
Cat In Another World

Every story begins at birth but for me it started after me dying. For 17 years I've live my life as a human and honsetly I thought to myself sometimes "Why wasnt I born a dinosaur or even a dragon. Goblin seems fine too". I was born poor always out in the street trying to make a living. There were even time I had to look for leftover food in garbage bins just to fill my stomach and dining together with me were dogs. Lived a life similar that of a dog so what difference there is between me and a dog. No, even dogs were treated better than me at least some passer-by would throw them food while what I got was disgust and spit on my face. So when my time finally came, I accepted it with pleasure. But it seems that there is still another chance! And now in front of a strange figure with godly powers. I humbly protates myself. "Please turn me into an animal!"

CatInAnotherWorld · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Trapped again...

When I've returned to the Adventurer's guild I was able to see the three actually sitting together. To think that Garfield and Snow stopped playing and bothered to listen and learn. Wow, it seems that I didn't truly understand them at all. Well, that's understandable as I've only been with them for a day at most.

"Luna, Did you force them into this?" I quietly whispered to Luna.

Luna then turned to me with head tilting."Of course not Master! What do you think I am!"

"I'm just joking. I mean don't you also find this unbelievable."

Luna didn't comment and just smiled. "Why don't you ask them, Master"

Right, it would be better to ask them directly about this. It wouldn't be that they matured like Luna with just me being gone for a while, would they?

I asked the two whether they had a change of heart and why they decided to finally learn earnestly. But upon hearing their answer I couldn't help be face-palm myself. I should have known.

"Don't you think Master that I could use those moves to easily pin Garfield(Snow) down?" They answered at the same time with the face as if telling "Isn't it obvious?".



"So indeed it was for playing!"

I had to smack them in the head for breaking my heart…

After that, we had our lunch. During the time, I found out that all the time I spent cute-begging for food earlier was all for nought. Because a lot of female adventurers gave us their food giving out reasons saying that they were on a diet and weren't hungry. In that short time, the food we accumulated from them was far more than what I brought.

It seems that I wouldn't have to worry about our food in the future.

Anyway, their sparring matches ended after lunch. A hot beauty replaced the instructor and taught basic first aid. I'm sure that no adventurer was able to concentrate especially at the part where she taught chest bandage, at least no men weren't able to reel in their desires and spent the whole time fantasising.

I mean I was the same… Very guilty…Though my body is that of a cat the mind inside this body is a healthy human teenager!

While the female adventurers were looking at them with disgust. The girls didn't find it weird and disgusting when I was the one who was starting earnestly and following her every move with my eyes. Another benefit of being a cat

The first aid lessons ended at some time in the noon. It seems to be the last lesson for the day.

Most adventurers already heard back home to rest while some earnest ones continued to spar with each other and trained their newly learned skills.

On their way home, some girls couldn't resist seeing us go and tried to take us home. Of course, I rejected them and their forcefulness attitude was met with my fierce claws. I'm just joking what kind of a man(cat) hurts a girl?

But I wouldn't go down without a fight. I may be a cat but I wasn't a pussy. Even after they strangled(snuggled) and tortured(tickled) I kept retaliating with my all! Alas, after all going through that hellish(heavenly) experience I was able to stand my ground and remained free and dignified! Albeit, with my fur being a little messy.

Now let's go back home. Time sure does flies by. Before I knew it the sun was already setting.

I was already on my way back to the inn alone. Why? Because earlier I had to sacrifice myself to give the three a path to escape. Imagine how the heroic me attracted their attention and take on all of their ferocious attacks(tickles).

One man stopping the army of a thousand! So that his fellow comrades would be saved and be spared of sufferings. Yup, That's what happened….

So now I was going back alone. It was a great opportunity to test how independent they are. If they could find the way back home safely then it means that I've raised them well! Definitely wasn't jealous of how they were more popular than me to the point where I had to shoo them away so that I could have the attention all for myself. Definitely not….Well, maybe I was jealous for a tad bit but it wasn't definitely because of that.

Just as I've turned around the corner I saw this huge wolf staring at me with the intent to devour me whole.

Huh? WTF? Do I know you, dawg?

The wolf howled at the moon attracting the attention of nearby people.

Ahhhh!!!!!!!! Somebody save meee! I knew it was useless as no one probably wanted to get tangled up with a wolf as vicious as this

So I could only run like there was no tomorrow with my life on the line. But even so, the wolf was faster and would eventually catch up to me. I had to find a way to bridge a gap between us.

I put all my strength on my legs and jumped successfully over a high wall. Didn't know that I could jump that high. Adrenaline sure does make people and cats do the things which seem impossible.

But it seems that the was just starting. Just then I heard the sound of claws scratching on the wall. Looking back I saw the wolf who was barely up on the wall struggling to crossover. But with its strong legs it was able to bit by bit able to bring up it's the lower body and successfully crossed.

Without even a second of hesitation, I ran towards an unfamiliar. street. I had to get away from here as the inn was just around the corner. I didn't want to endanger them.

I could only run to somewhere else. We've run from street to street where I was almost caught a few times. Luckily I was able to pass through to small places where I barely fitted. A lot of times where I thought I finally lost it only to find out just right around the corner behind me.

It must be tracking me by my smell! If only I could find a puddle of mud where I can mask my smell and prevent it from sniffing me out. But in that case, wouldn't I leave a trail of mud?

Stupid! Don't think about random things and focus only on one thing. And that's running!

Just as I've turned around the corner I slipped and stumbled over.

Get up! Come on! Drag your body if you have to! I told myself. But I was really tired. My mouth was already wide open gasping for air with my tongue sticking out like a dog. My legs were also aching from soreness. Cats were short burst sprinters. Totally not suite for a long-distance chase like this.

Just then I could hear the sounds of claws scratching on the surface getting louder as it got nearer.

It's already here! It can't be that I would become a dog's food today? I've just lived a single after my reincarnation!

Ha….it seems that faith was pulling a trick on me and wanted to make me pass on to another life soon.

In from of me was the towering city wall. Unknowingly I've run here at the edge of the city. It was a dead end with nowhere to escape and run to.

Forget about jumping. The city wall was over 12 meters high. I had to be the Hulk to be able to jump that high. I wasn't a super cat or something.

Wait? I am so stupid! Though I don't have the power of a superhero I have the freaking system!

Just then the wolf which was chasing me was finally able to catch up. It was growling with fangs bared and ears straight up. I could see saliva dripping from its mouth as it fell on the ground.

Comparing the teeth of the stray dogs I faced in the streets back on Earth. The difference was like a baby's teeth and on the other hand the teeth of a t-rex. I don't know if wolves on Earth had similar teeth or was this just regular wolf teeth here on this world.

It continued to come closer. With it's every step inching closer I also took an inch long step backwards keeping the distance between us equal. Before I knew it I was backed against the wall unable to take one more step.

But just as the distance between us were only a few feet left. A sudden whistle struck our ears at a high pitch making it stop from its steps. With us being up close I was able to enjoy the close-up look of its huge fangs. No doubt I would be snapped into two from a single bite from it.

Just then I heard the sound of footsteps with it followed a man's chucklings. Walking from behind the shadow I was able to see the man's shadowy figure.

"Hehe, Who knew that you would be able to track it down so fast! I got you now you damned thief!"

"Huh? What is this? A darn cat? Fvck! You stupid wolf I told you to track down the thief who broke into the store not to chase some cat!"

When the man's face finally came into light. I was shocked.

Ohhh, snap…

Isn't this the guy whose pet shop I recently ruined?

I think this chapter is a good one! it's long and exciting. I especially enjoyed doing this one. Let's give a shout out to the 44 people who added this into their library! Let this chapter be a history! Happy Sunday's everyone... I think 4 chap a week is my limit... so sorry

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