
Card Apprentice Daily Log

Dalton Wyatt, a world-renowned Scientist, and Inventor is transmigrated to the body of a high school student Dalton Wyatt who committed suicide due to unfortunate circumstances and complicated life.  The enchanting world of cards was completely different yet similar to Dr Wyatt's homeworld earth.  Unlike peace full earth where humans fought other humans, This new world was plagued with Dungeons and Monsters people here fought with monsters for the survival of humanity.  Mortal humans were not strong enough to fight these mythical and legendary creatures, thankfully some blessed humans could actively control their souls to manifest soul power and become Card apprentices to fight for the humanities chance at survival.  Card apprentices are people who contract grimoire and use various powerful yet resourceful cards to fight off the monsters and conquer dungeons.  Grimoire provides the card apprentice with abilities like Card creation and Card fusion, most importantly it allows the Card apprentice to display their full potential in a card fight.  Even though this world has the concept of science but it is not focused on electronics and industrialization like back on the earth, here the world has cards for every little thing's eliminating the need for electronics.  This new world is highly focused on grimoire abilities such as Card creation and Card fusion.  Coming to a world where money could buy him strength Dr. Wyatt had to earn money for his survival.  But thanks to his otherworldly information and knowledge, card creation comes easily to Dr. Wyatt compared to other card apprentices.  Dr. Wyatt creates and sells various perfect, powerful, and resourceful cards to earn money and get stronger step by step in this monster-ridden world for his survival.  ... "What did you say? Making good cards is hard? Bah! Card creation is a breeze." "My friend, allow me to enlighten you - there are no 'trash card ingredients,' only incompetent card creationists." [Bloody Veins - G rank, Mortal grade] [Nyon Rope  G rank, Mortal grade] [Common Core - G rank, Mortal grade] Card creation… complete!  [ Card Name - Bloody Rope    Card Type - Item card   Card Rank - E rank, Common grade    Card Rating - 3 stars    Card Durability - (100/100)    Card Effect - The Bloody Rope can bind and incapacitate its target. When in contact with a target's wound, the item effects paralysis and blood drain are triggered.   Additional Effect: Paralysis, Blood Drain] "This can't be real! You've used G-rank mortal grade ingredients, and yet you've managed to craft an E-rank common grade card with full durability and a rating of three stars? This isn't real, I must be dreaming! I couldn't possibly have woken up today - I am still asleep in my bed dreaming."

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Jaya Keith

Date 21 Mar 2321

Time 9:35

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower 1, G6 Training Hall.

"Cindy, Hi. It's rare to see you down here. I heard you signed a new adventurer offering more than 100 million dollars just for her origin card. She must be quite something to catch your eyes. Was the card creation a success?"

"Morning Jaya meet Debra Khan, the recruit I signed. From today she will be joining team 6 for training until she is officially assigned a team. And yes, the card creation was a success."

"Really! tell me about this origin card worth 100 million dollars."

Cindy nodded and turned to me asking to explain. I just ignored her. I did not agree with this. You asked to create a card, which I did now pay me. 

If not for wanting to see my creation in action I would have already left.

Debra panicked seeing me ignore her new boss and said, "It's an undead summon card, Skeleton Centaur Knight."

"What! It took 100 million dollars to create a Skeleton Centaur knight origin card. Are you kidding me?" 

Jaya Keith the adopted sister of Diana Keith chairman of Fine Gold Group. 14 years ago Diana out of nowhere brought a 3 years old baby girl and adopted it as her sister.

This move surprised everyone, some of her competitors even thought that she had gone soft which costed them heavily as Diana did prove them wrong in the upcoming years.  

Jaya was the only one in the Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch who could question Cindy other than her sister. 

"No kidding. That card is worth every penny Jaya."

Yes, an undead summon card is not worth 100 million dollars. But this money was not spent on the origin card instead its purpose was to check and validate Wyatt's prowess in card creation. 

What's more, the skeleton centaur knight card was not made in the conventional methods used by most of the card creators.

The conventional way was to use a complete skeleton of the skeleton centaur knight to create the undead card. 

It seems Wyatt had used the age-old hypothesis of using Ram bull abilities to create an undead card, even though she thought Wyatt did this to increase the card creation cost over 100 million dollars. It was worth it now she knew that she could not underestimate this high school student. 

"Cindy, no offence but I think otherwise."

Of course, Jaya would think otherwise as she did not know the entire story behind the creation of the origin card like Cindy did. 

"Ok Jaya I will explain it to you later, now let's check the goods. Debra." 

'Tsk' Jaya was annoyed by how Cindy treated her like a child.

"Yes, ma'am." Saying that Debra summoned her bronze grimoire and activated her origin card. 

A huge 3-meter tall Skeleton Centaur knight covered in pure white armour appeared in the training hall. Its armour sparkled under the light. 


The Skeleton Centaur knight facing Debra kneeled showing its loyalty and respect. Debra somehow understood what it was conveying subconsciously.

Seeing the Skeleton Centaur knight and its deterring red flaming eyes within the helmet Cindy, Jaya and the rest of the people training were shocked. Especially by its armour which covered it from head to hoof and its build was enormous for a skinny skeleton knight.

Skeleton Centaur knights are supposed to be wearing fallen armour corroded with undead energy of the dead centaur knight, not a full body armour made up of high ranking ingredients. 

"Wait! is the armour covering the skeleton made of C-rank Ram Bull bones. Impressive this is one of the most intimidating skeleton knights I have ever seen." Jaya exclaimed.

"Impressive indeed, Paul check out what it is capable of, Debra go all out." Cindy asked one of the card apprentices training the hall.

Seeing Debra hesitate Jaya said, "Don't worry Paul is a C-rank Shieldbearer and a Card Master he can handle it."

"Ok" Debra nodded seriously she knew now is the time for her to impress the new boss.

The whole training hall was made up of enchanted black steel, these walls and floors could withstand the damage of an A-class monster. 

Being the training hall for card apprentices it had to be of this level otherwise the whole tower would collapse with aftershocks from the training. 

The training ground was cleared for the showdown between the Skeleton Centaur knight and Shieldbearer Paul. 

Paul and Skeleton Centaur knight both stood in the centre of the training ground. 


With the signal, Paul immediately summoned a huge black steel tower shield. 

Seeing the large metal tower shield, a bone extended from the armour of the Skeleton Centaur knight slowly forming into a huge two-handed war hammer.

"WTF is that? some kind of skill. I have never seen a skeleton knight do that." Jaya asked

"Bone Weapon mastery." Replied Debra.

Bone Weapon mastery (passive) - the ability to understand and use any weapon made up of bone with the proficiency of a master. 

Additional effect - proficiency increases with the increase in the realm.

Restriction - the skill only works on weapons made up of bones. 

Paul was unfazed he had fought hundreds of monsters bigger than him and this one was no different. He stood in a perfect defensive stance.

Using Strom rush the Skeleton Centaur knight charged at Paul in full force and hammered hard on the Tower shield. 

Seeing the undead charge at him, Paul's shield glowed with purple light. With the impact of the hammer on the shield, the purple light dimmed a lot but Paul was unharmed.

Even though Paul was unharmed the force of the attack was such that Paul's hands were numb and stepped back 12 steps. 

Storm rush (active) - upon activation users agility doubles for 45 seconds.

Additional effect - the user gains zero wind resistance for 45 seconds.

Cooldown - 30 seconds.

Time to get serious!

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