
Casket: Falling in love at school, Chapter 44

        Falling in love at school/ Chapter 44

"He What!" "He's Alive!" "How do you know?!" "I just got a call from my mom! She said he showed up at her doorstep with a bullet wound.

She took him to the hospital where they are now! Rick.. I don't know if I should be happy, sad or completely furious!"

"All, You need to be all." Kate began to sob into his chest as he rubbed her back for comfort. "Come with me to the hospital?"

"Of course." "Thank you." She managed to say as she choked on her tears.

"Come on let's go." "What about the twins and Ally?!" "I'll have my mother come over."

Kate nodded and disappeared up into the room to change.


"Kate my mother is here." "Oh Katherine." Martha wrapped her arms around her daughter in law. "Thank you Martha." "Go see him darling."

Kate nodded and walked out of the loft followed by Rick. "Mother, call me if anything goes wrong." "Of course, now go." "Thanks."


Breathe Kate, Just breathe. She was standing in front of the hospital room where her father was. The man who her mother and she thought were dead for over 18 years!

The man who put them through Hell ! The man who they drowned their sorrows in. The man she hated more than anything after this she didn't know how to react.

"Katie!" Kate half smiled as Johanna rushed up and hugged her. "Mom I.." "I know I know! I can't believe it either!"

"Is he really.." "Yes Sweetie He's in there Alive." "Come on let's go in, he's been dying to see you."

"Ok." Johanna walked in first and Kate began to walk in, as soon as she hit the threshold, her body tensed up, frozen and shaking.

She needed Rick! She had told him to wait down stairs because she thought she needed to do this alone but she needed him more than anything right now!

He was her rock. "Rick." Was all she said before feeling warm hands wrap around her waist, making her feel relaxed as she knew whose hands were around her.

"Rick." "I'm right here." "I thought I could do it." "Kate, I'm right here, It's ok. I'll go in with you."

"Thank you." "Always." He kissed her temple and laced his hands into her's.

She took a deep breath and took a step into the dark room where she saw her mother holding the hand of.. her Father

."Katie?!" Gulping she walked closer, where he was smiling at her. "Hi Dad." "Wow! Look at you! Your so.. Grown up!" Tucking some hair behind her ear she nodded.

"It's been 18 years, what did you expect?" "Kate!" Johanna exclaimed as Kate bit her tongue. "I'm sorry, it's just."

"No, I deserve it. I made you and your mother believe I was dead for 18 years and I feel awful." "where were you?!"

"Mostly in Europe." "Why?!" "Because I needed to make sure you guys were safe." "Safe from what?!"

"From someone who doesn't matter anymore! He's not in the picture anymore and you guys are safe and so am I! I'm home for good."

"You just expect us to welcome you with open arms after you weren't here for 18 freakin year !" She was getting angry, she needed Rick again.

Coming out of the dark area he wrapped his arms around her making her calm down a bit. Jim raised his eyebrow at the sight of the stranger who had his arms around his daughter

. Clearing his throat he glared at Rick and looked at Kate who was enjoying Rick's touch. "And Who is this?" "This is Rick."

She said it as it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Boyfriend?" "Nope." Suddenly glanced at her fingers and saw the two large diamond rings on her finger.

"Dad, Rick's my husband." "I'm sorry what?!" "He's my husband." "Kate you're only 24 !" "And?" "That's so..young."

"Dad, I'm not going to argue. Rick's my husband, We've been married for almost a year.

Oh by the way, I'm also a mother.."
