
Chapter 9: Jailbreak

Hey, I didn't get any reviews for the last chapter so does that mean no one liked it or no one bothered to read it because of the title. I just thought that the title was clever because it was a development chapter and nothing was really happening. So, here's the next chapter and please tell me what you guys think! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece or Case Closed

The best thing about the Grand Line- the jet-propulsion stream! He was traveling through it right now, with the pink-haired marine who was terrified beyond measure. It was fast, it was like riding his skateboard on a jet, it was incredible! He just hoped Ace-san would understand when he found the note Conan left at the hotel. After making something up about losing a book, Conan made the excuse to go to the hotel, and slipped the inn keeper some money and a note to give to Ace. Hopefully, the pirate would understand.

With Ace

The division captain stared at the note, and stared some more. If he was with his foolish little brother, he'd expect this, but this recklessness seemed rather uncharacteristic of the boy. I mean, other than his brother, who would dare jump ship on him and not expect retribution? Staring at the note in front of him, it read:

Dear Ace-san,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am now traveling with the Navy again. Don't worry, I'm with Coby-san, so I'll be all right. If you and your friends want to come by the beach and say hi, go ahead. Right now, I'm heading for that Impel Down place you mentioned, Coby-san said I'll be safest there. We're using the propulsion stream, so we'll get there really fast. It's too dangerous for you to go though, so don't follow me. Well, thanks for your help Ace-san! Ja ne!


Conan Edogawa

Seriously, what's up with that? The idiot even told him and his crew where to go. He was about as bad of keeping secrets as Luffy was. Ace groaned, now he and his crew had to save the idiotic brat.

With Conan

"Edogawa-kun!" Conan turned to the marine who was clutching to a post on the ship for dear life. "Why are you heading to Impel Down? What's there?"

"I don't know! I just need to figure something out!" The boy shouted in response. It was true; damn his detective's curiosity! He just had to confirm his suspicions about One Piece now! And maybe, just maybe, he'd find a solution for both his world and this one; he often did in solving cases. "Coby-san! How much further?"

"We'll end up in the sea near the port of the prison! It's about a day's journey into the prison's docks!" The young marine yelled. "Edogawa-kun! Are you sure Helmeppo-san said you were to be transferred to Impel Down? There are a lot of unsavory characters there!"

"Which is why it's the best protection! No one would dare break in to kidnap me and I can't escape!" Conan inwardly smirked, knowing he'd have a ride by the time his investigation at the prison was over.

"Oh! Okay!" Coby nodded at the answer.

The detective felt slightly guilty for stringing the young marine along, but he needed a navigator, and he knew how to get in and out of the prison, not to mention, a marine meant easy access to World Government files, which meant more dirt. Smiling when the ship slowed when it exited the watery canal, he whirled past a dizzy Coby and went to dining room, anxious for a good meal.

A Day Later

After seeing the outside of the prison, Conan was starting to have second thoughts on his plans; it looked like a prison dome, and two-thirds of it was under water; making Coby even more vital in his plan. "Stay close, Edogawa-kun, there was a mass prison break a while ago, so security's been increased."

"How'd they escape?" He was curious as to how they got out.

"He he…Monkey D. Luffy freed them." The marine explained.

"The pirate captain you mentioned earlier? He lead the breakout?" Conan gasped.

"Yeah…he's quite a troublemaker, he's only been a pirate for a year or so, but he's already become one of the most infamous people in the world." Coby replied leading Conan into the fortress.

"What makes him so formidable?" Conan was surprised that one person could break out of all this.

"He ate the Gum Gum fruit, which turned his body into rubber." Coby explained.

Conan spoke as he took in the prison's surroundings. "Rubber? Doesn't that seem like a useless ability for combat?"

"Yeah, if you don't know how to control it." Coby smiled as thought of Luffy's exploits. "But Luffy's beat many pirates with that power, and even defeated marines with it."

"You don't say…" The detective was interested. "What's his latest stunt?"

"As I said, he broke out of here with people in tow, and even defeated Warden Magellan from what I heard. But I heard he also had help defeating him; there have been various takes on what happened." The young marine replied.

'I suppose it doesn't matter.' Conan thought. "Who's Warden Magellan?"

"You'll meet him." Coby frowned. "But I have to warn you, he's kind of scary."

"I've been tortured by Admiral Akainu, I can handle scary." The young detective pointed out.

"You got me there." Coby sweat-dropped.

Conan nodded and looked around further, realizing they were going to a lower level of the prison. "Where are we going exactly, Coby-san?"

"Down to visitor's quarters, Warden Magellan will greet you there." The young marine replied.

"Ah." And sure enough, after passing a bunch of gruff-looking guards, they walked to a metal door with a small window above it. "This is the room? Are there any books in there?"

"Don't worry, there are. There's also a map of the prison in there, in case you need to find a restroom. You probably need to bathe too, don't you?" Coby pointed out.

"Sounds good." Conan managed a smile; at least he'd get a general picture of this place.

Coby nodded. "Here we are."

The guards let them in without hesitation, and after getting themselves settled into some chairs in the room, Conan spoke again. "What was Magellan-san's devil fruit again?"

"Doku Doku fruit, why?" Coby replied.

"Ah. Just curious." Conan smiled. 'Venom huh? It's either a paramecia or a logia'.

"Look sharp, here he comes!" Coby stood up and saluted. Conan stood as well, but didn't salute. When the door opened, Conan could've swore Draculla's bouncer walked through the door. He wore a gothic Navy outfit, littered in crosses, and was at least eight feet tall and buff. His fangs and hair looked classic hairy Dracula, which looked completely ridiculous.

"Who is this?" Magellan looked down at the nervous detective.

"Sir! This Conan Edogawa, quarantined prisoner that was to be transferred here for further observation and research Sir!" Coby spoke loudly and clearly.

"Ah. The quarantine detainee case, I heard." Nodding at the answer, the warden turned to the younger boy. "Research material hasn't been prepared for you since your arrival has been sudden and unannounced, and we have been recuperating from the shock that Fleet Admiral Sengoku brought upon. Since I am in charge here, I will assign you some research material, however, this time it will be about the World Government."

Conan inwardly smirked and nodded. "Yes sir, what am I looking for exactly?"

"Any past indications that have led to these discoveries Sengoku announced, as well as any suspicious behavior that could lead to harm upon the Navy. Also, I'm assigning you some research material on Cipher Pole 9." Magellan informed him.

"Cipher Pole 9?" Conan didn't hear about this.

"Cipher Pole is the World Government's intelligence agency, they have thousands of agents all around the world, and right now, are completely at odds with the Navy. There are eight normal Cipher Pole branches around the Grand Line, and then there is Cipher Pole 9, the elite of the World Government's intelligence, it doesn't get much deadlier than them. Though the Strawhat crew have pulled through against them in the past, they are the only ones in history to do so, and it won't last."

'The Strawhat crew again.' Conan thought. "What were they fighting about?"

"They were rescuing a crewmate of theirs named Nico Robin, one of the most infamous criminals in the world. She massacred an entire island when she was eight, her damned Hana Hana fruit. Even made the Navy use a Buster Call."

"Buster Call?" Conan raised a brow.

"A complete and total onslaught of the Navy's force, there's only been two in history. One on Ohara island, and one Water 7 when the Strawhat crew broke in. Only the Navy's highest powers that can use one."

"Like Akainu-san?" Conan snorted.

Magellan raised a brow at Conan's remark. "So you suffered at the hands of the Admiral, I'm sorry; you're very young to go through that." He turned to a guard. "Prepare a room for the two of them, they're staying here until further notice. Also, I want a visitor's tour for them at once."

"Sir!" The guards saluted and went to their duties.

Magellan turned back to the two boys. "I need to return to my office, let me know if there's anything you need."

"Yes sir! We will!" Coby saluted and Magellan left. Coby turned to Conan and sighed. "I hope you're all right with being here, it's got to be scary."

"I'm fine. I've been through worse, after all." Conan gave a cheery smile.

A Day Later

Impel Down was much more lenient about their policies than Marineford. As long as Coby and a prison guard were with him, he could go wherever he wanted in the prison. He normally spent his time in the library anyways, and he couldn't help but smile from the research he dug up. He researched Cipher Pole 9, and discovered that they all had Zoan fruits and were all trained in a specific martial arts called, Rokushiki, and that they essentially have right to kill anything perceived as a threat to World Stability (or World Government). It was madness, as was the Ohara incident twenty years ago, he wondered if Magallan knew about the truth of it, and just wanted someone else to know the truth. Also, Nico Robin and Nico Olivia, and the poneglyphs, Conan was starting to get a headache from it all. He knew there was a connection between Gol. D. Roger and Nico Olivia, he just wasn't sure what it was. Both people succeeded their dreams and had everything to live for, so why cave in and go to the World Government in the end?

One thing was for sure there were two things in common: their defeat was unexpected and sudden, and it was when they were at the peak of their careers. Conan had to figure out what. Deciding to turn to Nico Robin, Conan looked n her file to look up for her father, and to his surprise found nothing. That was weird, especially since the case was high profile. Turning to the Ohara case profile, he looked over who was in charge. There was Spandam Sr., but Conan narrowed his eyes on the last two names on the list- Vice Admirals Kuzan and Sasaki. Looking up the names, he gasped when he found the names of Admiral Akainu and Aokiji. Seeing that Akainu initiated the Buster Call, Conan turned to Aokiji's profile to dig a little deeper. Apparently, he was in charge of the arrest of Nico Olivia, Robin's mother. His mind racing, he checked Nico Olivia's profile to see how long the search for her went on for- ten years.

"Aokiji was obsessed with this woman." Mumbled the detective.

"What was that, Edogawa-kun?" Coby asked. Conan turned and saw that the marine had brought them lunch.

Closing the file, he smiled and accepted the sandwich. "Nothing Coby-san, thanks!"

"No problem. They treat you a lot better here, don't they?" He remarked.

"Hn. They do." Conan nodded. "Hey Coby-san, do marines normally have relationships? Or are they too busy normally?"

"Have a crush already, huh?" The older boy laughed. "That's normal, but it's something that you should worry about when you're older. But I see what you're saying, the marines you've seen look to busy to have relationships, so it's understandable. And the answer's yes, marines easily find time for personal times. Whether it be reading or dating."

Conan nodded. "The higher the rank, the better the privacy, right?"

"Oh, yeah." Coby smiled. "Definitely. Especially Vice Admirals and Admirals, they can even have personal time while on missions!"

"You don't say." Conan smirked.

The Next Day

After further research on the World Government, Conan concluded where he needed to go next: Sabaody island, where the Red Line was located, as well as the Tenryubito. But he also knew he had to make arrangements. His transportation wouldn't be a problem, the only issue was summoning the right Admiral to the island, 'recruitment' shouldn't be a problem.

Suddenly, there was an alarm siren going off, and Coby burst into his room. "Edogawa-kun! We've got to get out of here! Whitebeard and his crew are attacking, we've got to get out of here!"

"What? How'd they find us?" Conan exclaimed in fake surprise.

"Don't know! But we need to get to the docks!" Plucking the detective from his seat into one arm, Coby started running through the prison, and after a few moments, Conan tazed him and the marine fell to the ground, unconscious. Sighing, The young detective was about to walk away, when the wall beside him shattered and was thrown back a few feet. Struggling to stand up, Conan shakily stood up and adjusted his glasses to where he could see properly. The man in front of had a face similar to mountain gorilla, but the head was tiny on the giant body, covered by gladiator-style armor, and was tan in color. The man almost looked like a giant. Conan prepared to run when he turned to him.

"You Conan Edogawa?" The man asked.

"Yeah. Who are you?" Conan replied nervously.

"Jozu Diamond. The third division commander of the Whitebeard pirates. Ace told us about you, and we've come to rescue you." Jozu explained.

"You're Ace-san's friend?" Conan walked towards the large man.

"Ah. Ace is fighting Magellan right now, so don't worry. With Ace's fire, Magellan'll boil to death." Smirked the large pirate.

"Good to know." Conan sweat-dropped.

"Ugh…!" Conan and Jozu jumped and turned their attention to Coby. "Edogawa-kun!" He reached his hand out in a futile effort to reach the boy.

Jozu frowned and walked over to the fallen novice. Conan began to grow nervous when Jozu drew his sword, but panic struck him when the sword raised. "Uh, Jozu-san…what are you going to do?"

The pirate barely acknowledged him, but spoke. "This is war kid, and in war, is death."

"NO!" Conan dove over Coby's body, waiting for the sword to strike down.