
Causal Collision

Natasha is about to be forced into marriage by her mother. She is getting married to a wealthy man. They sort of feel sorry for each other at the beginning but start to fall in love. However with every collision comes a burst of energy, heat and pain. Read the book to find out the rest of the story .... more chapters and frequent updates on wattpad

DaoisttTzxFj · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 1(9 years ago)

I love my job. Most people wouldn't see my job at Starbucks as much but without it, I wouldn't have met one of my best friends, Emerald Gelding.

I have a hibiscus herbal blend please" says a well groomed man with noticeable aaccent. Since I still didn't know how to make one I ask my colleague who's worked here longer. I just go stand by my till where the man still stands.

"Sorry I know this is none of my business but are you Australian?" He looks at me confused.

" Yes. Can you not tell by my voice?"

"Sorry I'm to stupid to tell the difference between most accents." He smiled this dashing smile. You could tell he was his late 40s early 50s but he still very handsome.

"Trust me, you aren't stupid... Natasha Vanvet" he replied looking at my name tag. The colleague that I sent to make the tea finally finished and I went for it. I wrapped a tissue around it and handed to him. "Have a nice day Mr...." "Paul Grant." he said as he walk out giving me another smile. As soon as he's out of sight my friend walk in.

"Hey Nat," they say in union. Eme walked in with the rest of my friends. Ruby Peckson and Tom Dim, who live known since kindergarte. "Hey guys what will it be?"

"I'll have a red apple rooibos tea latte.

Eme wants a rooibos tea latte and tom a..."

Tom roll his eyes "chai tea latte" I make their drinks and go to the back and change from my work clothes into the outfit I wore here. ^^^

"So where are we going?" Emerald answered. "Well , there's a basketball game and my brother's playing. So I thought we could go. Tom is all for it. And don't worry you'll make it in time for dinner."


That game was tense. I've never been that into sport but Matt Gelding, eme's brother, was amazing. Have you ever seen two people, who liked two people, but don't know the other likes them. Yeah, that's Tom and Matt. They belong to each other, wish they would realised that.

"OMG matt you were amazing. Why aren't you pro?" I practically jumped out of my seat.

"Thanks nat. Means a lot, but I want to be a photographer. This is more of a hobby." He smiled.

"Well he wasn't all that good." He rolled his eyes at his sisters comment.

"You're just jelous that I'm more talented than you." He then looked over to Tom.

"What did you think?" He asked shyly. We looked over at him.

"Well...um...you seem...good." He walked to gate.

"I'll go see if he's okay." I run over to him.

"Dude well played." He looked up.

"I can't wait till a genius, probably you, invents the time machine so I can go back in time and stop myself from doing that." I hit him playfully on his shoulder.

"One day my friend, one day." We walked back.


"Mom I'm home" I yell upstairs and close the door.

"I'm so glad I didn't let you sell your clothes cause we have visitors coming for dinner. Dress in something nice. Less hippy."

"Mom, remember what I told you about trying to talk like your from this generation?"

She rolled her sassy eyes. "Just go get dressed girl." She pointed to my room.

"Love you." Instead of her gorgeous smile on her face she was sad.

"Mom are you okay?" That frown turned back into a smile.

"I'm fine baby. Go change." I run up the stairs but before I turn into the corridor, she whispers so quietly that I could barley hear.

"I'm sorry." I ignore it and continue to ascend down the corridor into my room and head stright for the wardrobe. I pull out a really cute outfits.

I walked downstairs to see my mother setting the table.

"Darling you look amzing!" She awed.

"Wow, you went all out." I congratulate her.

"Thank you darling." I'm confused, mom would never use this much effort if it wasn't important.

"Mom who's coming to dinner?" I ask.

"Well you se-" the door bell rang and she went into panicked mode but pulled it together and answered the door.

"Good evening Mrs Vanvet" said a man. I couldn't see but the voice seemed similar.

"Please it's Melissa. Come on in. Mi casa su casa" she said shaking his hand while a just face palmed myself.

"This is my son I was talking about, Tyler." Pointing to the handsome, brown haired, blue eyed, tall boy behind him. He's really hot, damn.

As they walked in and took their jackets off and hanged them on coat hanger. "This is my daughter, Natasha, but I think you've already met."

So with that I finally looked at the man my mother was talking to and it was Mr Paul Grant. I was very surprised and confused that he's here in my house and about to have dinner with my mother and me but the world is small.

"Mr Grant it's a pleasure to see you again." From the side of my eye, I could see my mom surprised. Probably because she expected me to say 'yo' or 'what up Mr G'.

"The pleasure is all mine . Please call me Paul. This is my son tyler."

Tyler gave me a dashing smile, that was just too cute. "Good evening Natasha." "Good evening." I say back. We all walked to the table.


We've all finshed eating about an hour ago and now everyone is just getting to know each other. I think Tyler and I are thinking the same thing because if our parents don't know each why are we have dinner?

"Natasha and tyler, I'm sure you're both wondering what we are doing here", Paul started grabbing the attention of tyler and I, " it's time we stop beading around the bush. You two are going to get married." I slightly choke.

"WHAT!!!" We say in union slamming our hands on the table. "You're are having an arrange marriage." Are they serious? This is not what I planned.

"No this can't be happening. I was meant to find someone that takes my breath away, fall in love with him, go the most romantic dates ever, than get married and have adorable looking children. You basically took half my life experiences away."

I said looking at my mother. "Sweetie try to understand me I-", I stop in the middle of the explanation.

"Mom there's nothing to understand you and dad weren't force to get married were you?"

Tyler adds, "dad you loved mom you married on your on free will." I stomped into my room while Tyler stomps to the car.

"Darling, I'm sorry. " She apologised.

"I didn't have a choice that family is loaded they can help us with our financial situation ."

I can't believe her she basically sold me. "Mom, you know I'm not like that you basically sold me."

Of course she started to defend herself. " No I didn't. I set your future. I made sure you don't have to go through what we went through from 5 years ever again. I'm only trying to protect you. He's a handsome, well groomed man. Please if you don't do it for you, do it for me." I thought about it for a short amount of time and give my answer.

"I'll do it for you mom."

Tyler's POV

After I stormed out of the house, I started think why father did this to that poor girl and me. Already I knew why he wanted it for me, so he can see me set in the future with my wife by my side running the companies. "Son I beg you to reconsider the girl is a beautiful, nice, young lady. And I think with time you will begin to grow fond of her and may even love her."

"But dad, I don't want to get married. Mom would never do this to me."

The look is my dad's eyes saddened very quickly, and I immediately regretted what I said. "I know, she wouldn't but son it's been 5 years now and she's not coming back, no matter how much we want here to. 2 years since the first time I told you to at least get a girlfriend. You're 21 and soon going to take over my company you need a wife by your side and a child to take over and fill your life with the joy you lost when your mom died.

She is beautiful and my age. I think it might be worth a try. And if means so much to my dad I should at least try. " I'll do it for you dad."