
Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)

Book 1, Catlyn Ollivander and the Mana Potion; Join Catlyn, the adopted daughter of the famous wandmaker Garrick Ollivander, as she struggles through her years at Hogwarts, deals with her miserable excuse for a social life, her own self-worth issues, and an unexpected side effect of being born half-dead. Book 1.5, Catlyn Ollivander and the Half-breed Killer; Terror descends on London’s magical community as Half-breeds are being gutted and left out for muggles and wizards to see. Are the Sacred Twenty-Eight involved? Who’s the girl with the glowing mana surrounding her? How will Catlyn deal with the target on her back as The Half-breed Killer risks exposing magic to the world? Book 2, Catlyn Ollivander and the Wand Licensing Exam; Just because school has barely started doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be studying. A quiet year at Hogwarts is an oxymoron, after all. The W.L.E. (Wand Licensing Exam) is this year, and I need to prepare for it. So then, why does Kellah insist I go out? What's wrong with a quiet night in? Where's that whisper coming from? Wait, Anne? Anne, I can explain! Can somehow misspell the most basic of words so don't be surprised if I edit a chapter. If you like this story and me as a writer don't forget to support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Clueless59. We have a Discord! wSMuz9jGrs All rights go to J.K. Rowling except for certain characters, ideas, and storylines. The cover artwork was made by Maybelle.

Clueless59 · Book&Literature
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House War

My eyes narrow as he reaches into his robe. Delight scribbled into Professor Flitwick like a novel, he pulls fully repaired silver syphon-dampening bracelets.

'Sorry for breaking them,' I apologize after Professor Flitwick hands them to me.

"Not at all. Think of it as if the old ones were prototypes. You simply revealed a design flaw that I corrected," at his words, I look at the bracelets once more. At first glance they looked exactly like old ones; same size, same shape, even the engraving is the same.

Looking closer, a notch is engraved by the silver balls at the ends of them. Opening up to Mana, I try to see if it's Mana changed at all. Unlike before, not a trace of my milky Mana remained in them. Only Professor Flitwick's dark mint green Mana emanated out of the bracelets.

"These new bracelets now have three positions. If they're fully extended then they will safely stop all Mana from entering and exiting your body. If they detect a conscious want to syphon or to release Mana, the silver balls will retract slightly, letting you freely use your Mana. If you want to put them on or take them off, just try to slide a ball up."

Too mesmerized at the craftsmanship to ask any questions, I try to push one of the silver balls up. Feeling no resistance, the ball moves up to the notch with a click. Testing the limits, I pushed the ball all the way up the bracelet, the silver band disappearing under it. The other ball as well as the other bracelet follows its movement until they resemble two silver mini dumbbells.

Wanting to put them on, I extend the bracelet back halfway, allowing me to put them on and then fullying extend them.

'Wait, you made these?' I look in disbelief as he answers with a nod. Enchanting items with magic isn't that big of a deal. It's a fairly well-known process that's been around for a while. That isn't what this is. This is creating the item itself with the magic, deeply interconnecting the existence of the item with its magical properties.

"I know a little Goblin magic. Not much but with the help of another Goblin this was easy," Professor Flitwick explains, reminding me of his Goblin side. The creation of a magic item like this, otherwise known as Magic Forging, is magic that only a few wizards have learned how to emulate. I say emulate because Magic Forging is the main component of Goblin magic. Goblin magic is the magic specific to Goblins. Goblins consider their magic to be sacred and consider it forbidden to teach wizards.

'I can't take these. Now that I know their Magic Forged I could never do that to you,' I tell him as I start to take them off, knowing Goblins' emotional attachment to their creation.

"Yes, you can. Consider it a payment for playing Wizard Chess with this old man," he reassured, giving me a playful nudge. Whenever there was a lull in customers Father and I would play wizard chess. I was bored one day and asked Professor Flitwick if the Fool's Mate chess board could also just play a normal round with someone. He told me no but offered to play a match with me.

'If anything, I should be paying you for giving me a chance to play against someone as good as you.'

"You play a mean game yourself. If I'm ever in need of a new wand or cleaning I'll ask him if he'd be interested in a game."

'That reminds me, when is the sign-up sheet for staying at Hogwarts for winter vacation posted?' his cheerful expression dims as I ask.

"Late November. Have you talked to your Father about this?" I nod in response.

'It's not like I'm definitely staying over winter vacation. It's just that I have some makeup work and extra work that I don't know if it's going to be finished by then,' I explain, trying to work around talking about the Mana potion.

"Just make sure that's your actual reason and that this is the right decision," even without completely understanding his lecture, I nod.

"Good. Now don't let this fossil keep you anymore," he jokes, dismissing me.

Giving a polite nod, I smooth out the hem of my skirt and glide up the stairs and into the Great Hall. My stride falters slightly as Mana and the bloodthirst hit's me. Scanning slightly, it doesn't take long to spot the yellow uniform amidst the sea of blue. Her boisterous wave to me highlights my cheeks with a slight shade of pink as I glide over to her.

Sitting down, other Ravenclaws seem to barely notice our presence. Unlike that one group, my loss of House points actually improved most of my House's opinion of me. Apparently seeing me get hated by Griffendor and getting publicly accused, wrongly, of trying to kill someone garners some sympathy. I'm just so glad that Dumbledore publicly released their investigation of the events during Halloween.

'If you want I can always sit at your table,' I tell Anne as I sit next to her. She starts to open her mouth but I stop her.

"It's fine, besides, the Ravenclaw table is so much quieter," Anne responds after finally swallowing her pancakes.

"And that's how we like it," a first-year Ravenclaw boy mutters out of human hearing.

'I just don't want to inconvenience you or your brother,' I say, trying to give him his wish.

"It's fine. Ced always hangs out with the Quidditch team anyway," She dismisses, gathering more pancakes with her fork. Penny has voluntary Prefect duties during breakfast so she only occasionally sits with us. Opening up to Mana, it doesn't take me long to find Hermione sitting with Weasley and Potter.

After Halloween, the three have been inseparable, even to the point some call them the Golden trio. Considering the house war Gryffindor had against Ravenclaw, because of the events of Halloween, it's not surprising Hermione completely cut off contact with the group; them taking my side and all.

I'm just glad tensions have started to die down once the investigation was released and Quidditch season starts. Although I hope this doesn't cause anyone to get hurt on the field.

'Why? Are they playing tomorrow?' I ask, not one to follow that sort of thing.

"No, but he's been fired up to beat Slytherin this year. I also think he's using it as a way to get his aggression out on Harry Potter. Your knight in shining armor!" Anne jokes. I still can't believe I missed this! Most of the "war" happened while I was confined to the Hospital wing, so I only have vague details of it. Just how much can happen in just a few weeks! Apparently, a lot considering the scrimmages, pranks, and tension Anne told me about during her visits.

'I still can't believe Ravenclaw cared this much about me,' I tell her in disbelief, thinking of their attitude towards me before.

"Well, tensions between them weren't that good, to begin with," Anne noted.

'What do you mean?' Anne looks in disbelief at my question.

"You don't pay attention to Quittich at all do you? I heard last year that the game before the finals was between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Ravenclaw won but Gryffindor injured one of their chasers. Gryffindor blames them for not allowing Slytherin to win and Ravenclaw blames them for injuring their best chaser."

Even my mind takes a moment to process her speed talk, 'Makes sense I guess.'

The rest of breakfast flies by, with every moment we were not eating Anne would fill it with conversation. Even that first year succumbed to her infectious energy.

"Are you coming to the game tomorrow?" Anne askes.

I'm meeting with Snape for some extra nonverbal spellcraft but that's only happening after the game, 'Maybe. Although I might have to leave early to study and catch up.'

"I guess even you wouldn't be caught up yet after being in the hospital wing."

'Speaking of which, if you don't want to join me for remedial classes we better hurry to class.' Panic slaps Anne's face as her hair fades slightly and the time dawns on her.

F u c king Gryffinbitc hes! Anyway, we're close, about a hundred away, from our goal so I'll give you a little taste. The summer before the second year will be considered its own mini-book. book 1.5 if you will. So I'll put this as a challenge, surpass the goal this month and I'll release both the names of book 1.5 and book 2. And yes, according to your votes they will be on this story.

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