
Catlyn Ollivander (Harry Potter)

Book 1, Catlyn Ollivander and the Mana Potion; Join Catlyn, the adopted daughter of the famous wandmaker Garrick Ollivander, as she struggles through her years at Hogwarts, deals with her miserable excuse for a social life, her own self-worth issues, and an unexpected side effect of being born half-dead. Book 1.5, Catlyn Ollivander and the Half-breed Killer; Terror descends on London’s magical community as Half-breeds are being gutted and left out for muggles and wizards to see. Are the Sacred Twenty-Eight involved? Who’s the girl with the glowing mana surrounding her? How will Catlyn deal with the target on her back as The Half-breed Killer risks exposing magic to the world? Book 2, Catlyn Ollivander and the Wand Licensing Exam; Just because school has barely started doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be studying. A quiet year at Hogwarts is an oxymoron, after all. The W.L.E. (Wand Licensing Exam) is this year, and I need to prepare for it. So then, why does Kellah insist I go out? What's wrong with a quiet night in? Where's that whisper coming from? Wait, Anne? Anne, I can explain! Can somehow misspell the most basic of words so don't be surprised if I edit a chapter. If you like this story and me as a writer don't forget to support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Clueless59. We have a Discord! wSMuz9jGrs All rights go to J.K. Rowling except for certain characters, ideas, and storylines. The cover artwork was made by Maybelle.

Clueless59 · Book&Literature
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Final Exams

Blinding bright sunlight rained down over the field, creating a sharp shadow directly under me as I mount my broom. Sweat stings at my face and soaks into my mask. My wish to take it off is thwarted by the students peppering the grounds, lounging around after the nightmare of exams. I close my eyes to bring my mind back to the task at hand. Ok, deep breaths. Just keep calm, keep confident, and don't do what you did the past fifty attempts.

A breath of wind sweeps through the obstacle course. Although it may be polite down here, up there's another matter.

Starting from the ground, take off to weave around four polls. From there thread the needle through a high ring then a low ring. Last step is to turn around and come back using the same route. Glancing to the left, my eyes make contact with Madam Hooch as she gives me a questioning nod. Returning the nod, I take a deep breath and wait as my leg pleads to stop being used.

"Go!" With the high pitch pierce of her whistle, she starts the clock. The wind whips against my efforts as I take off. Reaching the height marked on the poles, I start weaving through them. Mind raceing, fear beats within my stomach over the possibility of a stray hair, not in my ponytail, getting caught on the rough wood.

Sweeping around the last pillar, I judge the distance up and begin speeding up to make it through the first ring. Making sure to not build too much speed, I zig down and head towards the lower ring. Making it past the ring, my descent is derailed as the brush behind me clips the ring. My gut moves to my throat as the unexpected clash flips me into a downward spiral. I slightly fumble for my wand as the ground approaches. Aiming in reverse, I thank myself for drinking a Mana Potion beforehand as I cast an Impediment Jinx.

"Arresto Momentum!" Madam Hooch cries as she hits my broom with a Slowing Charm shortly after I shot myself. As soon as my spell hits my chest, I stop. Every muscle in my body instinctively fights the unnatural stillness as the broom gives out from under me. Rather than an immediate stop, the broom begins to slow until it falls to the ground.

"Mis. Ollivander!" I can hear Madam Hooch yell in the distance. Although I can't look to see her, from her tone and the strain in her voice, I deduce she's running to me. Opening myself to Mana, I make sure to keep feeding the spell Mana until she's under me. Cutting Mana supply to the spell, my stomach punches me for the sudden shifts in speed as gravity pulls me into her arms.

"Of all the ways to stop yourself! Do you know how dangerous that was! I protected you every other time you crashed, what made you think this was any different?" Madam Hooch asked as she let me down. Her eyes burn into my skull as she waits for an answer. Catching my breath, I show my palms to remind her I can't speak.

Letting out an "oh", she hands me back my notepad, 'I'm sorry, it was a reflex.'

Her face moves rapidly in response, never settling on one emotion for long, "Let's take a break for a moment to let you recover."

Her body betrays her words as she walks away; clearly being the one wanting to recover from the emotional shock. I don't blame her, I mean who would use a dueling jinx to break a fall? Taking her up on her offer, I let myself fall to the ground. Grass meets the padding covering me as sprawl out.

"That looked like a nasty fall, you ok?" An innocent voice pops up beside me. Turning my head, I fight to prevent shock from registering on my face as Harry Potter crouches beside me. My mind races to decipher why he's talking to me.

'I've had worse,' I write to him, earning a chuckle. Why is he asking? Does he think I know something about the Philosopher's stone? 'Oh, did you find out who Nicolas Flamel is?'

"No. We've searched everywhere and haven't found anything," he says defeated, giving away his deception by pushing his glasses up. We? So Weasley and Her-, Granger are helping and apparently they know about it.

'You'll probably figure it out before I make it through the course,' I joke, trying to give the appearance his lie worked.

"I don't really understand because I passed on my first try," his mouth opens in a small panic as I give him a blank stare.

"What I mean is that I don't have any advice to give. My mind just sort of shuts off as I fly. It's weird," he explains awkwardly as spots Weasly lay under a tree beside the lake. My mind takes me into my own world as he leaves. It's not a duel or chess, it's a dance. When you dance, if you keep on worrying about the next move you'll mess up. That's why you have to see your partner's moves and react accordingly. Getting up, I collect my broom and adventure back to Madam Hooch.


"Only you, and maybe Catlyn, would be studying after exams," Cedric taunts Penny as he sits down. Candlelight fights back the darkness of night as the Great Hall fills with the excited chatter of students to the point where even the Ravenclaws are joining in. Cedric's taunts don't seem to reach her as her nose stays firmly in her book.

"Her Prefect duties caused her to miss a final so she's retaking it tomorrow," Leanne explains in between bites of chicken.

"Speaking of finals, how did you guys do?" Cedric's question came out slightly worried. By his glances at me, I could tell word reached him over my flying final.

"Thanks to you guys I managed to pass them all!" Anne exclaims as the gold in her hair brightens. Referring to the numerous cram sessions we had.

*Same,* I sign to them, a smile cracking through at their understanding. We agreed to spend half an hour to an hour studying BSL during our study group. When Cedric found out he immediately wanted to join in, same with Penny. The conversion continued with me using a mix of writing and BSL as we joked and laughed. Occasionally, I'd sign something they didn't understand and they'd ask for me to explain it.

"Oh, Catlyn?" Anne's tone changed slightly as Cedric managed to draw Penny away from studying with a Quidditch debate.


"Thank you so much for those beads! They helped a lot during finals. Do you happen to have any empty ones?" Somehow Anne took to thinking that they are some sort of secret.

'Not really but I can empty the ones you have,' I explain, enjoying the flavor of the meal.

"Really? That's such a big help!" Anne bounced as she stuck her hand in a pocket. My eyes widen as I realize what she's about to do.

Grabbing her arm, I'm able to just about stop her as some bright gold beams of light poke through, 'I don't think it's the best idea to take that out here.'

Light pink dusts her cheeks as she nods in agreement. We don't bother to interrupt Penny and Cedric's debate as we make our way across the hall and into the girl's bathroom. The crowded noise of the Great Hall fell behind us as we passed by the Entrance Hall and made our way to the nearest bathroom.

"I'm so sorry for almost revealing them to the whole school!" Anne apologizes, eyes tinted blue, after I make sure the coast is clear.

Sighing, I take out my notepad and finally clear up this misunderstanding, 'It's not that they're illegal or anything. I just prefer not being asked questions about them and not making a scene. It takes a bit of effort to empty them so I can only do a few today.'

All blue in her eyes and hair disappears as her shoulders relax, "That's fine. Finals are over so I won't be using them as often."

Their bright glow completely overpowers the torches as she digs them out of her pocket. Using both hands, she extends them to me. Digging out a small silk bag, the glass-like beads clink against each other as she pours them in.

Setting the bag on the counter, I grab a few of the beads. Connecting to the Mana within, I let small hunger take over as it grips onto all of the Mana it can and plunge it into me. I could feel my teeth itch to do the same but I fight it back. My eyebrows shoot up as my efforts have barely made a dent in the vast ocean of Mana contained within the beads.

Closing my eyes, I force everything out of my mind as I tune myself into my surroundings. Anne's Mana overshadows all other Mana in the immediate area as I examine every inch of the area. Might as well test if this costs me Mana to use.

Extending my efforts, I scour every inch of the Castle and its grounds. Sharp pain jabs at my brain as I prepare to go beyond, only to stop. What is that? My stomach forms a sinkhole as a massive amount of black Mana erupts on the opposite side of the school.

"Is everything ok?" Anne's concerned voice takes me back. Opening my eyes, I put on a blank face as I look down.

*Yeah, I was just surprised but how much Mana there was,* I sign after handing back the, now clear beads, 'I didn't expect those to wear me out as much as it did. You can go back, I'll be there in a bit.'

My lie doesn't erase the concern in her eyes, "Are you sure?"

Nodding, I give her assuring look as hesitation slowed her departure. Waiting a moment, I grab a bead and search for the black explosion of Mana. It doesn't take long as I quickly narrow down its position.

Popping my head out of the door, I make sure Anne isn't around anymore as I break out in a sprint. What is that! If it was a spell then anything that large and dark would be felt physically wouldn't it? What's with that color? Did another dark creature break-in? If so, then why am I running towards it!

My leather boots pound against the floor as race down a long corridor. Realizing my stupidity, I rustle through my bag to fish out my owl whistle. Putting it up to my lips, I start to blow only for a red light to flash in my vision. A blow slams into my chest. The beginning of nausea hits as thoughts stop forming. My limbs stop responding as the blackness envelops my sight.

Happy Holiday's! One chapter left then Catlyn will get away form this deathtrap of a school for the summer! I'm promising you all right now, next chapter will be the last one in this volume. No matter how long it is, it will be all in one chapter. Having said that, there is no way I'm going to be able to get it out before the new year. This year's been a wild ride and thank you all so much for the support!

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