
Card Maker System

Link died while sleeping on his bed, he found himself in the void where he was granted the Card Maker system. Follow Link as he makes card Games throughout different worlds, Making enemies become Rivals And spreading the joy of cards.

Ender_Child · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The Sister Universe DC

As i woke from the comfy entrance of my bed.

i heard a message

[Ding!! A new mission have been given:

1. The portal to DC is open for you Do whatever you want there:Reward/None.

2.Expand your shop's influence to other countries:Reward/X-Gene Ability upgrade.

3.Hydra like cockroaches keep coming back Kill and destroy all their bases:Reward/New Element: Blood And Nature.

4.Host a Tournament And put up a limited edition card:Reward/Upgrading Current Avatar Card to Dragonic Overlord 'The End'.

5.Create 10 More Decks and a100 different booster packs:Reward/Card Space.]

Wait!! Dc you say do anything i want you say. oh thats definitely interesting, but i have things to finish here and i will probably expand my shop's….i need to hire a few employees too so let's start with that….and maybe i could get rid of Hydra with My Avatar Cards.

[Technically speaking Dragonic overlord is the dragon of Apocalypse, he can tank mini nuke so speaking so making him hunt hydra is the best thing to do but, he cant do that alone]

"ah you are right Zack lets give him some 'Units' Shall we" i said as i walked outside to taste some fresh air.

"Now then, Serve the Dragonic overlord, i call Dragon Monk Goku" i said as the card i wqs holding turne a bit golden red, then it turned into motes of light, then from the skys a long pole hit the ground, then a monkey man wearing a cap and flying on a hover board came down.

"Dragon Monk Goku here, Im the strongest in the Dragon Empire" he said righteously as i turned him back into a card so no one notices. the card was the same texture as Overlords own.

"Well glad to know that works, and its time for me to go and teach…great" i said going back to take a bath and go back outside. Unfortunately my car was blown up so i'll have go there the fastest way possible…using light.

i hate not getting the element i want, After the 10th try i did get lightning, i have six elements i can use only. they are Fire,Wind,Light, Darkness,Lightning And poison.

One of the abilities allowed me to go fast, so im about ten minutes i did go to school.




"Ah finally am done"i said as i walked into the hallways.

"hey parker i said fight back stop being a baby" Flash said as he pinned peter to a locker.

"Flash please i don't want any trouble let me go" Peter said struggling to push back flash.

"uhm Am i interrupting something" I said as i was behind him. Flash left peter alone.

"uhm sir not what it looks like we were just…talking isn't that right parker" he said while looking at peter.

"Sure…go home peter and everyone else it's already time thompson stay" i said dismissing them. i walked as flashed followed me from behind as we entered one of the classes.

"sit down flash" i said pulling a chair near me, he did and i sat on the teachers table.

"soo why are you bullying poor peter" i asked.

"…Well i.."he said as he couldn't answer.

"sigh…can you not do that maybe try to become friends with him, also you may be dismissed if i catch you doing that again i won't just let you off easily, Now i have something to do bye" i said standing up and then went outside, today i won't open mu shop…and i'm bored. Hey Zack if i go to DC will time be different here.

[No You're going to this universes well sister so the time is the same as here….why are you asking]

'Im going in'

[Sure just dont get killed, heres a dimensional card for you to get back in and out of there any time]

As he said that a card the color of well a universe appeared on my hand.

"Now lets go have some fun" i said as the card expanded into a door which had an ace on it and then i went into it…




On the other side, above Metropolis a big portal with the picture of an ace on it appeared. Superman who was flying and patrolling the city saw it and decided to call batman.

He heard his word and assembled Green lantern, Wonder woman and Zatanna.

"Whats the situation Superman" Batman asked as he looked at the portal in the sky.

"Well i was flying here then all of a sudden i saw that, so what should we do about this bats" Superman said but suddenly the portal started to ripple.

"get ready we don't what's going to come out of there" Batman said vigilantly.




Well traveling through a portal felt strange, thankfully i changed to my battle gear earlier and had my fire cards with me.

Currently now im using a fire platform as now im in the air. looking at some members of the justice league…you know that's probably bad for me.

"Uhhh well this is definitely unexpected, Hello there people of this universe" i said as i flew back down the portal disappearing behind me.

"State your name" Wonderwoman said pointing her sword at me.

"Wow there i am not going to fight you, Tou can call me link or CardsMaster" i said while moving towards them.

"Stay there or else" green lantern said aiming his ring at me.

"…No frankly speaking you don't really scare me" i said as i continued walking there.

"And also whats up with those costumes, hiding your identity is good for you guys privacy, but heroes like me we like to show the villains we don't care if they know our identity." i said pulling out a card from my hand.

"…you are a hero? What are you doing in this universe then" Superman asked.

"You don't look or feel human let me guess you are an alien right, if so what are you doing on this planet" i asked a very interesting question.

"I said stay right there" hal jordan said as his ring started lighting up.

"oooh are you going to kill me" i said my eyes turning a bit cold.

"No we dont kill" Batman said putting hals arm down.

"huh well then thats weak and stupid, i agree killing the innocent is bad but killing villains who have gone too far is Justified" i said spinning the card on my finger.

"Can you come with us, we need you to answer some questions" Batman asked.

"well why not , though i can't fly" I said.

"don't worry i can put you in a construct then i can take you there" hal said still angr don't know why though.

"or i could do this" i said bringing out a very specific card.

"Stand up my Avatar Dragonic Overlord?!" i said as the card burned in my hand and from the sky overlord appeared.

"excuse me but was that magic"Zattana asked curiously.

"Yes and No its like a something i can only use, also this is the dragon of apocalypse" i said casually.

"Anyways can you heroes start going" i said as overlord picked me up.

"interesting…Well then Superman can you take him there i'll be behind you guys" Batman said while going god knows where.

Well turns out i'm in the young justice universe or earth. Currently im being stared at by teenagers…Aqualad,Robin Superboy and the martian girl there are some others bit im too lazy to remember dc that much.

"Honestly wasn't expecting to be dropped with a bunch of teenagers" i said holding overlords card.

"Hey we are capable of taking care of ourselves" Robin said.

"Sure kid i teach brats like you on a daily basis" i said putting overlord in one of my spare decks.

"I'm Robin not 'Kid'" he said a bit angry.

"ok Robin you don't have any powers right, But you seem to make it up with martial arts or something and let me guess that batman is your father or something" i said.

"I'm his sidekick" he said a bit annoyed.

"Sure and the whos the fish out of water besides you" i asked looking at aqua lad.

"I'm aqua lad leader of the young justice nice to meet you sir."Aqualad said respectfully.

"Yeah i'm not going to stay here for a while,i have to go and eradicate an organization that don't die, they are like cockroaches despite calling them Hydra" i said while looking at their base a bit.

"In your universe? Can you tell us how its like" Miss martian.

"You know the normal shenanigans, People hating against mutants, My brother probably creating a new armor and also Sorcerers who don't give a fuck on what magic they learn" i said thinking about the ancient one and dormamum.

"So a normal tuesday" Robin asked.

"Basically yes, Also i'm gonna go back to my universe see ya kids later" i said as i stood up from my chair.

"Hold up there we got something to ask you" as i was about to leave superman asked from behind me.

"What is it, i'm a busy person and i don't want hydra running rampant near my home" i said looking at him.

"Come with me" he said as i followed him into a meeting hall full of heroes….yep i may need to hurt a few people, oh well.

"I called all of you here to meet our 'Guest' Link or CardsMaster as he calls himself" Batman said as they all looked at me.

"Great, i'm being judged, whatever" i said while rolling my eyes a bit.

"The order around him is unstable, it's almost tilting to chaos but forever stops in the void" Dr Fate said.

"oh really,i find the void comforting" i said.

"anyways we're not here to judge you Kid"Shazam said.

"…I'm honestly tempted in seeing you survive a highlu concentrated bolt of lightning, that directly comes from a galaxy storm" i said looking at the child in a mans body literally.

"And also why is there a clone of this man here, why don't you put him out of his misery" i said as i spoke about superboy.

"…We can't its our fault he is born and we can't just kill an innocent child….how did you know about that" Superman suddenly realized.

"it's called having a high intellect and also he doesn't seem to have any experience, i could see it in his eyes, it doesn't have a soul well not yet" i said.

"Anyway what were you talking about, Batman?" i continued.

"as i was talking while i got interrupted, he appeared on the skys of metropolis earlier this day, he says he is from another universe" Batman said.

"Interesting, how is your universe like" wonder woman asked.

"Yeah no, my planet earth there are lots of villains and heroes, There is also universal beings there but im not gonna talk about them. it's basically like your world but different laws and things" i said clearly not gonna explain that shit.

"also i'm not gonna stay here and humor grown men and women in halloween Costumes" i said bluntly.

"Sure just gotta make sure you aren't a threat 'CardsMaster'" he said a bit mockingly.

"…" yeah i'm done i pulled out my scythe.

"Say that again i dare you greenScreen" i said threateningly.

"oh please you thing that scythe can hurt me" he said mockingly.

"You are right" i said asi pulled out a darkness card.

"Corrupt" i said as my card gained a dark and depressing aura, the card broke into black light.

"How about now" i said calmly.

"hey if you are gonna fight each other do it in the training room we would love to see Links abilitys" Green arrow said.

"Sure why not" i said making my scythe disappear.

"You sure you want to fight me you could get hurt"Hal jordan said probably angry he was called while having a good time with his girlfriend or something….