

CLEO SUMMERS. If there's something which needs to be told about the heroine of this book is that she will literally say the most offensive and nasty thing ever with a cute smile plastered across her innocent face and her middle fingers forever up in the air. That's just how she rolls. She's mean, sassy, mischievous, insensitive, witty, daring, has a firecracker for a mouth and a b*tch to another level. Maybe that's why she catches his attention. KADE WINSTON. Playful, sly, sarcastic, charming, confident, smart and add a heart made of gold.There now you have the hero of our story.The hero who get's under our feisty heroine's skin like no other. He lives life like treading on a railway track. Scary, risky but thrilling. Although he wouldn't mind bringing a feisty girl along to this railway track called life. That's just how he rolls. Maybe that's why he catches her attention. She pushes. He pulls. She glares. He laughs. She's cold. He's hot. She wants the last say. He'll never let anyone have the last say. Add these two in a story with a bunch of quirky characters a.k.a their friends You have pranks, arguments, teasing, lots of couples, flirting, secret smiles, special escapades, laughter, farewell camping trip, jokes, the feeling of being close... Sometimes friendship and love may both come together. And when that miracle happens hold onto it with everything you have. Because life is a thousand times more beautiful with these two elements. Please do give this book a chance.

jinalimehta62 · Teen
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13 Chs

chapter x


"Makes no sense though" I raise a brow before popping the ice pop back in my mouth.

"Tell me about it. How can he think it's cool to tie his t-shirt round his neck? And Dylan being Dylan encourages my dumb brother to do it" Eva said rolling her eyes, eyeing the delicious popsicle hanging from my mouth with longing.

"You know if you want it all you have to do is ask. Not me obviously because nobody shares popsicles. But the seller is usually your go to guy for buying" I remark sarcastically with a teasing grin.

"I know that, smart-a*s. You know I can't have it. Cavity problems remember?" She pouts sadly and I pat her head with a fake sympathetic smile. She slaps my hand away with an amused grin.

Our conversation get's cut short when a girl taps my shoulder. I regard her with a confused frown not knowing who she was.

"Marvin wanted me to inform you about your detention that you ran halfway from. He wants you in room 203 today after classes" The girl gulps when my frown deepens. She avoids my eyes and bites her lower lip nervously when I don't say anything for a few seconds.

Eva nudges my shoulder in a reprimanding manner before turning to the girl fidgeting with the hem of her shirt with a bright smile.

"She'll be there" Eva assures and the girl releases a sigh of relief offering a forced grin. When her eyes meet mine I blink back at her in a cold manner. Something about this screamed suspicious.

"This could be a trap" I look at Eva with raised brows and she scoffs.

"Yeah right" she shakes her head thinking my words to be ridiculous.

"If anything happens to me, it's on you Anson" I narrow my eyes at her playfully before turning around to open my locker. The moment I enter in the code and open the metal door, there's a waterfall of rock hard cotton balls which seemed really familiar.

They pool around my feet and Eva gasps in surprise but she didn't miss the smirk on my face.

"Sweet. But I am sure that's not it" I add the last part with my eyes stuck on a small yellow sticky note sticking on the inside of my locker door.

There was a smiley face on it and below were some words scribbled in an adorably messy way.

If you haven't already figured it out, that was just a warning Blaze. Look forward to what I have planned for you ;)

Wow. He's like walking into the war ground openly like he couldn't care less about stealth. Or guns firing. It's as if he is rubbing it in my face about how he is not afraid to announce his plans. Let's see how it works out for him.

I will look forward to it, Winston. Hope you don't disappoint.


So like the diligent student I am, I attended all the lectures for the day and wrote most of the notes down. Pfft. Yeah right.

I tucked away the last of my books I had spread across my desk before zipping it shut. Until a pen suddenly decided it didn't quiet like the comforts of my bag and falls out, rolling and landing next to a pair of chucks.

"What? So now you don't like your owner? What about that time when I bought you knowing you weren't so great? Huh?" I mutter under my breath with a scowl.

"I am sure it would have replied if it could talk" The owner of the said chucks replies back to my meaningless mumbling with an amused grin and raised brows.

Red stains my cheeks at that and I mentally kill myself 2 times just to make sure I don't resurrect back like Harry does. I mean yeah I didn't have the resurrecting stone but so didn't Harry until he found out it was right there in the snitch. God I am suck a dork sometimes.

"Uh-I used it because I didn't want to offend you if there was a gender you decided upon. That'll only be valid if you had in actual fact thought of a gender. You could tell me if you had because I can so use it right now to save myself from this eternal embarrassment" He scratches the back of his head awkwardly and adds a nervous laugh but that only makes it even more awkward and now I can't stop grinning from ear to ear.

"How considerate Mr. Chucks! Didn't know you were so concerned about my little, mostly out of line, ballpoint pen" I press a hand against my heart and bat my lashes at him with a wide smile on my face.

"Mr. Chucks?" he said with raised eyebrows throwing a quick glance at his feet and mine too and then added with a teasing smirk. "Very original, Miss Combat Boots"

A laugh escapes my mouth and I give him a thumbs up impressed with his comeback.

"Mr. Chucks is cool but it's Edwin I go by which is usually shortened to Ed but hey you stick to what you like" He slings his backpack around his shoulder and nods at me to introduce myself.

"Then Mr. Chucks, it's Cleo that I usually go by but hey! I like Miss Combat Boots better" I grin back at him and grab my own bag and the ballpoint pen which Ed was kind enough to pick up from the floor.

"See you around, Miss Combat Boots" He throws over his shoulder before starting for the hallway. I wave at him in response before heading for the hallway too.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I dig it out and the screen lit's up with a text from a certain someone.

Fine, fine. I apologise for being a jerk-K

Let me make it up to you with a small embarrassing story from my childhood days. That works for you, Cross? -K

It's nice how you think an embarrassing childhood story would win me over but whom am I to say no to it? -F

You are hard to please, Cross (sarcastic voice) -K

Only because I am not making it easy for you -F

Wow. Such cheek. -K

Alright, alright! Get on with the story already! -F

Okay so there was this dance recital we had back when we were in pre school. The girls were to perform basic ballet steps and so they had to wear tutu's. While the boys had to wear a white shirt. Let's just say I am not very good with instructions especially when it comes to costumes...-K

I think I can guess where this is going but please by all means confirm what I am thinking xD -F

So like the idiot little kid I was, I thought we were doing a cross over and borrowed a pink tutu from my neighbour's kid. And also because I wanted myself to stand out from others, I wore a matching pink headband and tied my then sort of long curly hair into a fountain ponytail -K

I have never been so embarrassed in my life before. My teacher almost cracked her head open because she couldn't stand steady on her feet while laughing so hard. She even made me join the girls dance and the crowd laughed even harder than my teacher -K

OH. MY. GOD. That was f*cking epic! Okay, okay I forgive you Kade. I have to. That was some story! Damn xD xD -F

Thanks for making it easy for me to say it, Fiona (feeling extremely touched at your support) -K

Aww. Don't pout drama queen. Did putting on a tutu also changed your attitude? -F

Haha. You amuse me greatly, Miss Cross -K

I try ;) -F

My thumbs do that weird dance they do when they are waiting for the other person to reply and to type back almost immediately not wanting to waste a second. But Winston doesn't reply back and I shrug before pushing my phone back in my pocket and turning towards the staircase. I climb the staircase and walk towards 203.

When I open the door I am shocked to see it empty. I bet my voice could echo if I tried.

"I knew this was a trap!" I shake my head and silently scold myself for being so f*cking stupid to have believed that girl.

"Uh...hello?" Shane Marshall raises his hand and waves at me to get my attention.

Hey when I said that the class was empty I meant no sensible humans were present so obviously I didn't mention the d*ickhead sitting on a bench with his hands fidgeting with a baseball cap.

"What does this mean?" I said tossing my backpack on a nearby seat and crossing my arms against my chest. When he blinks back at me, I tap my right foot indicating the level of my annoyance.

A slow smirk made it's way on his face and he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Only you can explain that, doll. What is the meaning of this? Why has the great almighty Cleo Summers suddenly decided to grace herself in my presence. What can this little faithful servant do for you?" Shane leans forward on his arms and winks at me with a mocking grin plastered across his face.

There is only one person who could have set me up to this. But the question remains why?

Why does Winston feels the need to use Shane...?

He knows very well how much I detest his friend's presence simply because he can't leave me alone. That's it!

He is using Shane to keep me busy. Which can only happen when someone needs to buy more time.

And anybody can guess why Winston needs to buy time. To prank me of course. As soon as I realize this, I bolt towards the door not before grabbing my backpack in a hurried manner.

"That was quick" Shane's chuckle is the last thing I hear as I dash towards the staircase and scurry down almost losing my footing once. Actually two.

I charge through the hallway and people frown at me but move out of my way when they notice the heated glare on my face. Sh*t! I am actually scared. He promised he would get me good. I really don't want to know how good though...

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