
Card Apprentice Daily Log

Dalton Wyatt, a world-renowned Scientist, and Inventor is transmigrated to the body of a high school student Dalton Wyatt who committed suicide due to unfortunate circumstances and complicated life.  The enchanting world of cards was completely different yet similar to Dr Wyatt's homeworld earth.  Unlike peace full earth where humans fought other humans, This new world was plagued with Dungeons and Monsters people here fought with monsters for the survival of humanity.  Mortal humans were not strong enough to fight these mythical and legendary creatures, thankfully some blessed humans could actively control their souls to manifest soul power and become Card apprentices to fight for the humanities chance at survival.  Card apprentices are people who contract grimoire and use various powerful yet resourceful cards to fight off the monsters and conquer dungeons.  Grimoire provides the card apprentice with abilities like Card creation and Card fusion, most importantly it allows the Card apprentice to display their full potential in a card fight.  Even though this world has the concept of science but it is not focused on electronics and industrialization like back on the earth, here the world has cards for every little thing's eliminating the need for electronics.  This new world is highly focused on grimoire abilities such as Card creation and Card fusion.  Coming to a world where money could buy him strength Dr. Wyatt had to earn money for his survival.  But thanks to his otherworldly information and knowledge, card creation comes easily to Dr. Wyatt compared to other card apprentices.  Dr. Wyatt creates and sells various perfect, powerful, and resourceful cards to earn money and get stronger step by step in this monster-ridden world for his survival.  ... "What did you say? Making good cards is hard? Bah! Card creation is a breeze." "My friend, allow me to enlighten you - there are no 'trash card ingredients,' only incompetent card creationists." [Bloody Veins - G rank, Mortal grade] [Nyon Rope  G rank, Mortal grade] [Common Core - G rank, Mortal grade] Card creation… complete!  [ Card Name - Bloody Rope    Card Type - Item card   Card Rank - E rank, Common grade    Card Rating - 3 stars    Card Durability - (100/100)    Card Effect - The Bloody Rope can bind and incapacitate its target. When in contact with a target's wound, the item effects paralysis and blood drain are triggered.   Additional Effect: Paralysis, Blood Drain] "This can't be real! You've used G-rank mortal grade ingredients, and yet you've managed to craft an E-rank common grade card with full durability and a rating of three stars? This isn't real, I must be dreaming! I couldn't possibly have woken up today - I am still asleep in my bed dreaming."

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Trial and Error method

Date 21 Mar 2321

Time 20:13

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower 1, Card Lab

The first step to card creation is to decide on which type of card to create, since the fate ingredient is a part of the undead remains I choose to create an undead summoning card.

There are three important parts of the undead summoning card creation, 

Undead Core 

Beast will

Skeleton body

The undead core is the power source and the foundation of the card, the Skeleton body is the machine and the frame of the card while the Beast Will is the operator and the conscious of the card.

Right now I was in a bind as I did not have an complete skeleton body, all I had was a femur bone, how am I supposed to create a complete undead from it?

That's where the Ram Bull core comes into the picture. Ram Bulls are Sheep with a body size of a bull, hence the name Ram Bull. 

There is another thing that Ram bull does not have in common with the sheep and that is instead of growing wool on their bodies Ram bull can grow and manipulate bones on its body similar to an exoskeleton.

Ram bull bones are different from other beast bones, they are stronger than steel yet soft as rubber. 

Ram bull bones make excellent C-rank ingredients for weapon cards. Making them one of the most valuable livestock. Therefore its core is twice the cost of other C-rank cores.

Since I have a part of the skeleton body instead of a complete skeleton body I came up with an ingenious plan to recreate the complete skeletal body of the undead creature. 

That is to transfer the abilities of the Ram bull to the Femur bone, with the ability of the Ram bull the Femur Bone can be grown into a complete skeletal body of the undead creature.

Not only will I be creating a complete skeleton of the undead creature but an enhanced skeleton stronger than steel and softer than rubber with the ability to grow and manipulate bones at will. 

Low-level skeletons below the Lich cannot grow or regenerate lost bones, they can only reconnect the severed bones. But thanks to enhancement from Ram bull ability the new skeleton can regrow the lost bones at will.

Usually, people mistake the refreshing of the undead card in the grimoire for a low-level skeleton growing its lost bones. 

But in reality, after a fight, the undead summoning card goes into a period of cool downtime, during this period the card with help of soul energy gathered in the grimoire regrows the lost bones of the undead. 

Finally, when the creature is completely healed the card comes out of cool downtime. People mistake this as the ability of the creature itself. 

This is true for other summoning creatures too. After the battle when they return to the grimoire they are healed by the grimoire using the soul power stored in it. 

During dire situations, the card apprentice does have the option to summon the creature in cooldown time but the summoned creature will still have the wounds from the previous battle.

Therefore a skeleton or any other summon with regeneration ability is a huge deal. 

Knowing what I had to do I place all the ingredients on the card creation page and start with the creation process, 

First I combine the soul pathways of the Femur bone with the Origin core forming the Femur bone core as the Femur bone is the fate ingredient and is supposed to be the core part of the origin card. 

After combining the femur bone and origin core, next I had to transfer the abilities from the Ram bull core to the origin core which is now combined with the femur bone.

Now, this is a tricky part as I did not know which soul pathways of Ram Bull core contained the ability that I wanted, I could try the trial and error method but it was time-consuming and I would run out of mental strength even before finding the correct soul pathway. 

There is no correct method for this if there is I did not know, but I could shorten my options using my soul pupils. 

The stronger and most used ability tends to have a high wavelength making the soul pathway of that ability bulkier than other soul pathways, which I could differentiate using my soul pupils, but I still had to use the trial and error method with the remaining soul pathways. 

To make sure that the soul pathways of the femur bone core are not damaged I enhance them using the High Wood wisp core soul pathway. 

High wood wisp is the evolved form of the wood wisp. Unlike the Wood wisp, the High Wood wisps are very rare as a wood wisp requires a large amount of vitality to evolve into a High Wood wisp. 

Since High wood wisp has a large amount of vitality their soul pathway is used to enhance the soul pathway of high-level ingredients. 

After about 13 tries I was able to transfer both the required abilities of Ram bull to the Femur bone core.

During these 13 tries, I had to strengthen the soul pathway of the femur bone core 13 times using the soul pathway of the High Wood wisp, this is one of the reasons why even though the card creators of this world theorised about this they could never achieve it but I could using my soul pupils.

Even though the new femur bone can regrow into a full skeleton it could not for now as it did not have a conscious or the required amount of soul power.

With no conscious to take control or power to act the enhanced femur bone was nothing but a bone with new fancy abilities. 

Therefore next I had to focus on the beast will and the power source for the undead creature. 

Time to get serious!

(2/10) this week.

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1- 200+ weekly power stones!

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