

•°•.Captured.•°• They both were captured but the difference was... she was captured in his life and he was captured in her Innocent eyes... °•★•°•★•° [Just read one chapter, and if you don't like it then I will simply want you to leave the story... thank you] °•★•°•★•° This story is of Lee Y/n, who is married to Jeon Jungkook, the one and only strongest mafia of the whole Asia.... In this ff, all you will know is what happens after they slowly gets included in their married life.... But there's a twist, that y/n being an innocent and naive girl is scared of him. All she wants is getting away from him and start a new life... but the way she want... A NORMAL LIFE... •°•★Warnings★•°• Violence, traumatizing, hard language, forcefullness, intimate scenes...

jeon_kookie_author · Celebrities
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8 Chs


Part : 6

Tittle : A little confession

•°•★•°•Y/n's pov•°•★•°•

"Y/n!! Come here"

I wasn't comfortable to even be in their site and here he was wanting me to come toward him. He patted the area near him and I said down silently. "Meet them, jack and Daniel" I was small hello well catching on the hem of my t-shirt. I didn't lift my head as I could feel their dirty stares on me. I was afraid, afraid that what if he did something like what my parents said.

'are the people here to buy me? Is he going to send me to these people?' I was so drown in my thoughts but my trance broke when the guy Jack said "she doesn't seem your type?" And the other one name Daniel jumped in "how about you sell her as a deal?"

When he said that, my eyes started burning in tears. 'is it going to sell me? Am I really that useless?' He wasn't saying anything which made me hella scared. I slowly reached my hand toward his and grabbed his sleeve. "Sure, guards!! Show them the way of our basement" he said making me look up at him with wide eyes, filled with tears.

His face was straight and he was just looking at the two guys. I could see his clenched jaw and tensed muscles as it was easy to tell that he was angry, maybe on me?

He tilted his head toward me and sighed "why are you crying now?" He asked and I sobbed before he grabbed my arm, pulling me in his warm embrace. I landed against his hard chest by the impact and i mouthed a small sorry. It was the safest place I had ever felt and I couldn't help but clenched on a shirt not wanting to go away from him.

•°•★•°•Jeon's pov•°•★•°•

I felt her holding my shirt tightly and I was just patting her head "for what?" I ask to and let her slide inside my suit more, almost hiding her completely in my tuxedo. I always felt my arm opening for her and only her. "I-I'm s-sorry.. I-I w-won't do a-anything to m-make you more a-angry... I-I'm s-sorry.." she was shuttering badly and her body was shivering in my hold.

"Who said I'm mad at you?" I said and rocked her back and forth. "D-don't sell m-me to these p-people please. They a-are bad." When she said that, I lifted her up a little and settled her back as her head was resting in my chest now.

"What made you think that I was going to sell you to them?.... Don't you know how much I lo-....." I stopped when I was about to confess and I could feel her movement halted. When I slowly looked down to see her reaction, she was already sleeping against my chest.

I sighed deeply while shaking my head in disbelief and picked her up taking her toward her room. I made her sleep in her bed and closed the door from outside making sure not to wake her up.

I made my way toward the basement and removed my suit after reaching the basement cell, where both the bastard were hanging. Torn clothes soaked in blood, weak limbs attached with chains and whole body covered with bruises. The site was pityful butji was enough merciless to keep my cold demaenor up against the one who dared to say something about her.

•°•★•°•A/n's pov•°•★•°•

"So, let's continue the deal?" He said and smirked before grabbing a chair nearby and sat on it, just in front of the two of them. "I-If you did something with us, he will find you..... and then you know what can happen" Jack said while panting for air but jungkook didnt seem to be concerned about anything.

"Bring a water bottle" He said to his guards who quickly brought a watter bottle. Jack's eyes lit up a bit seeing water but he drank it himself instead of giving it to the injured one.

"Apologize first... and then I will free you" he said and this time his face was emotionless as if he was waiting for him to beg for his life. Jack glanced at Daniel who was already unconscious. He panicked and started pleeding after seeing his brother's condition. "I-I'm s-sorry, we will never do anything like this again, never in my life I promise, but please let us go now please." Jack was continuously begging which made him left the side of his left in a small smirk.

He stood up suddenly and signalled his guards to open up the chains. As soon as the gods opened them, Jack fell on his knees and joined his hands together with his head hung low. Jungkook just pulled out the gun from his waistband and shot Daniel within a snap of an eye. Jack's full body sheward after hearing the gunshot but when he lifted his head, jungkook's gun was pointed toward Daniel's dead body. "It wasn't your fault Jack, he was at fault and he deserved this after what he did." Jungkook said and put his gun down.

Jack stood up, charged in his direction and grabbed his collar while he was still standing their straight. "You killed my brother?!! Kill me too or else I will kill you..." Jack sad and the only thing which concerned jungkook was his plain white shirt which was stained with blood because of Jack. The guards came and held Jack away from him while he was busy straightening his shirt.

"Oh my shirt, you stained it! Do you even know how much expensive it was? Even more than your whole life worth" Jungkook said and opened the sleeve button of his shirt. "Now pay for it" he added and went out of the basement. One of his guard approached him. "Sir, do we have to shoot him?" And he replied " no no don't waste bullets on him, torture him till his last breath" he ordered and opened a few buttons of a shirt while walking toward his room.

•°•★•°•Jeon's pov•°•★•°•

When I was sleeping peacefully, my phone rang making me startled in my sleep. I groaned annoying and picked up the call.

~•On call•~


"Oh hello! Jk?! Hyung, something came up, you should see this... we are waiting for you outside the main door... come out as soon as possible..."

"What happened, Shorty?....Why are you panicking so much?...."

"Just come out fast..."

~•call ended•~

To be continued ~~

[This new character is who? Tell me in comments section]

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