
Card Survival World

The otherworldly star crashed into the solar system, teeming with the undead, and directly collided with and destroyed the Earth. The undead and humans alike found themselves transported to a new world. Struggle to survive, for this world is extremely inhospitable to both humans and the undead. To stay alive, you must upgrade your shelter, utilize your cards, construct your tower defense, and farm for resources. Fortunately, Kyron brought with him a divine card discovered in an ancient relic of Earth, entering this world. A new adventure in a new world begins. [Welcome to the Card Survival World!] …………

Gaf_Ba · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Escaping the Mortal Realm

Laura waved her hammer, fighting more valiantly. Although she wielded a heavy weapon, her movements were extremely fast. Two demon statues attacked her head-on, but she squeezed through the gap between them. Then she turned and swung her hammer in a circle, smashing both statues. Her movements were lighter than the wind. In the dim light, she even left a trail of afterimages, making it hard for Kyron's eyes to keep up with her.

She is indeed Galen's lover, not an ordinary person, Kyron thought in amazement.


A sound came from the cave, shaking not only the ground but the walls too. Before Kyron could react...


Bang bang!!

Bang bang bang!!!

Three consecutive heavy impacts!

The stone door they had escaped through was suddenly blasted open!

Shattered stones rolled everywhere, and several demon statues were smashed. Outside the door, a stone slide car with countless spikes on the front came charging in!!

This stone slide car was like a small armored vehicle, with a ferocious iron grill at the front. After smashing through the stone door, it gradually accelerated with a thunderous roar, heading straight for the nearest person, Charlie!! More and more demon statues poured in from the shattered doorway, an uncountable number... like a tidal wave...

Charlie had no time to dodge.

The stone slide car slammed violently into him. His shield couldn't save his life this time as the tremendous force sent him flying into the air.

He crashed into the stone wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood. As he fell, a spear pierced his thigh.

Charlie screamed in pain, dropping his weapon. Gritting his teeth, he pulled out the spear stuck in his leg and rolled over to Carl's side. As Charlie tried to stand and run despite the excruciating pain, Carl suddenly grabbed his injured leg. Charlie turned to see Carl lying on the ground, shivering: "You can't leave me behind! Don't abandon me! Save me...save me!"

Charlie panicked, trying to break free from Carl's grip, but Carl clung to his wounded leg, stubbornly refusing to let go like a drowning man grasping at straws. Charlie cursed loudly, "Let go, you idiot! You'll get me killed!"

But Carl only tightened his hold.

It was too late!

The stone slide car charged again, its heavy wheels crushing Carl's head. The front rammed into Charlie.

The force of the stone slide car was terrifying. Charlie was still airborne when blood started spurting from his body. As he hit the ground, his chest had caved in completely! Several demon statues then surrounded him, stabbing him repeatedly with their spears...

Laura had also slowed down by this point, as too many enemies surrounded her, leaving her less room to maneuver. She screamed several times, sustaining multiple wounds, but her system-produced clothing had decent defenses, blocking several lethal attacks.

Kyron stared fixatedly at the stone slide car. In the open-topped driver's cabin, a demon statue was at the controls. As the car neared him, he gritted his teeth, loosened his legs' grip on the beam, and leapt down with his dagger aimed at the statue driver.

The demon statue turned just as it noticed Laura, maneuvering the vehicle to face her, leaving its head completely unguarded from above!


Consecutive stabs!!

Triple stabs!!!

Kyron lashed out with his dagger, using every technique he knew, instantly reducing the demon statue to countless shattered stones.

With a kick, Kyron sent the upper body of the demon statue tumbling out of the vehicle. Looking down, he saw the controls were just a steering wheel and an accelerator, simpler than a bumper car at an amusement park.

Time to ram them!



Kyron drove the semi-out-of-control stone slide car, crashing recklessly. The demon statues on the ground shattered, and he was virtually unstoppable in this stone chamber. In no time, he had rammed over a pile of demon statues, reduced to rubble beneath the wheels.

But more and more demon statues kept pouring in from that doorway, an endless horde.

"Get in!!!"

Laura, hair disheveled and body covered in wounds, instinctively swung her hammer in resistance. When another stone slide car charged at her, thinking she was finished, she was about to give up. Suddenly, the car rushed past her, and a hand reached out, pulling her inside.

"Thank you!"

Laura collapsed into a corner of the car, dropping her hammer, her entire body bloodied as she endured the agonizing pain.

Galen had shattered the general but was surrounded by the endless demon statue horde. Seeing Kyron driving the car towards him, he let out a howl and leapt aboard, landing steadily.

Kyron was utterly shocked. This guy was incredibly powerful!

"Hold on tight!"

Kyron found an exit passage and slammed on the accelerator. After smashing through countless demon statues, they finally burst out of the stone chamber.

The entire passage shook as the high-speed car hurtled forward, quickly leaving the demon statue army far behind.

Before they could celebrate, a sharp turn appeared ahead. The car was going too fast to make it. They were headed straight for the wall!



In the chaos, Kyron jumped out first, rolling several times before stopping, his body scraped and cut.

Galen turned and embraced Laura as he leapt, his balance far superior to Kyron's. Although carrying someone, he landed steadily after a slight stumble.

The stone slide car smashed violently into the wall ahead with a thunderous crash, shattering completely into a pile of rubble. The iron spikes from the front scattered everywhere.

The three panted heavily on the ground as Kyron and Galen couldn't help but let out loud shouts.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! So close! That was intense!"

"We made it out!!"

After resting briefly, Kyron leaned against the wall and slowly stood up. He walked to the turned corner, eyeing the pile of shattered stones. Bending down, he picked up a piece - the stone used for the statues didn't seem very sturdy, perhaps it had grown brittle from being buried underground for too long.

Amid the rubble, he felt a smooth green stone.

[Excellent Energy Stone: Provides more energy compared to a regular Energy Stone.]

Keeping his back to Galen, Kyron secretly pocketed the stone.

None of them dared linger, fearing the demon statues might catch up again. Galen helped Laura up, and they joined Kyron at the corner.

Looking ahead, another winding underground labyrinth stretched out.

"Let's go!"

No way back, only forward.

Galen gave Kyron a long look. "Your performance back there was impressive. Was that the dagger I gave you?"

Kyron had already stored the Frost Dagger in his deck, betraying no emotion. "The one you personally handed to me. Don't you remember?"

"Heh, not bad power!"

Galen chuckled without prying further. He and Laura took the lead, with Kyron quietly following behind.