
Causal Collision

Natasha is about to be forced into marriage by her mother. She is getting married to a wealthy man. They sort of feel sorry for each other at the beginning but start to fall in love. However with every collision comes a burst of energy, heat and pain. Read the book to find out the rest of the story .... more chapters and frequent updates on wattpad

DaoisttTzxFj · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

Natasha P.O.V

I wake up with sun blinding my eyes. I use my hand to shield my eyes. As my eyes focus I see Tyler stretching with his hair all over the place. ''Good morning.'' He vocalises. Just as I'm about to greet him back, a sudden wave of nausea washes over me. I jump out of bed and rush over to the bathroom. I squat over the toilet and puke all my food content from yesterday just as I feel my hair being pushed back. I flush the toilet.

''You okay?'' His minty breath creases the bottom of my face as I turn around.

''This is disgusting. You shouldn't be here.'' I insist embarrassed while turning around, not facing him.

He gently sets one of his hands on my hand that placed on my lap and the other just under my chin, turn my head so that I face him again. ''We're in this together.'' I flash him a smile. I get up but then feel a dizzy and lightheaded and almost. Luckily Tyler grabs my waist. ''Tash, are you sure that you are okay?'' He queries.

''Yes I just have a hangover.'' I answer , rubbing my head. ''How could you? You barely drank anything last night. I want you to go to the hospital. '' I groan.

''Fine if it will give you peace of mind.''


When I finish having a shower and brushing teeth. I go into my closet and look for a simple casual outfit. I settle with a plain white t-shirt, front tucked in, blue ripped jeans, white trainers accompanied by a green open botton down shirt.

I walk out of my closet with my hair out as I'm too tried to do anything with it.

''The doctor's name is Dr Robertson. Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?'' I nod as I grab my phone off the drawer next to the bed. ''I'll text you on my way back.''

I walk through the house examining my surroundings that I have familiar with. I take elevator down to the garage and see James by the black range rover. ''Good morning Mrs Grant.'' He greets me, so gentlemen like. I nod and say, ''Good morning to you too James. And its Natasha.''

''Okay Mrs Natasha.'' I sigh knowing that's the best I'm the best I'm going to get.


We have finally reached there. I never really like hospitals, clinics or G.Ps. It's some about the atmosphere that just doesn't sit right with me.

I take a big breath in and step out the car. In all honesty my anxiety was at an all time high, what if they tell me I have some deadly disease and that I was going to die. I would hate to leave my mom all alone.

''Good morning. I have an appointment with Dr Robertson.'' I notify her. ''Ah yes Ms Vanvet. Down the corridor room, on the right.'' She responds with a big toothy smile. I nod at her, ''Thank you.''

When I reach the end of the hallway, I knock on the steamed beechwood door. ''Come in.'' I hear a stronge feminine voice say.

''Hello Ms Vanvet. How do you feel today?''

''Not so well.'' I reply.

''Thank you for answering honestly. Yes, when your fiancé called he said you are nauseous and lightheaded. Is there anything else?'' She asks.

''I also feel quite tired and it feels like I can faint any moment.'' She writes down everything on the notepad, then smiles. ''I think I know what's up with you but to make sure I need a urine sample and a blood sample to test for what I think you have and any other illness.''


After I give her the tests. I just sit in chair and wait, thinking of the possible illness I have. She did smile maybe it's not bad. But what if she is wrong? I just lean back in my chair and look up at the ceiling.

I finally hear the door opening. She walks over to her seat and sits seat. ''You might want to take a seat.'' I didn't even know I was standing. Her face is down and it's making me scared. ''Congratulations you're 2 weeks pregnant.'' She says as she lifts her face up with a big a smile.

I feel so stupid, shocked and relieved. I'm holding my heart as it's beating so fast it won't register on a heart monitor. ''Can I hug you?'' I ask. She gets up and walks around the desk and hugs me.

''Wait, last night I had alcohol. Will my baby be okay?''

''Was it alot and can you tell the exact amount?

''I had a vermouth cocktail.''

She nodded, ''it's still very early but vermouth is relatively low in alcohol so it shouldn't be a problem but we should see in later ultrasounds.

''Thank you.''

I walk out of the room. As I make my way out, I wave goodbye to the receptionist with a big smile.

''Mrs Natasha is everything alright?'' James queries. ''Everything's wonderful.''


On the ride home I was thinking. What Ty think about this? Yes it's the reason we're getting married but what if he wanted to wait until after we are married? I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't even notice that we have arrived at home.

James like the gentleman he is, opens the door then, extends his arm out to help me jump off, as it a high car. ''Thank you James. Why don't you go eat something?''

I say more as a command then anything. Before I walk up the stairs. I see Gretchen polishing vases and frames. ''Hello Gretchen. Is my fiancé still in our room?''

''No, I don't think so madam. I saw him go into his study.'' She answers so shy with her head down. ''Thank you and it's Natasha.''

I jog up the stairs and walk to Ty's study. As I'm outside I hear noises like grunts and moans.

I open the door to have positivity strip away from me. I see Tyler fúcking a brunette on his desk. He doesn't even notice me until I run away crying. ''NATASHA!''

I run into the room and grab a suitcase I haven't yet unpacked. I wheel it down the stairs. ''I'm so sorry Miss, I should have told you.'' She helps me mid way through the stairs. ''No it's fine. Taxis pass that road, right?'' She nods.

I push the suitcase along the driveway. ''Natasha wait!'' He yells from the top of the driveway.

''I should wait? You were the one fúcking someone, in our home! I know we were forced into this and you aren't happy about it but I thought you could at least have some respect me. Once a player, always a player, right?'' I shout at him when he's closer. ''Do you even know who that girl is?'' He nods. ''Courtney Smith.''

I sarcastically laughed. ''You knew who she was and what she had done to me. And you still fúcked her? So much for we're in this together.''

''Natasha, I'm sorry. I blacked out and the next thing I knew you were running away. Please, I don't know what came over me.'' I shake my head and continue pushing my suitcase up the driveway. ''At the club I was telling my friends about you and what happens to me when I'm around you. First I thought maybe I just feel sorry for you, but you make me fill a way felt for anyone before.''

''It's a shame cause I actually thought that this could work. Guess I was wrong. ''

With that I told security to open the gate and waved down a taxi. I looked back one final time to see Tyler running his hands through his hair.