

Tyler the Twin brother of Tayler who's 21years old , creates an Instagram account for his introvert sister just to show the world her unbearable beauty, and also just to have fun with it too because he's a very social person and likes having fun anywhere and anytime. In the account he meets a man, Tenor,, who is an introvert too and they seem to click so they keep talking to each other, the guy knowing that he's talking to a girl that he saw her pictures , it's not her because she's not a social person but it's her brother talking to him instead. As days pass the guy start having feelings for this new person he met , he never used to text or waste his precious time on anyone but with this person he just want to text all the time and make unreasonable stories, he's also curious why the other person never picks his calls but just want to text. On the other side, Tyler knows very well that the person he's talking to is a man , and when they started flirting he told himself that he was just having fun because he's not gay nor bisexual, that's what he thinks , but also as time goes he starts being engaged to this new found person, he even stops going out all the time as he used to with his friends to fool around and flirt with hundreds of girls. He convinces himself that he is being like this just because the guy seem to be mature and gives him great advice and that's why he wants to be friends with him. Not knowing that he's actually falling for him. They leave in different countries ! Tenor is 26yrears old and owns a Jewelry company that has three brunches in different countries which his dad left when he passed on. One of the branches is where TYler comes from, one day there was a function there which he was to attend and he was excited about it because he was going where the person he's fallen for is , he was planning to ask 'her' out when he gets there but unexpectedly the person asked him out first Everytime he visits there he always stays in a hotel but this time there was complications , the couple at the company that were in charge of him decided to invite him to there house just for the night as they find him a good hotel , he didn't argue about it because of how worn out he was due to previous day function and today's, but what he didn't expect is that he was brought right to his Love's house. Tyler is the very first person to meet him once he get in the house, he doesn't know what to think about this ! He started dating the guy but the guy thinks it's his sister he's dating but his sister has no idea that his brother has been talking to a person in form of him. TYler wonders what he's gonna do with the situation.

ShengLi_Victory · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

35. Plan worked.

Tenor POV,

" A message !! Am message from him!! Thank God he's alright,,, Wait until he gets here! He'll tell me if he's the first person to get a heartbreak!

Why does he always wanna make us worry, does he wanna kill me with pressure or what?!

For this past 2months he hasn't been going out so much and I was so stupid to think that maybe he has changed,, wait until he gets here..he won't have those legs to go out anymore!"

" Hun.. calm down , atleast we know now that he's fine,, what did he say in the message ?" Joe ask.

" Hey Mom, I went out for a moment to Clear my head but don't worry am on my way back,, ... 'for a moment indeed' Alpher says he didn't see him go out, that means he sneaked out when everyone was still asleep and he's not here yet!"

Omg! This is bad.. I take my phone and text Tyler.

Me: Looks like someone is in a big trouble today , but seriously we're in a very big mess, looks like you won't have legs anymore at the end of this day, but don't worry, am here with you, I won't let her touch you. '

Tyler: You realize that this is happening because of you, right?! If you had just let me go earlier this wouldn't be happening you punk!

Me: Hey , don't call me that , am such a cute bunny..

Tyler: Idiot! Playing around when we're in trouble !


" Is that him you're chatting with?" Tayler asks coming where am sitting, I lock my phone instantly .

" Uuh.. yeah , he says he's almost here." I lie .

" I thought he stopped being stubborn but I think I was so wrong . " She says sitting next to me .

" But you have to understand that he wasn't feeling well, his girlfriend just left abruptly and as if that wasn't enough she broke up with him, it's not easy for him." I try to speak up for him.

Alexa, "Tenor , that shouldn't be the reason for him to leave the house at night, it's so dangerous out there, he could have just talked to someone!"

I stop talking.

My phone vibrate and without even looking I know it's him .

Tyler: why are you queit now? '

Me: I have a plan .

Tyler: Let it out already.

Me: Okay , so I'll go in the kitchen as if going to pick something and then pretend to have slipped and fell, because nanny just finished moping, the moment they come to see what has happened, I'll text you and then you'll have to rush out of my room and go towards the front door , then pretend to have just entered the house . I won't let them leave at that moment until you are set . And you'll have to act so broken so that your mom doesn't break your legs.

TYler: But am wearing pajamas, by the way , am leaving my boxer in your washroom, I can't wear that sticky thing anymore,, anyway do you think they will believe that I went out with pajamas on? '

Me: Yeah, just say you couldn't sleep that's why you got out the way you were, you didn't even have the intention of going out of the gate, you just wanted some fresh air outside the house but you got out of the gate unconsciously. '

Me: And about your boxer.. glad that it'll remain with me .

TYler: perverted fool.

Tyler: what about Alpher, he'll say he didn't see me come in through the gate.

Me: He's not around, so we'll have to use this chance.

Me: Ready??

TYler: yeah, I hope it'll work.

Me: it'll, am gonna go now.

I stand slowly and start walking hoping that they don't ask me why am going to the kitchen and then offer to help me pick the unneeded.

" Babe, why are going in the kitchen for"

All the attention turns to me.

"Uuh.. I need warm salty water, my stomach isn't feeling well and that helps me alot." I lie.

Tayler, "Let me help you."

" No, please don't , I'll be fine, it's just a 2minutes thing." I say hoping that she listens.

"I'll keep you company as you do it then." Ugh man! Why is she so persistent !!?

 "I'll go help you warm water." nanny says standing, I go meet her and take her back to her sit , "Please sit, I'll be fine."

Tayler follows me , I can't stop her but it's okay, I'll know how to deal with her.

When we get in the kitchen I take the electric jug, I pour in water and connect it, Tayler is talking non-stop, she's not even concentrating on me , when am done I start walking going where she is and that's when I pretend to fall by accident.

" Ahh ouch , damnit !! That hurts! " I shout.

" Omg! Tenor are you alright? shit! mooom! Come with the first aid kit. " I was sure they'll come all of them, so as Tayler is worried trying to call for help, I press send to the message that I had already typed. But still whining at the same time, "aaah I think I just broke my bone, jeez! Why is it so painful, aah damnit." I say holding my leg.

As expected they all enter the kitchen, I just hope TYler will act fast.

" I think we should help you to the sitting room so that you can lie comfortable as we apply medication." Joe say .

" No please just do it here, I can't take it anymore!! aah damnit! My bone has been affected, jeez!" I don't even know if am saying anything that make sense.

" Let me get you painkillers." Alexa say heading out. Ugh damnit!!

"No wait , help me to the sitting room, I think am in bad position that's why it hurts this much, I'll take the painkillers when we get there."

There's nothing showing that am hurt , am just insisting about the bone. By telling them to take me in the living room I want to disturb them walking slowly and all that. After alot of struggles with them, I hear my phone vibrate and I know that's Tyler and he's done.

I start walking with more ease but not that much.

We reach in the living room and I see him coming from the door, everyone's attention has turned to him , they almost forgot they had a sick person.

Jeez! This boy is really dangerous , how the hell did he transform so fast looking like someone who has cried all night and broken like shit, I swear you'll believe him in just one glance.

We reach on the sofa, I lie down, Joe ties a bandage on my ankle while Alexa goes to look at his son. " I'll call the doctor, they should examine it." Joe says taking his phone out of his trouser's pocket.

" No it's fine , it doesn't even hurt that much now , I think it was just a simple sprain, I can even try walking." I say standing but not so straight, I limp going where Tyler and his mom are , Tayler insists on helping me walk.

" What about your stomach?" Joe insists.

" I'll be alright after drinking that water , you worry so much Joe."

" Okay , if you say so."

We all go to where Tyler is , his face has tear stains, jeez! what a wicked kid.

"Honey everything will be alright okay . It's not the end of the world, you'll find someone to love you again and you'll be Happy again." Alexa says with a soft voice as if she wasn't the one going crazy just few minutes ago.

" She's right Tyler, am sure there is someone else who'll love you with all they have."

I add on Alex's words looking at him to see his reaction.

Joe also add all he wanted to say , Tayler too say lacing her fingers with mine, "You don't have to rush anything , look at me , I've been single all my life thinking there wasn't someone for me to love but look.. I've found him and am happy, you'll find the right person."

Shit! This is bad , looks like we're still in a bad mess, Tyler looks at our hands and stands up abruptly, "okay fine , I don't wanna talk about it anymore, I've already made up my mind last night and am cool, am hungry I need to eat something. "

He heads to the dining, we all follow him like sheep, am trying to unlace my fingers from Tayler's but she isn't letting go so we end up going like that in the dining, we sit to take breakfast.

" By the way we didn't have time to talk about you two but I don't think there's anything to talk about,, Congratulations, may you last forever." Alexa says smiling.

" Now my boss is my son in law,, this life is so unpredictable." Joe says laughing.

They keep talking on and on about it but I don't even hear a lot, my mind is on Tyler , he hasn't stopped looking at our hands , am trying to unlace them but Tayler won't let go.

" See babe, I told you there's nothing to be worried about." she kisses my lips after saying that, damnit! This is not good, why are things so complicated.

Tyler stops chewing whatever it was in his mouth and stands , " I'll take a shower, thanks nanny." He leaves .

"You haven't even eaten much my boy. " Nanny complains.

" Am good, I'll be sleeping so I don't anyone to bother me , not even the phone, ah right , I can just put it off."  he says leaving.

Why does it seem like he's addressing especially me.

He goes upstairs. I can't let him go in there before I talk to him otherwise he won't be talking to me for the rest of the day and I won't be okay with that.

So I decide to make an excuse and follow him.

It has just crossed my mind now and realized that I've been with Tayler for 2 weeks but we've never been as close as I've been with Tyler in just one night.