

CLEO SUMMERS. If there's something which needs to be told about the heroine of this book is that she will literally say the most offensive and nasty thing ever with a cute smile plastered across her innocent face and her middle fingers forever up in the air. That's just how she rolls. She's mean, sassy, mischievous, insensitive, witty, daring, has a firecracker for a mouth and a b*tch to another level. Maybe that's why she catches his attention. KADE WINSTON. Playful, sly, sarcastic, charming, confident, smart and add a heart made of gold.There now you have the hero of our story.The hero who get's under our feisty heroine's skin like no other. He lives life like treading on a railway track. Scary, risky but thrilling. Although he wouldn't mind bringing a feisty girl along to this railway track called life. That's just how he rolls. Maybe that's why he catches her attention. She pushes. He pulls. She glares. He laughs. She's cold. He's hot. She wants the last say. He'll never let anyone have the last say. Add these two in a story with a bunch of quirky characters a.k.a their friends You have pranks, arguments, teasing, lots of couples, flirting, secret smiles, special escapades, laughter, farewell camping trip, jokes, the feeling of being close... Sometimes friendship and love may both come together. And when that miracle happens hold onto it with everything you have. Because life is a thousand times more beautiful with these two elements. Please do give this book a chance.

jinalimehta62 · Teen
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13 Chs

chapter ix


So it was a stupid dare? -K

Yea. My friends thought it was funny when they were drunk their a*s off. So not funny-F

Who are these friends of your's again? And what grade do they study in? -K

Okay. I'll admit it's not the most mature dare to send a follow request to a guy, but you have to give them credits for trying XD -F

Most mature? So what you want me to say that it was probably the best dare that went down in the history of all legendary dares? -K

I am sure the dare devils such as myself won't feel too happy about that happening (sarcastic expression) -K

I can work pretty well with angry dare devils as I have dealt with quiet a share of my own -F

Tell me Cross, What's the most terrifying dare you were ever given and gone through with it? -K

There was this time when I had to seduce an 80 something year old man so he would give me a yearly free skittles supply -F

I am listening -K

It's a long story -F

Does it end with you failling? -K

Partially? -F

You have got me hooked. Please go on ;) -K

Only if you promise to share your own -F

You have a deal -K

Although no deals are ever fun without the blood oath but hey I'll take what I can get -F

Now you are stalling -K

Okay fine. So I was the one picked for the dare as you obviously know -F

No sh*t -K

-_- -F

Okay sorry. Go on. -K

My friend knew the old man who owned and ran the shop with his grandson. She told me he was the biggest miser and nothing and nobody could change that. Hence the dare -F

You have a 'unique' set of friends. One gives you a lame a*s dare and then the other convinces you to manipulate a shopkeeper for free supplies -K

What can I say? I live a very exciting life :) -F

Stop distracting me or you can kiss the story goodbye! -F

You make it so easy -K

Buh bye xoxo -F

My lips twitch in a an involuntarily smile before it slips off when Eva raises a brow at me.

"Are you going to keel stare at your phone or make a move? I do not mean to disturb you or anything but we don't have all night" Eva grunts but keeps a look out nonetheless.

"No greatness came into this world by hurrying up. You gotta have patience" I click my tongue at her in a fake disapproving manner.

"Wrong. Impatience get's the job done quicker" She throws back with a flip of her hair over her shoulder.

"And then we use the remaining time to correct the faults" I wink at her and she turns away muttering something under her breath having nothing to say in her defence.

"I am sorry what was that again" I cup a hand over my ear and bite back a grin at her no-nonsense face definitely not encouraging my silly ways.

"Get it done already Cleo. I am freezing my a*s out here!" She whines before wrapping her jacket tighter around her body.

"Grab a donut, princess this is going be a little while" I smirk before dipping another cotton ball into a tub filled with water and sticking the now soaked cotton ball to the hood of the car. I am a certified genius. No doubts whatsoever.

"You do know that Kade's going to break your bones and make healthy soup out of it, right? I know violence's is never the good option but I wouldn't be completely against someone going in for a few good kicks and punches if the other deserves it" Eva raises one frozen brow at me. Kidding about the frozen brow part. It was actually her eyelashes and maybe some of her brain cells.

"Your support overwhelms me, Eva. Means a lot" Pressing a hand against my heart, I offer her a blinding smile.

"Always" she offers a cheerful grin waving off my sarcastic thankful comment. This time I dip two cotton balls in the water and stick one to the hood and other on Eva's nose. The easiest spot besides the cheeks. Cheeks are too overrated.

She stills for a moment before panicking and swatting at her nose with her eyes crossed in the middle. She goes on about it for a few minutes and I get my work done with her screaming in the background. I like to remain cool and composed in the worst of all situations.

"You are honestly the worst, Cleo. Do you get off on annoying others?" Eva's tone picks up a mildly annoyed one and I grin.

"I wonder if that's true" I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

Eva gags at that making weird choking noises in the background and I get more of my work done. Maybe I should do something to keep her busy. At least I work faster this way.

"Eva, I don't want to scare you or anything but there's like two bees hovering over your head debating who should sting you first. I think they are about to come to a conclusion now" I look up at the empty space above her head with wide eyes.

Aaaand ladies and gentlemen I finally got done with my prank all thanks to Eva being busy with killing imaginary bees. Thank you Eva. It's been a pleasure working with you.

I nod my head proudly at the phenomenal work I did on Winston's car. The soaked cotton balls are going to be hard as a rock when they freeze up. This better play out in my favour. Only I know the efforts I went through to get this done. From puncturing Winston's car's front left tyre to coming to the school's parking lot on this cold night. It better show the results.

"Okay Eva. Get in the car. We are leaving. And just for your reference there weren't any bees deciding your fate" I call out to her before settling in the car and turning on the heater. The front door opens and Eva quickly jumps in. If looks could kill, I would be buried six feet under with no guarantee of all my bones and body parts being intact. Eva definitely doesn't mess around.

"I finally convinced myself that there are some who will eventualy learn after some hits from life but the others? Only God can help them. I think you found your category" Eva narrowed her eyes with I-dare-you-to-say-anything gleam strong in her eyes. I cough loudly to mask my laugh.

"I am sorry Eva" She balks at my words and turns to look at me.

"Really?" She sincerly questions with her eyebrows raised.

"Nope" I grin back at her and she turns the radio on increasing the volume to a level where she could drown out my chuckle. With that I finally pull out of the parking lot not before throwing one last smile at my pretty handiwork. Would Winston appreciate my humour seeing the pattern the cotton balls made? I don't think so.


The bell rings signalling the end of our chem lecture and students start packing their stuff moving out one by one leaving the occasional few who felt the need to share something with the teacher. I glance at Eva's face from the corner of my eyes not shocked to see her looking as pale as a paper with a worrisome expression on her face. I roll my eyes and turn in my seat to glare at her.

"Did you commit a felony, Eva Anson?"

"Are you out of your mind?" She throws her hands up in the air.

"Tell me that again when you look at your face in the mirror" I point out, gesturing towards her face. She slaps my hand away before going back to fretting over all the impossibilities of her going to jail for pranking someone.

I pick up my binder and dump it in my backpack before zipping it shut. I turn to ask Eva if she is still up for what we had originally planned. It was decided that we will go to the parking lot to witness things going wrong when Winston saw his car and us laughing our a*ses off while stuffing our mouths with popcorn. Popcorn which I had made by waking up extra early and sacrificing my precious sleep hours.

"I don't think so, Cleo. You carry on. Maybe I'll join you later" Eva shook her head with a slight frown.

"You are putting the word over dramatic to shame" I poke my tongue out at her in a teasing manner before skipping out of the classroom door. My eyes catch a familiar face and he waves at me. Dylan looks behind me to check for Eva and I jut a thumb towards the classroom with a roll of my eyes.

Dylan chuckles before brushing past me and in the room. Only he can handle that woman.


The school parking lot was filled with people huddled in a specific corner where I left a car which I had personally redecorated with great patience and a useless partner in crime.

"What's happening?" I nod towards the group of people surrounding Winston's car. Gina, an acquaintance of mine, turns around and waves at me in greeting before shrugging as an answer to my question. I knew the answer of course but still asked just for the sake of it.

"I don't know much but someone played some prank on Kade Winston by using his car as a mean. That's all I know. Oh and Kade's hunting down the culprit" Gina chuckles. Her friends call her over and she smiles at me before heading over to them.

I bite back a grin before turning on my feet to make my way towards the canteen. The fact that Winston might be looking for me right now didn't bother me the slightest. He couldn't have known that it was me. That's impossible. I left no evidence which I made sure thrice before leaving. So no I wasn't scared. Instead I had a cheery grin plastered on my face and there was a spring in my step one couldn't help but think was the sign of someone losing their sh*t.

Suddenly the back of my hoodie is yanked back bringing me to an abrupt halt. I turn around to glare at the person who dared to dampen my happy mood but instead they widen in surprise.

"Someone's in a peachy mood" Winston tilted his head to the side with his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Clearly that someone isn't you" I recover from my initial shock and look over at him in annoyance. Particularly the part where his hand still had a tight grip on my hoodie which he removed with a smirk.

"Yeah. Want to guess why?" He raises his brows.

"Nah! I'll pass" I scowl at him.

"I don't think so" His face hardened a little and I gulped. Maybe he knows. That's okay. There is always Plan B. So what's the Plan B again? Oh right there never was one.


"I give you 5 mins to say what you want Winston because this stomach of mine-" I said pointing my finger to my stomach and his eyes following it.

"-needs food. So be quick. Like real quick" I conclude on a serious note but the unamused expression on his face said otherwise.

"Is that so?" He replies back in a dry manner with a roll of his eyes. I nod my head and motion him to go on with whatever he has to say.

"You did a whacky job back there with my car" he said nodding in the direction of the parking lot. I blink back at him not letting anything slip on my face. When he looked at me in a questioning manner, I simply raised my phone and tapped my finger on the screen indicating the running time.

"Not going to own up, huh?"  He clicked his tongue reproachingly not bothering to contain the smirk spreading across his lips.

"You seemed like the type to sign your artwork, Blaze"

My brows creased at his words and my eyes hardened in a glare.

"Okay. Your times up, Winston. Peace out" I mutter quickly and turn to leave but he stops me with his words.

"I will get you back on this. Even if it's you, there's no way anyone can get away messing with me. Especially if it's a prank. I'll pay back like a Devil will" Winston said grinning, his eyes holding an impish look in them.

"I am looking forward to it" I reply back accepting the challenge. He let's out a deep chuckle in response and somewhere deep in my heart, a small corner of it thumped at the sweet melody of it.

He took small steps back, his electrifying gaze fixed on me as they raked me from top to bottom with his ever present self-satisfied smirk plastered across his handsome face. I breathed a sigh and turned around to leave but was stopped.

"I appreciate the pattern" He grinned and I smiled and even gave a little bow.

"You think that's big? Wait till you see it in flesh" He winked, holding back a laugh at my gaping mouth.

Maybe making a d*ck with frozen cotton balls on his car's bonnet wasn't such a good idea. Meh. I'll improvise.

Hold up, hold up! Rewind back. How in the f*cking hell did Winston know that I was the prankster? I guess the only way to find that answer is to ask Winston and give him another chance to mock me. I totally agree with the statement, "Ignorance is bliss" right now.

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