeded to pick eleven people out of thirty students lined up. He finally stopped at Netan. He sized Netan up. He furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at Acharya.

"Him too," he said to Acharya. Acharya nodded.

"Everyone else can go. Don't worry that you have not been selected," Acharya said to them.

"But what are we even selected for, panthulugaru?" One of the girls who was selected asked. Acharya said, "All in due time Mica. All in due time. Everyone who was selected, follow me."

Acharya walked towards his office and everyone followed him. The person who looked like a Rishi also followed them, but his eyes were fixed on Netan. It seemed like he saw something in Netan that he was curious or worried about.

When everyone was in Acharya's office, Acharya turned around and said, "I will now introduce this person to you. He is Brahlan. He is a Rishi. He will now explain what you are all selected for."

Brahlan looked at the youngsters looking at him.

"I am Brahlan, as Acharya introduced me. I have brought you here for a purpose. That purpose is to defend the people of Kasi from the horrific monsters called rakshasas," Brahlan started. He paused for a moment, and then continued. "These rakshasas are the same rakshasas that the gods have fought as written in the scriptures."

Everyone in the room was quiet, but their faces showed doubt. They felt that Brahlan was either mad, or simply high on something. Netan didn't show any expression as he knew everything that was being said was true.

Brahlan observed everyone's reactions. He lifted his staff and slammed it to the ground. A bright light emerged from the bottom of the staff and blinded everyone in the room.

"I see that all of you question the existence of the divine and their enemies. This is a simple demonstration. As I was saying, rakshasa do indeed exist. However they were dormant for several centuries. They only recently awakened, which suggests that gods too are awakening. This means that humans must start preparing. If celestial beings fight, the scale will be enormous. Entire cities will be demolished. I do not expect you to stop fights on those levels, but rakshasas enjoy human flesh. Weak rakshasa will awaken early and enter human cities. We will need manpower to combat these rakshasas. If any of you are willing to risk your lives for humanity, please step forward," Brahlan said. He looked at the young men and women weighing their options. He then saw Netan step forward without any hesitation.

"Will you be making me strong like you?" Netan asked Brahlan.

Brahlan nodded. "Yes. You will be learning methods to gain supernatural powers and combat weak celestials. If you are very talented and hardworking, you can even become strong enough to fight real gods.

Netan nodded and didn't move back. Looking at Netan, one of the youngest persons there, the older students also stepped forward. Slowly, everyone stepped forward. Eventually all except two boys had stepped forward.

"We are only children. We cannot leave our parents. We are sorry," one of them said.

Brahlan smiled, "It's okay. However, you can't remember any of this conversation."

Brahlan pointed his staff towards the two young men. He then uttered a mantra. Netan recognised this mantra to be the same mantra that the Rishi from the day he encountered a rakshasa had used on him. Netan saw a light emanate from the staff and hit the two men. They suddenly collapsed to the ground. Two of the men who agreed to stay went to check if they were alright.

Brahlan clarified to everyone, "They are fine. I simply erased any memory they had of today's conversation. It would be chaotic if everyone knew about the existence of rakshasas and gods. As for all of you who have stayed, welcome. You are all now part of the Peacock federation."