

•°•.Captured.•°• They both were captured but the difference was... she was captured in his life and he was captured in her Innocent eyes... °•★•°•★•° [Just read one chapter, and if you don't like it then I will simply want you to leave the story... thank you] °•★•°•★•° This story is of Lee Y/n, who is married to Jeon Jungkook, the one and only strongest mafia of the whole Asia.... In this ff, all you will know is what happens after they slowly gets included in their married life.... But there's a twist, that y/n being an innocent and naive girl is scared of him. All she wants is getting away from him and start a new life... but the way she want... A NORMAL LIFE... •°•★Warnings★•°• Violence, traumatizing, hard language, forcefullness, intimate scenes...

jeon_kookie_author · Celebrities
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8 Chs


Part : 5

Tittle : protectiveness

•°•★•°•Jeon's pov•°•★•°•

I was walking back from the bathroom feeling something suspicious as a loud thud reached my ear. I quickly walked toward the dining room only to see y/n on the floor. Her back was facing me and her step parents were just laughing while looking at her. My blood boiled at the site in front of me.

I didn't waste any more time and pulled my gun out pointing it toward her so called dad. "Mr. Jeon it's not like what you are thinking, she is crazy bit-" her mom tried to say but I cut her off "HOW DARE YOU?? SHE ISNT YOUR DAUGHTER ANYMORE!! She is my wife now and fit this inside your head or I won't mind blowing it" I said with rage burning inside my body.

I was going to say further but a small tug caught my attention. She stopped me as always and I couldn't shoot her parents in front of her, even if they weren't her biological parents but that could scare her and I don't want that. "Go and sit inside the car" I said without turning toward her or else if I saw her tears, I wouldn't be able to leave them alive.

For now it was important to keep myself in control but she wasn't moving even after hearing me and was just clenching on my shirt from behind to pull me back. "Y/n don't test my patience, go and sit in the car RIGHT NOW!!" I growled loudly and her grip went missing from my shirt.

I waited for some seconds before turning back and she wasn't there anymore. I sighed and my gaze darkened when I turned back toward them. I put my gun down again thinking it wasn't the right time, and went outside the house where my guards were standing. I called one of my men "I want them in my basement as soon as possible and make sure not to let her know" I said and went where my car was parked.

I opened the door and sat inside only to see her sitting in the corner and crying silently in the back seat. I wanted to embrace her so badly but I couldn't, not yet. I shifted near her but all she did was shift near the door in order to stay away from me.

I pulled out my handkerchief and offered her which she gladly accepted. Her sobs were making me wanna tear everything near me. "Why didn't you tell me before, hm?" I asked her to sound calm and soft trying not to burst over her.

She was so soft to even be touched and that mf literally slapped her. She bit her lower lip to suppress any sound of crying which only hurt me even more. "D-don't hurt them, p-please" as soon as she said this, Igrabbed her arm and pulled her on my lap. I love holding her like this close to me.

Rolling my tongue in my mouth, I wrapped my arms around her as she clenched on my shirt. She was shivering, but I wasn't able to understand whether it was because of me or what happened inside. Soon I felt her limbs relaxing and she shifted herself in a better position keeping her head in my neck.

Her little nose was nuzzling in me, sending shivers down my whole body. I tilted my head to keep my neck away from the reach of her nose and lips.

Her arms travelled up to my neck and wrapped around it. Her torturous lips started brushing on my skin and my grip around her waist tightened.

•°•★•°•Y/n's pov•°•★•°•

I wasn't sleeping in a very deep sleep just then "Uff~ what are you doing, princess?" A deep and husky voice reached my ear making me shoot open my eyes. I gulped and pulled my head away from his neck after seeing him breathing heavily. I noticed my hands around his neck and pulled them back too.

A-are you okay, M-mr. Jeon?" I asked and he shook his head before patting mine. "Sleep, you should take rest" he said and placed his big hand on my cheek on which I was slapped. I hissed in pain and tears welled up in my eyes. "Is it hurting?" He said while caressing it. It was the first time I was feeling like someone was caring about me.

•°•★•°•Jeon's pov•°•★•°•

When I entered the mansion after the drive, there were some men in black sitting and I quickly understood why they were here. When I looked back at her, she looked a bit frightened by their sudden presence. "Go, get freshen up..." I said and patered her head before she quickly walked away to what her room.

My gaze darkened as soon as she got out of my site. I went toward the couch and settled down on the opposite side of them. There was a suitcase on the table which didn't fail to catch my eye. "Why did you come here? Didn't I tell you not to come to my personal place for any kind of deals?" I asked with rage slowly enlightning in my eyes as one of them was staring back towatd her room's door.

Control Jeon control, you can't hit this guy or this deal will slip out of your hand too... I thought to myself and keep to my mouth shut while still boring holes in his head with my gaze. "Mr. Jeon! This is the payment for the parcel and this for the transportation" one of the guys said and pushed the suitcased for my man.

After confirming that the money was sufficient, he nodded his head indicating me that we could deal now. I was about to say something but my eyes landed on Y/n, who was sneaking out of her room and that too wearing shorts and t-shirt.

"Is she your wife Mr. Jeon?" The guy asked while eyeing her when she was going to what the kitchen. If I had a gun in my hand that time, I should have short him right away. I hummed deeply and nodded my head "yea, she is" I said simply. "Mind meeting us with her?" He asked and smirked dirtily. I didn't care about the deal anymore, I snepped my finger and said "y/n!! Come here..." My voice was cold, deep and enough to echoe in the whole mansion.

To be continued ~~~

[I love making you all hang in between<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠ >]