
Causal Collision

Natasha is about to be forced into marriage by her mother. She is getting married to a wealthy man. They sort of feel sorry for each other at the beginning but start to fall in love. However with every collision comes a burst of energy, heat and pain. Read the book to find out the rest of the story .... more chapters and frequent updates on wattpad

DaoisttTzxFj · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

Natasha's P.O.V

I can't believe I'm actually going through with this. I keep expecting either/both Paul and/or my mom to jump out and say this is all one big joke. But so far nothing. I totally forgot to call my friends to let them know what just happened. I'm thinking about doing it after work at some point.

I'm cut off from my thoughts when 'my fiancé' walks in. "Hey, Natasha what are you doing?" I'm just hanging out behind the cashier wearing a Starbucks apron for fun.

"I'm working. You know that thing normal mundane humans do." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I work in places like this." The place is kind of lonely, just a few people doing work and talking to friends.

So I thought I might get a head start on wiping the tables. Tyler just follows me round like a lost puppy. "Is there something you wanted or..?"

"Finally you ask. Stop working we going to look at houses ." What!? Is he kidding?

"I can't just leave work. Why can't we just live in my house or your house?"I question him while wiping the tables.

"1. Yes you can leave cause my father called here and told them to let you leave whenever. 2. We can't live in those houses cause we're getting married and we need our own house our parents agree. So let's go."

"Fine let me go change." I go into the back and change. On the way out I tell my colleague that I'm heading, out so if she can cover my shift.

"Okay so our parents choose 3 house that they think we'd like. We have to visit all of them and choose at the end."

We drive first house and boy does that house look amzing.

The house was big and beautiful. It wasn't like the very modern house which I loved. Had these not too big green plants.(I love nature) The walls and light red roof. Inside the whole place was black and white and full furnished.

"Do you like it?" I finally ask. "Depending on the other two." He replies. Oh yeah there's two more if the first one is this amzing I wonder what the others looks like. So we drive to next imagining how the next house looks like.

This one was definitely bigger and more beautiful. With a more Morden design to it.

The bottom half is different from the top half but they correspond perfectly with each other. The bottom half has black framing with different shades of brown stone patten exterior walls.

The top half of the mansion was a tea like brown with black but mainly white framing. Interior was fully furnished and orange walls and fairly bright lights.

"What do you think Ash?" He ask looking into my brown eyes. While I'm looking into his blue - green eyes. "I like this house more then the last one." Tyler looks around for for a few seconds then says,"yeah, me too."

This was the biggest of them and two floors. It looks very Italian. The driveway has a field on either side. The house lights up beautifully with the yellow-orange exterior walls and brown-greenish roofs. The place has nature every angle you turn. "What do you think of this one?"

"I love this one, but don't you think it's bit much." He looks at me with amusement and a bit of confusion.

"We being forced to marry each other, I think we deserve it. Plus I thought girls want their future husband to buy big houses, cars and things." He questions with his slightly tilted.

"I just don't want you to think I'm a gold digger. I'm good with a small house like mine. I don't need all of this. I feel like it's too much. The second was like calling us don't you think?"

"Yes, I agree. Not too big, not too small, prefect for us. Natasha, I want to get to know you better." Well that was not what I was expecting.

"Well okay, my full name is Natasha Julia Everest Vanvet. My favourite colo-", he stops me in the beginning of my description of myself.

"No not like that. I mean on a date." I think I blacked out for a few minutes then come to my senses.

"Well, we are getting married. I would loved to go on a date with you." I give him small but cute smile, putting my hair behind my ear.

"What about bowling than we get something to eat tomorrow at 6?" I wasn't expecting something casual ,which I love.

"I would like that very much. Thank you Mr Grant."

He took a step closer and study my eyes as I study his then after 5 minutes ,still studying my eyes he speaks. "Don't thank me yet, Ms Vanvet."


With everything going on, I completely forgot to tell my friends about me getting married to guy I barely know. Lucky enough they are all at Ruby's house. So I don't have to round them up like a bunch of sheep.

To be fair I don't even know how to tell them the news. What their reactions will be? What can their reactions be it's not like they are the ones forcefully being married? I walk up to the house and see Em's car she probably picked up Tommy. I knock on the door waiting.

"Natasha, it's been too long. Come on in." She gestures to come in, standing to the side. As soon as I was in the house I kick my off shoes to the side as I always do. Then I walk into living to see Em and T-Dog settling down getting ready to watch a movie I think. When I look at the screen I can't believe what I'm seeing.

"I can't believe you were all going to watch Me Before You, my favourite movie, without me." They look at me happy as they didn't know I was coming. Both Em and Tommy come hug 10 seconds later I feel someone join in from behind. Of course, knowing it was Ruby.

We settle down on the couch. Tommy goes to get the snacks and runs back to couch.

"Who's ready for it to get emotional?" Tom shouts as he runs. As soon as he hits the couch, we press play.


(Spoiler) Towards the end of the movie Matt joins us. At the beach scene where Louisa admits her feelings to Will however Will still decides to end his life, that's when the water works and there is ocean growing bigger by the moment. Everyone even tom and matt start to cry. Ruby, Em and I finsh the tissues so we just let the rivers flow onto our shirts.

The movie ends and I'm still crying. So be fair we all are. But who doesn't like a good sad movie?

"That movie gets better every single the more times you watch that." Matt got up from the couch. We say something along the lines of 'so true'.

With how amzing the movie was I almost forget that I have to tell them about Tyler Grant. We gather back onto the couch and are deciding if we should watch another movie or play truth or dare. I have to do it now.

"Guys I need to tell you something." They all stop their chatter and face me.

"Shot." Tommy states indercating that I have everyone's attention.

"I'm getting married." Everyone's eyes shot open. " I think I should leave. This is clearly a conversation between friends." Matt stands up to leave but I stop him before he can make two steps.

"As far as I'm concerned you apart of this friendship. Whether you like it or not."

"Okay then." He sits down where he was sitting before with a smile on his face. "Wait you have a honey and you didn't tell ME!" Ruby has fit, Em about to join along Tom. "Guys calm down. I'm sure she has an explanation." As soon as those two sentences come out of Matt's mouth. Tom goes back to his lovesick self. I thank him and he nods.

"I don't have a 'honey' it is arranged. By our parents. I don't know when or how but it is. The same day we met is some day we got engaged. We're getting married in 1 month." They all have a speechless and sympathetic look on their face especially Em and Ruby. They know how much I dreamed of fall in love with the perfect man and how much it means to me? "I know."

''I didn't even arrange marriages were still a thing.''

They all come over to me give me a hug. I love knowing that I have the best of friends, just there, ready to give a big hug when i need it.