
Card Survival World

The otherworldly star crashed into the solar system, teeming with the undead, and directly collided with and destroyed the Earth. The undead and humans alike found themselves transported to a new world. Struggle to survive, for this world is extremely inhospitable to both humans and the undead. To stay alive, you must upgrade your shelter, utilize your cards, construct your tower defense, and farm for resources. Fortunately, Kyron brought with him a divine card discovered in an ancient relic of Earth, entering this world. A new adventure in a new world begins. [Welcome to the Card Survival World!] …………

Gaf_Ba · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Battle in the Chamber

On the high platform, the commander-like demon abruptly opened its massive maw as if to devour the heavens and earth with a furious roar. Its ferocious countenance sent chills down one's spine...

All the demon statues seemed pulled by an invisible force, instantly falling into an astonishingly coordinated formation with eerie unison. Like soldiers of hell reborn on earth, they prepared to march through fire for their lord.

The front ranks raised their spears high, forming a dense forest of points that glinted coldly in the moonlight. Those behind pulled taught their powerful crossbows, arrows nocked and ready to loose. The frontline statues then crouched like hunting leopards, poised to charge.

The atmosphere was tense and reeked of impending slaughter, as if foreshadowing the intense battle to come.

The demon commander on the platform gripped a long sword, its blade glinting chill light as if able to cut through any obstacle. With a few flicks of the wrist, the air seemed to thicken with a murderous aura. He then abruptly pointed the sword's tip at the group below, his voice low and cruel: "Kill!"



Kill kill!

All the demon statues let out unified howls, their spears like a dense forest, arrows raining down as they charged to slaughter!


"Fuck!!" Charlie cursed, shield raised as arrows thudded against it. The line of spears thrust forward as he rapidly backpedaled. "Run!"

Laura dodged a stabbing spear, a large iron hammer suddenly appearing in her hands. She swung it mightily, shattering the spear shaft, then kicked the statue over with a deft foot sweep. It lost balance and shattered into pieces, the legless torso still crawling viciously, grasping for Laura's legs.

"What the hell are these things?!"

Laura nimbly leapt back.

Kyron was dumbstruck, watching the petite woman wield the heavy hammer with a perfect blend of grace and power, reminiscent of Galen's brutal axe skills.

More demon statues charged forward!

This demonic horde advanced like an ancient demon army reborn, stabbing spears in tight ranks, rearline crossbows loosing volley after volley. Even more statues further back were awakening, marching in lockstep...

A whistling quarrel nearly grazed Laura's nose, opening a bloody gash on the formerly pretty woman's face.

Unlucky Carl took the shot in his arm, the arrow punching straight through his flesh.

He crumpled to the ground with an agonized howl. Seeing the dire situation, Charlie grabbed him by the collar and dragged him behind his shield.

"Stop screaming and use your magic!" Charlie deflected stabbing spears with his shield, desperately keeping the demonic spearmen at bay.

Chaos reigned as Kyron nimbly rolled, narrowly dodging an incoming quarrel. He sprang up, Frost Dagger gripped tightly, eyes sharp as a hawk's. Seeing a spearman statue charge like a maddened tiger, Kyron met it without hesitation, thrusting forth with thunderous force.


The kid was agile with some warrior talent.

The Frost Dagger skewered the statue's head like a hot knife through tofu, meeting no resistance.

With a flick of his wrist, Kyron reduced its head to powder, as if shattering a clay pot.

Headless, the statue lost sight of its foe, blindly roaring and swinging its spear until Kyron slipped away.

Kyron dodged low, nearly wrenching his back from the excessive force - this was sink-or-swim combat training.

The statue rotated ponderously, its massive body tracing an arc, coincidentally presenting its rear end to the crouching Kyron. Without a moment's hesitation, he gripped the dagger tightly and thrust, the razor edge trailing a cold gleam through the air to pierce precisely into the statue's...lower back!

While unethical to literally "stab someone in the ass", Kyron's dagger was perfectly positioned at lower back height for optimal leverage.

"Double Stab!"

A hole appeared in the statue's back, a white stone rolling out and clattering to the floor.


With a thunderous crash, the statue collapsed into a pile of rubble.


"What's this?"

Kyron swiftly scooped up the smooth white stone.

[Energy Stone: A stone that provides power, can be used as a battery for defenses, golems, machinery or other facilities.]

So it was a battery?

This powered the statues?

Were these demonic statues some kind of alchemical golems?

Kyron's head spun with questions. Another spear thrust came his way, no time to ponder further. He pocketed the energy stone and parried the spear, closing to grapple with the demon statue!

After a series of stabbing strikes brought it down, sure enough, another energy stone fell amidst the shattered pieces.

Kyron's fear gradually faded after dispatching two statues.

His blood surged with fighting spirit, as if transformed into a different person - a young warrior's fervor unleashed. Like an assassin on the battlefield, eyes blazing, he charged into the crossbowmen's ranks, consecutively toppling several archer statues.


"Double Stab!"

"Triple Stab!"

His unassuming yet excellent dagger tore through their defenses unimpeded. The kid truly had a knack for combat, completely immersed in the throes of unbridled slaughter. But just as his fervor peaked...

A quarrel whistled past, grazing his scalp and snapping him back to his senses with a jolt.

Surveying the battle, he saw everyone embroiled in desperate struggle. Laura swung her hammer furiously, Charlie used one hand for his shield while fending off with a spear in the other. Only Carl...still writhing on the ground, clutching his arrow wound and howling.

And Galen?


Kyron scanned frantically until his eyes widened at an astounding sight!

Galen was leaping into the air, huge axe raised high...

His target was...

The demonic commander statue on the platform!!

Gripping his battleaxe tightly, Galen descended like a great bird, bringing the axe down in a crushing overhead strike! The demon statue roared, raising its sword to deflect, but the axe's sheer force drove it back two staggering steps, spiderwebbing cracks appearing on its legs.

An enormously powerful stroke!

Yet the demon commander was equally ferocious, bellowing as it thrust its blade at Galen, radiating the aura of a demon elite, brimming with murderous intent.

Galen and the commander clashed in an intense duel atop the platform.

At that moment, Kyron felt a tremor underfoot, but the others were too engrossed in combat to notice this change.

His instincts warned of impending danger.

Just as Kyron looked up at Galen, his gaze was drawn to the intricate latticed patterns on the chamber's ceiling. Following the designs, his eyes chanced upon a pillar covered in uneven protrusions, as if concealing some secret.

Struck by an impulse, Kyron immediately sprang into action. He dashed towards the pillar, gripping it tightly and climbing with all his might, fingers tracing the patterns seeking handholds like an experienced climber.

After much effort, Kyron reached the ceiling, taking a deep breath as he wedged himself into the latticed gaps, completely hidden. His pounding heart gradually steadied as he held his breath, straining to catch any sounds and await his next move.

Kyron was completely drained after his earlier exertions. Continuing to fight would surely mean death, so he chose to conceal himself for now.

The battle raged unabated below.

Charlie's shield, hacked and battered countless times, was finally cracking like a spider's web unable to withstand further abuse. Though large of stature, he now rolled clumsily on the ground in a sorry state. Yet his eyes burned with ferocity and resolve. Using his shield adroitly, his spear lashed out like a venomous serpent, assailing the statues' lower bodies.

A crossbow bolt suddenly struck his leg. Pain and rage intertwined, he hurled his spear with a roar. The distant archer statue crumpled, shattering into rubble.

"Boom boom boom!" The entire cavern began to shake.