
Chapter 1

A/N's at the bottom of the chapter.

I don't own RWBY, it belongs to Rooster Teeth. I do own my OCs, though.

It was dark.

I was walking down the street after buying some coca cola. It was just an ordinary night, except tonight, the streetlights seem to be flickering.

How ominous.

I walked past the flickering streetlight, opening the can of cola and feeling satisfaction at the hiss sound that it emitted.

"Ah.." I gulped down some sweet cola. Refreshing.

I turned a corner.

It was a mistake.

It was too dark.

I should have heard the footsteps.

There was no one in the fucking streets, how did I not hear him?

A hand came from behind me and gripped my mouth. The hand was coarse and rough with use. A man. He growled at me and I felt something cold at my back.

Oh shit.

"Give me the money, boy, and I'll probably leave you alive."

I would have probably quipped something at him if I didn't feel the fucking cold metal on my back.

Instead, I just bit down on my attacker's hand.

"Shit!" The man hissed, letting go of my face.

I dropped my cola and ran for my life. "Help!" I screamed.

There was a gun shot.

Pain erupted from the left part of my chest then itwassuddenlyeverywhereelseohmygod-

Blood leaked out from the wound. I screamed even harder.

Lights were turning on, people started to realize something was wrong.

I saw a head peak out of a window and call someone on the phone. The cops are coming.

The criminal probably realized this too and growled. "Fucking kid, you could have made this easier on yourself."

"But if I'm going down, then you're going down with me, you bastard."

And then I knew no more.

… Well, I would have. But after that, I was.. floating, for the lack of a better term.

I don't know how to describe it. After I died (and I know I died because I got shot in the fucking head and let me tell you, that hurts), I was ejected out of my body. Hell, when I looked down, I saw my body lying down, gunshot wound on my left chest probably puncturing a lung if it didn't hit my heart, then a shot to the head. The criminal was already running away and civilians were gathering around the crime scene.

I gazed at the corner I dropped my cola and felt a twinge of regret.

"Poor cola." Looks like I could talk as a ghost.

Then after that, I wasn't there anymore.

It was dark here. I couldn't see anything at all. It was kind of infuriating, really. I tried to move but I felt something resist my movements. When I tried to move again, I felt something else beside me.

Am I in Hell?


Yeah, no.

It wasn't incredibly painful to be in this sort of stasis, it was just really, really boring. I had no clue on what I was supposed to do to entertain myself and I didn't want to move to risk hurting the person beside me. Maybe he or she got shot like me and is taking a quick ghost nap. Hell if I know.

But whatever, if I'm gonna be stuck here, I might as well dream.







I don't know how long it's been since I got in this stasis. It's been incredibly boring so far, but the good news is that my friend in here got moving and fidgeting. Sometimes, he or she kicks. Great really, but he or she feels.. pudgy.

I have a sinking feeling in my stomach.

I ignored it.

And ignoring it had its benefits.

In front of me was a blue screen.

It, in all intents and purposes, was a stat screen.

I squint my eyes as I read it. Apparently, I had S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats and then there were skills below it. I thought about using my weird pudgy ghost arms to swipe down but I didn't need to, since it apparently scrolled on its own.


There were a variety of skills. Barter, Speech, Guns, Melee, the like. I don't know, these all seem familiar..


I recognize that Speech thing.

Isn't that the Fallout Meme?

… Where am I?

And finally, I realized.

I'm on a rebirth aren't I?

With the gamer ability?

Wow. Great. Neat.

Suddenly, the world turned.. gray.


Another blue screen appeared in front of me, in front of my stat screen. It was not translucent like my stat screen and was fully opaque. There was a white border around it and the corners were rounded, colored gray. There was a sentence and a few choices. A few choices I recognized all too clearly.


Easy – Want a break?

Normal – Average.. Everything's normal.

Hard – Everything's a bit harder..

Insane – You're a fucking maniac.

Lunatic – Death on birth.

I'm not a moron.

I select Easy.

The screen shrunk and the typical 'Are you sure?' prompt appeared. I selected Yes and got on with it.

The stat screen enlarged when the prompt disappeared. I looked around and the world was still monochrome, meaning this was something I needed to do. Allocate stats. Sigh.

I looked over my stats. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. I know it's from Fallout, but I have absolutely little idea on what they are supposed to do. I know what they mean; Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck but I had no idea what they—


How convenient.

So it maxes out at 10.. and minimum is 0. I glanced at my SPECIALs and saw them all even at 5 and 5 extra points to spend, so I can use 40 points in total.


What do I do?

Well, I always wanted to be.. strong and fast?

I was a smart person before but really, I was just a little bit above average. I rubbed my chin as I thought about my stat allocation. I can't change the way I build this. Sure, clothes and equipment can add on but they still won't change my base SPECIALs.

What if I get born on a world of peace?

What if a world of war?

And so I waited.


Fuck that.

First, I removed all the points from my SPECIALs, reducing them all to 0, giving me 35 additional points and 40 total points to spend.

Second, I allocated 8 points to Strength, 3 points to Perception, 5 to Endurance, 2 to Charisma, 7 to Intelligence, 10 to Agility, and 5 to Luck.

… Charisma scaled with Speech and my social skills.

I winced.

Looks like I won't be getting any social life soon. Fuck.

I confirmed the allocation.

Suddenly, everything changed. I felt.. weird. Awkward. 2 Charisma sucks. But I felt smarter, faster, stronger. Hell, I felt like a million bucks if not a bit awkward.

The monochrome faded around me.


And then the screaming started.

It took me awhile, but I realized the screaming was my mother doing contractions and forcing me out through vaginal birth. I screamed in return, as I did not expect this being the way of my spawning, and the disgust of going through a woman's vagina.

Everything was huge.

The blobs of who I guessed were the doctors considering they were white towered over me and were sort of terrifying to be honest. I will not deny the fact that I screamed as they got close to me.

However, my new mother was not done.

She was still screaming and doing contractions, and I realized.

The other person was my twin.

I didn't have a twin in my previous life, nor did I have any siblings, which made growing up with a helicopter parent hard. An Asian helicopter parent, nonetheless. I don't know how I'll fare with a sibling in this new world, but I hope it's a good relationship.

I don't know how long it's been. My mother is no longer screaming, but gritting her teeth as she held the wrist of a yellow-faced man, who I assume is my father and is not actually yellow faced but blonde. I was waiting for my new twin to arrive. Would we be identical or fraternal? I was anxious.

Finally, the baby came out. My mother gasped and hissed, and then sighed in relief. The baby was put in a separate place, so I don't know where she is.

It annoys me to no end how I still can't see past the blobs so I can't see any expressions. My ears were finally starting to get a bit better, seeing as I can make out a few words here and there. Still can't replicate them though, but I expect my vocal cords to be better around my 6th month.

"… healthy… Aura… safe…"

"… name..?"

The world was monochrome again, and another prompt appeared in front of me. It held a few simple words.




I guess I should keep it realistic. Since I'm alive now, I don't wanna name myself something stupid like Dick Face or Sucker or something stupid. I brought up my stat screen and saw nothing of my "avatar". Instead, I looked at my mother.

Despite the monochrome, her eyes stood out among the rest.


I made my choice.

I heard her say it herself.

"… Crimson.. –son Branwen."

I'm 2 now.

Time sure flies by.


I'm bored.

I idly move a few blocks around, rearranging them to spell POOP. Childish, I know.

I'm a child.

I heard a snort behind me, seeing my twin sister giggle as she read my rearrangement.

I shrugged.

The language wasn't actually different to my old one, English. It was pretty much the same all things considered, with a few minor changes, though nothing my new baby mind will have any trouble absorbing. I learned the language as soon as I was one and a half, surprising my father and the new woman beside him, who I knew for a fact wasn't my mother.

My mom left me when I was born.

How quaint.

I'll never forget her, though. Her eyes were Crimson, and I'm named Crimson. It's hard to forget something when you're fully aware of your birth mother and the circumstances of what happened and how.

Not because I love her or anything.

Not at all.

I don't cry at night because I miss her.



My sniff betrays me.


Thankfully, I didn't die of boredom in the last two years. In my previous life, I was an utter couch potato. While I wasn't exactly fat, I was still extremely lazy, which I want to change in this new life I have. I can't afford to be lazy, not when monsters can be literally outside our doorstep.

When I was a little younger than 2, I overheard my dad, Taiyang, and my step mom, Summer, talk about something called Grimm (the details of the conversation slip by, but I think it was a failed experiment something?). Now, I may not be that intelligent—

Perception Check Success: 3/3

See, even the game agrees- wait..

Fuck you, game.

I may not be intelligent, but in this new world, I have a drive for knowledge. It may be the 7 points in Intelligence that I put, but I bet I would have still tried to dig up information about Grimm stuff before I died.

On the how I dug up the information?

Well, when there's books everywhere and you know how to read, things tend to not be secret.

I read a few things about Grimm and instantly knew that they would be my source of EXP when I grow up or something. They just screamed out dungeon monster and the bloodlust inside me was screaming at me to kill something.

I don't know, I'm probably messed up.

Bloodlust aside, I was actually really excited. I was reborn on a world with a sister, a caring dad, an awesome step mom and I know that there are monsters here. And it's written on a book, which means that it's public knowledge that the Grimm exist.

Intelligence Check Success: 7/5


Anyway, step mom was out and so was Dad. They didn't tell us where they were going and Yang was awfully confused on why they left, though the confusion was gone as quick as it came when our uncle, a Qrow Branwen (I noticed our similar last names) was told to basically babysit us while they went to God knows where.

Or if I'm right, the Hospital. Summer was pregnant after all.

"Cwimson!" Hello, Yang. "Cwimson!" Her lilac eyes shined with the sparkle of mischievousness. "Look!"

I looked.

It was POOP.

Of course.

She giggled uncontrollably while I just snorted and started to look around.

Qrow was over by the sink looking bored out of his mind as he watched us play. Typical. I would be bored watching kids too, much less two kids that had opposing personalities.

Perception Check Failure: 3/4

For Christ's sake.

Well I was bored out of my mind. Mom and dad have been gone for awhile, like, 4 hours or so. While Yang and I were doing blocks now, that doesn't mean we didn't do other things awhile ago.

For instance, she wanted to play Tag awhile ago. I didn't want to, but she tagged me anyway.

We had a stare off.

My pride demanded I tag her back, so I stood up and tried to tag her.

She dodged.


She ran as far as her little legs got her, but I was, without a doubt, faster. Thank you, 10 Agility. 8 Strength helped, too, and the 5 Endurance was certainly enough to help me not get tired.

However, 2 Charisma did not help me. At all.

Yang's laugh trailed off as she looked at me with thislook I can't quite explain.

Is that pity?

"Did I make you mad?" Her voice quivered. "I'm sorry!"

"I'm not mad," I said quickly, trying to do damage control. "Sorry."

We were quiet.

"Okay," my twin said doubtfully. Thankfully, she didn't prod any further. We played a few more games after that, a little less physically extensive because she learned that I was her better at most things physical.

Now I'm in this position, sitting firmly at the carpeted floor, staring at Qrow who was staring back at me.

I called him over. "Uncle Qrow!"

Yang perked up and looked over to him. "Uncle Qwow!" D'aw.

Qrow snorted at the way Yang called him and walked over. Suddenly, I felt really really small in height comparison as I looked up to him. Thankfully, he kneeled down to be at mostly face to face with us small mortals. I said mostly because I still had to look up.

"When are mom and dad going to come home?" I asked him with the most innocence I can gather as a 2 year old.

A lot, apparently.

His gaze softened and he smiled. It made him look at least a little fatherly. "They'll be right back, don't worry about it, kid."

I nodded numbly as I process it. So they're going to come back within the day? I thought that people who gave birth had to stay at the hospital for at least a little bit more time.

Unless I'm missing something here. I probably am.

Qrow took a few steps back and sat down on the floor as Yang and I played with the blocks again. Well, Yang played and I looked and built towers. It was an interesting phenomenon, Yang had a strange look of concentration on her face as she rearranged the letters to spell out her name and mine (one ended up being Yam) and my look of focus as I carefully stacked the blocks on top of each other, careful to not make it fall apart.

It's a lot harder than it sounds.

While Qrow amuses himself by messing with Yang("Hey, Yang. I bet you can't find the monkey in the mirror." "I bet you I can!"), I look over my block tower of 6 stacked blocks and drift off.

Well, to the outside world that is.

In reality, I was checking my stat box. My SPECIALs were still the same, no surprise. My skills were a different thing. There was no sort option, but thankfully, the associated stat was already within a parentheses next to it.

Crimson Branwen (LV. 1)

Health: 150

Aura: -/-

Semblance: ?

Experience: 150/1000

S – 8

P – 3

E – 5

C – 2

I – 7

A – 10

L – 5


Speech (Charisma): 9

Barter (Charisma): 9

Bladed Melee (Agility): 25

Blunt Melee (Strength): 20

Unarmed (Endurance): 15

Small Guns (Agility): 25

Big Guns (Strength): 20

Lockpick (Perception): 10

Repair (Intelligence): 18

Smith (Intelligence): 18

Computers (Intelligence): 18

Sneak (Agility): 25

Medicine (Intelligence): 18

Aura Manipulation (Intelligence): 18

Available Points: 0

Nothing's changed still. That's unfortunate. I haven't gotten any EXP since I learned how to walk and talk. I need a source of experience to maybe grind off of. I don't know much about Fallout since I never played it, but the numbers feel small.

Actually, can I know the limit to the skills?

A prompt appeared next to the [Bladed Melee (Agility)] skill.



I checked the other skills and all of them had a maximum value of 100. I barely stopped a grin from taking over my face, noting that Qrow noticed that I had stopped building and was spaced out.

I wonder though..

Nah, I probably wouldn't be able to try it out until I get a hold on a sword. Or anything bladed really. I really want a sword though. Damn, this ability is broken.

I was only 5 years old when I found out that Summer died.

It was.. sad. Depressing.

I couldn't shake off the grief on dad's eyes, nor the sadness in Yang's. Ruby was still a little too young to understand on

why we were sad. I think it's only because of her that we're still hanging on.

Glue to a broken family.

Ruby really was a little blessing.

I sighed and watched Ruby as she slowly fell asleep, her breaths turning into deep snores and still body going asleep. I was going to go asleep myself but as I got out of the room, Yang appeared around the corner.

I almost jumped, because the last time that happened, I died.

Thankfully, it was only Yang. She was distraught. Worried, and angry. I can't see what she was thinking, but I can feel with her. We could feel each other. If only through the Aura we have connected. Dad says it's a twin thing, and I'm inclined to believe him.

"Summer wasn't our mom." She whispered.

A water drop.

A gust of wind.

The moonlight filtered in from an open window.

I was silent as I looked at her, gaze hardening and mouth opening to retort something that would have been harsh if she had not corrected herself.

"No—I mean, not our real mom. The mom that made us. You know." She used airquotes on that. I almost laughed if this wasn't a real situation.

"Yang, our real mom," My voice dripped with sarcasm. "Would have left us when we were born. I don't care who it is, Mom's the real one who raised me."

"Crimsonlook at Dad," Yang stubbornly refuses to back down on this. "He's.. He's so sad!"

And he is. Dad's been depressed ever since Summer died. He hasn't been quite the same ever since. He always had this faraway look in his eyes, and I'm scared. For him.

"What do you think we could do for him?" I whispered harshly, not caring for my tone. "What, we find our mom then we bring her back so everything could be fine?"

"What do you care? You don't care about anything!" Yang snapped.

It felt like a slap to the face.

My eyes widened and I fell back. My cheeks stung. My eyes water.

I did care. I cared for Summer more than I cared for anyone back in my previous life. Losing her hurt, and no way in hell was I not unfeeling. No. Not at all.

Why would you think that?! I'm.. I'm not a heartless bastard!

"I… I.." I stuttered. I haven't stuttered in years.

"No—wait! Crimson!" I didn't listen, I'm already out of the hall and into my own room.

It was bare, a desk with a few things on the table (mostly some pens and a few pieces of paper with a desk lamp and mini fan), a dresser and my bed, which had the blankets thrown off and me taking its place.

I was mentally 22.

But why did her words sting so much?

I woke up the next morning quiet and not refreshed.

I need a shower.

I grabbed a towel and grabbed a non-descript red shirt and black shorts. My eyes were heavy and my feet were dragging.

I don't care.

I opened my door and I slung the towel over my shoulder. I yawned, putting a fist over my mouth as I tried to quell my sleepiness. Today would be a day.

I smack my lips as I walk towards the bathroom. I opened the door, my arms stretching as I grab the knob, twist, and open.

I closed the door and locked it, placed my towel on the sink, then stripped.

I opened the shower.

It almost felt like it was back home.

Back before I died.

Now's not the time to think about that.

Now not the time to think about..

I choked. Mom.

And so I let the tears flow out. The shower continued to pound my head, the soap in my hands forgotten as I sunk to my knees and cried my heart out.

I miss her.

I miss Mom.

It was half an hour before I finally stood up and went out the bathroom, in which Taiyang, dad, was already out there waiting for me to finish.

When I got out, he looked at me, concerned. He probably noticed my puffy eyes.

"Crimson, are you alright?" He asked, concern evident on his tone and face.

I tried to smile, but my voice is flat. "I'm fine."

Speech Check Failure: 9/10

He frowns. "Crimson…"

"I'm fine," I insisted. I rubbed my eyes and tried to give the brightest smile I can. It fails.

Speech Check Failure: 9/15

God damn it.

"Son…" My dad calls me. "I'm always here for you. For all of you. You know that, right?"

I release a breath I've been holding back. "I know." I say quietly.

And I left.

I went downstairs to get breakfast. Yang is already there with Ruby, feeding her some mix of cereal and soft foods. I don't know. I don't care.


I care.

Yang notices me dragging myself over to the table, concern lighting up her face. She whispers something to Ruby, which she nods to, and walks over to me.


"It's fine. It wasn't your fault," I stop her. "You're right, anyway."

Charisma Check Failure: 2/3

Fucking hell.

Yang frowns. You too? "No, I'm not."

"Excuse me?" I glare at her. "You told me yourself!"

"I was mad, that's different!" She stubbornly argues. "And it's not that you don't care, it's that.. well.. you can't?" She tries to explain it, but can't.

I can't explain myself either. I don't understand myself, and it scares me.

I take a deep breath. "Let's just.. forget it, alright?"

Ruby looks between us worriedly and murmurs something I couldn't catch before indulging herself into cereal.

Yang and I were silent as we eat our own cereal. I didn't want to destroy the fragile peace we had between us.

Afraid of ruining our friendship.

Our ties.

Our bonds.

I can't afford to do that.

Not when I just lost someone I loved.

"I know where she is." She suddenly says quietly. Ruby heard her whisper over the silence of the room, the only other sound was the showering sounds originating from the shower above. "I found her."

I glance at her. "So?"

She glares. "We bring her back. Then maybe Dad can be happy again."

Probably not. There's probably some big reason on why our mom left in the first place. Maybe they had a fight and the romance didn't work out?


I sighed and poked at my cereal. "You're going anyway even if I don't come with you."

She nods.

I scowled. "Are you bringing Ruby?"


"Fine, I'll come. If only to protect you two." I puffed up.

Speech Check Failure: 9/15

Fuck you, game.

Yang just giggled, though there was a twinge of nervousness, and went back to eating her cereal.

It would be a few hours later when Taiyang left for something that Yang led us to the forest.

The sun was up but the shadows the trees cast overhead was ominous.

I had an odd feeling in my stomach, but I tried to ignore it in favor of finishing the quest I received when Yang, Ruby and I left the house.

Quest Added: Big Black Wolf

Follow Yang in her lead to your Mother

Well if that wasn't ominous, I don't know what is. The quest title gives me the heebie jeebies too.

Big Black Wolf.. Big Black Wolf..

I'm wracking my mind for any information of a big black wolf, and nothing's popping up so far. I must have a weird look at my face though, 'cause when Ruby looked at me, she scrunched up her face then giggled.


Anyway, Yang was confidently following her 'lead', seemingly not tired yet. The walk itself wasn't really far, but it went into the forest and I'm pretty sure I heard Dad say not to go into the forest, in which I kept reminding Yang before we went inside.


She was currently pulling along a wagon with Ruby inside, who was gleefully looking around and observing the woods. She giggled whenever she saw a butterfly, and gasped when she saw something move. Her pudgy 3 year old arms were waving and trying to touch the woodworks, in which I gently slapped her away from.

Odd kid.

It's been a while since we started trekking. Yang's showing her first signs of fatigue, breathing heavily and slowing down. I had started breathing heavily a few minutes back too, but I tried to suppress it to not worry anyone.

I see Yang get more and more frustrated as a few sticks whacked her when she moved them away. She growled as she pulled a few off and threw them away.

"Nice arm." I idly compliment.

She snorted. "Thank you."

We walked several more minutes and I still have no idea on where we're going. Yang seems to know though so I trust her judgment.

Finally, after a several minutes.. or more.. of walking, getting bruised, walking, tiring ourselves out, and walking, we finally arrived at our destination.

It was a building. It wasn't very big, but it was obviously abandoned. There were cracks at the side and it looked pretty dusty. One of the windows were shattered and looking beneath it I saw its shards on the grass below. If the building had any paint before, it's gone now, seeing as the building is as gray as the cement used for it.

Quest Updated: Big Black Wolf

Completed: Follow Yang in her lead to your Mother


… what?


How many times have I said Oh shit in my new life?

This should be another one of that moment.. or moments.

Suddenly, three wolves came out of the brush, red eyes gleaming as they snarled at us. Yang screamed in fear, as she back pedaled and hit the wall of the gray building. Ruby froze, her silver eyes looking at the three wolves, pitch black in color, red eyes.. Grimm.

So these were Grimm.

I pushed the cart towards Yang's position, making Ruby stumble and cry out in fear inside the cart I stood protectively in front of Ruby and Yang and lifted my shaky arms in front of me.


Was I.. scared?

Of course I was.

If I messed this up I would die.

Now that normally wouldn't bother me, but I also had two other people behind me, two children who would have more reasons and more stuff to live for.

And.. they were family.

I couldn't allow them to die, now can I?

Something surged inside me. It was warm, but I didn't care. A prompt appeared at the side of my vision, idly noting something about EXP, but I quickly dismissed it as I looked at the dark wolves in front of me, putting on my best brave face.

"Crimson!" My sister screamed.

"Get inside!" I ordered them, my voice shaky. Damn. "I said get inside!"

I don't know if they did but I didn't hear anything. God damn it.

And it was at that time that the wolves moved.

They pounced at me, intending to kill. My eyes narrowed as I rolled to the side, making the three pounce on the wrong place.

I took the opportunity of their miss and hit one of the wolves in the side, making it yelp and back off.


My hit shouldn't have done damage, should it?

Ignoring it, I back away again as it clawed me, making me hiss in pain.

-73 HP

Aw shitake mushrooms.

My wounds, three slashes on my chest bled, and a DOT effect applied itself to me. Bleeding. No shit.

-1 HP

-1 HP

Fuck, I'm on 75 left. Half health. I'm not too keen on finding out what happens when I get to 0.

I felt another surge of power inside me, and this time, it felt weird. Warm. It flooded my body and into my wounds, and it was weird because I felt it heal.

Aura Manipulation Check Success: 18/15

+20 HP

What? I idly notice my wounds closing up and I took the chance to back up, I read the new prompt quickly and a smile blossomed on my face. A fighting chance.

Perk earned: Aura Surge

A perk even newbies can do. Heals user lightly and cures bleeding effect.

Oh nice, I got 150 EXP for that too.

I'm back to 95, but that was more than enough for me to dart to the side as the wolves tried to slash at me again.

This was still a bad situation, but at least I had some sort of a fighting chance now. I raise my fist and waited for one of them to jump at me again, waiting for a chance.


One of the wolves got tired of waiting and pounced.

I slid under him, and my hand was coated in wind.


Aura Manipulation Check Success: 18/15

I punched.

I don't know how to describe it, but when I sucker punched that wolf in the gut, the wind expanded and threw the wolf off me, launching it high in the air then landing it beside me. I quickly grabbed the heaviest rock I found and dropped it into its head.

It worked.

The wolf disintegrated, leaving me bewildered, tired, and scared.

Perk earned: Vortex Fist

Unique Perk! A wind coated fist that expands when it hits something.

Another 150 EXP! I would be jumping in joy if I wasn't in any—oh.

The two Grimm vanished already, disintegrating into the black particles their friend came from.

And standing in the middle of the two was Qrow.

Qrow holding a big ass sword, holding it to his shoulder, glancing at me with a dull smirk.

"Nice job, kid."

My opinion of my uncle skyrocketed.

He looked like the total epitome of a badass.

"Wow." I'm looking up at him with shock and gratefulness. "That was.. so cool."

"Well if I'm right about you, you're probably going to do more than that, kiddo," He knelt beside me and checked me for any other wounds beside the scratches and the scar in my chest. "So tell me, what did you feel when you sucker punched that Beowolf in the gut?"

Beowolf? That's what they were called? "Warm."

"Warm?" He raised a brow.

"Yeah." I nodded as he pat me on the back and stood up. "Like something flowed."

He nodded in understanding. "Well, I'd say you're pretty lucky. You survived a Beowolf attack, unlocked your Aura and Semblance all in the same day," He narrowed his eyes. "But what the hell are you doing out here alone?"


"O.. Oh no.. Yang!" I panicked. Qrow's eyes widened as he looked around, spotting the cart next to the door. A mop of yellow popped out of the door. Yang, staring at me, wide eyed left the building with Ruby behind her, hugging her waist.

"W-wow.. Uncle Qrow?" She whispered.

Ruby was looking at our Uncle with stars in her eyes. I understand her feelings.

But Uncle Qrow was simply glaring at us, then he smirked.

"Your dad is gonna have a few words with you brats."

When I looked at Qrow, I swear, he had this trollish look on his face. This very very trollish look on his face.

I take back everything I said.


Quest Complete: Big Black Wolf

Complete: Survive

Complete: (Optional) Kill a Beowolf

Complete: (Secret) Unlock Aura and Semblance

+400 EXP

400 EXP for that bullshit? What the hell?

Wait a minute..



I took a peek at my stats screen again and I was pleasantly surprised.

I had gone up a level.


I got 17 points for skills to use, but none on SPECIALs. Figures, I can't change it. I took a look at everything. I glance and see Unarmed higher than before, 3 points higher to be exact, putting it at 18.

I.. don't know where to spend it on.

I don't wanna do Unarmed because I know I would die doing it. I don't like punching things, especially when they hurt. And my new semblance, Aerokinesis, probably doesn't compliment it that much. Unless I get creative.

Wait, my semblance scales off Aura Manipulation, right?

I put 7 points into Aura Manipulation, putting it up to 25 Points. Neat. I have 10 points left, but I should probably leave it alone for now.

I see Qrow finish up with my sister's, leaving Yang with a guilty but resolute look on her face and Ruby still has stars in her eyes. He glances at me for a second, seeing me lost in thought.

Oh don't worry about me Qrow.

Worry about the Grimm that's going to die when I finally figure out what I need to do.

Qrow sat back at the Living Room as he watched Taiyang finish chewing his children out. As expected, Yang and Ruby were ashamed, and they both went to their respective rooms. Meanwhile, Crimson still had the lost look in his red eyes. It made Qrow pause whenever he looked at the child, since he looks like a male copy of his missing sister but was so different in personality.

It was weird watching him, like he knew more than he should. A maturity beyond a child of his age, matched only by his lack of tact.

As they went up to their rooms, Taiyang sighed and dragged himself over to the Living Room and plopped down next to Qrow.

"Fuck.. I just lost Summer. Qrow.. If there's anything I could do for you, I'll—"

"Don't worry about it, Tai," He waved him off. "Really, you should worry more about your son."

He freezes. "What? What happened to him? Did something bad happen? Did he get injured? Internal? A sickness?" When Taiyang started to panic, Qrow simply chuckled and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Nah. Tai, I think your kid is a prodigy."

Everything paused.

"Qrow.. what exactly happened?"

Qrow shrugged and rubbed his chin. "I don't really know. When I got there, I saw your kid. He was healinghimself with Aura."

"Healing?" Taiyang was disbelieving. To be honest, Qrow would be calling bullshit too since the kid was obviously 5. He shouldn't even have enough control on it yet. But Qrow knew what he saw, and what he did right after.

"Yeah, there were 3 Beowolves, and he was probably mauled. There's a three slash scar on his chest if you didn't notice."

"O-oh god.." Taiyang started to tremble. "My poor son's gonna live with the memory of nearly dying to a Beowolf."

"Actually," Qrow corrected him. "The kid looked pissed."

Taiyang paused again. "What?"

"Your son is weird. I told you he was a prodigy, right? After he healed himself, he baited a beowolf to jump for him. Slid right under the bastard, and I saw wind explode under the thing. He used his Semblance too." Qrow sighed. "You might want to bring it up to him, see if he wants to learn how to be a –"

"No, Qrow," Taiyang firmly stated. "Not until they're older. I'm not letting him be a child soldier."

"He's not going to be a child soldier!" Qrow pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm just saying, that you could train him a little. Maybe. I don't care how you do it, but I know what I saw and feel. He's a prodigy."

The two men were silent.

Taiyang broke it by sighing. He dragged a hand through his blonde hair. "Look—fine, I'll give him the test I give to Signal students. Aptitude and all that. But not today. Not after a Grimm attack."

"Understandable," Qrow nodded. "Let him rest for a bit."

"That's what I intend to do." Taiyang mumbled.

The kid.. well, if he was a prodigy, then the next few years would be very interesting indeed.