

TEASER "What do you want from me? You already marked me, you even forced me to marry you!" I said angrily but he just laughed. I gasped when he walked towards me. "Because I want you and there's nothing you can do to stop me." He said with a smug smile on his face. "You are obsessed! You are completely crazy! You even killed my…" Before I could finish my sentence, he grabbed my neck violently. I let out a small groan as he grabbed my shoulder. "If you say that, you'll die." The Alphas... they are superior in this world. Omegas are just a small prey for them. Omega can't do anything... even the government can't do anything about it. "You are mine, even if you die." He whispers in my ear before everything goes blank.   Warning: 18+ omegaverse/male pregnancy

Ischeee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


"I'll now leave, thank you for everything," I bowed at them. "I apologize for my rudeness earlier," I added. Delian was about to get near to me when I stopped her. "I'll help you find her," she said without breaking our eye contact. I glanced at Dr. Haze who nodded at me. "It's okay you can go with her," I bitterly smiled. He's too kind for an upper-rank alpha. Usually, people like him tend to abuse their abilities and power.

"Thank you," I mouthed at him. One day I'll take back their kindness to me. But that won't affect my hatred of those alphas. They're just an exception. I still hate those alpha ranks. "Let's go, we gotta find her—your lover. I know she's feeling devasted and not in her right mind." she said, I hesitantly nodded at her before I followed her footsteps away from the mansion.

"Where do you think she is now? Where is her favorite spot, especially when she wasn't feeling okay?" Delian asked as we entered the luxurious car. "You will use this?" I surprisedly asked her, trying to point out the car using my hands. She just nodded at me without showing hesitation with her lively face. I sighed before I let myself get inside the car. The cold air welcomed my warm body.

"Don't worry, this car is not that expensive. We bought it for only twenty-three million." my eyes widened, what the hell? That's fucking expensive. Even if I sell my organs and life, I'll never have that money. I'll also be dead until I get that money.

"You're really a funny guy." Delian said while chuckling, "We need to hurry or something bad might happen to your girlfriend." I suddenly felt a bang inside of my chest. I know she won't do anything bad.. and she won't do anything that will hurt me. She will never do it.

"I'm sure she's fine," Delian added. I did not say anything back to her, I just hugged the jacket that they let me borrow—gave to me. It was cold even though it was already seven a.m in the morning. I even felt colder when I remember those sobs that I heard from her. Suddenly, a place full of flowers appeared in my mind. The first person that I remembered was her.. it was Irene.

"The La Gardenes.. that's where she always goes whenever she feels bad.." I said. Delian pursed her lips and nodded at me. "Got it."

As we drove to the La Gardenes, the only thing in my mind was her. I would always shake my head as if I thought that she might be hurting herself because of what she's feeling right now. "N-No.." I closed my eyes and tried to convince myself that she was fine. Of course she's fine.

'What the hell are you thinking, Keilian?' I asked myself.

"We're here," Delian said with her worried tone. "I'll be waiting here until you finally see her. I'm willing to drive you whenever you want to go just to find where she is." she added as she gave me a sweet smile. I just nodded at her and thanked her before I got off of the car. "If I took so long, please don't wait for me anymore. Don't waste your time with me and go back to Dr. Haze." I smiled weakly.

The sunset was starting to rise, the cold air was turning warmer. I ran fast into the entrance but a young lady suddenly stopped me from entering the La Gardenes. I was confused when I turned my gaze to her. What did I do?

"You need to pay for entrance," she said. I started to panic when I couldn't feel my wallet inside of my packet. Where did I put it? My body froze as I realized that I don't have any money right now because my clothes were changed. I definitely left it in the mansion.

"I don't have any money right now. Can I get inside? I was just going to check on my girlfriend.. she's at her lowest right now.. please.. please I'm begging you." the young girl did not say anything. "Her parents are dead," I said. Her face turned in shock. She suddenly changed her decision and she let me in.

"I'll give you twenty minutes to find her," the young person said to me. I smiled at her before I turned my back on her. My heavyweight chest suddenly lightened. I thought I wouldn't be able to get inside. I bowed my head to her and said, "Thank you so much."

"W-what are you doing here?" My body stiffed as I heard a familiar voice. I did not turn my gaze at them. I just waited for them to say even more.

"A-Answer me.. Keilian?" I slowly turned my gaze to her. She was standing in the entrance with her wet and fresh cut off hair. She looks helpless. I couldn't recognize her. "Irene.." I ran towards her and held her hands tightly. Her hands were cold and they were trembling. "Hushh, it's okay I'm here," I said as I gave her a warm hug. She did not hug me back, she just stood there while I was hugging her. "Can you leave for now?" Irene said with her broken voice. S-She's been crying.. her voice collapsed..

"Why? w-why do you want me to leave? I'm here for you.." I said while trying to show my smile to her, but she looked away. My smile turned into gloomy. I thought she would be needing me right now.

"I don't need anyone right now. Not even you. My parents died because I did not listen to them.. I did not obey them." my brows furrowed, "What are you talking about?" I moved forward at her, but she stopped me with her sharp glare. How can she make that glare.. crying? Does she hate me now?

"I should've married that alpha.. If I married him, then my parents aren't dead." my lips parted, I tried to hold her hands but she hid them on her back. "I-I.."

"Are you blaming me?" my voice cracked, "Tell me.." I stared at her eyes with my teary eyes. I'm not that type of man who cries.. I was just.. I was not prepared to hear those words coming from her. This conversation will not lead to that, right? I took a heavy sigh trying to convince myself.

I saw her looking away. "I'm not blaming you.. I'm blaming myself." She said while biting her nails. I want to stop her from doing that but she won't even let me get near to her. I couldn't do anything but to watch and stare at her while biting—hurting herself.

"I should not have dated you in the first place." My lips parted. "Did I hear it wrong?" I said, trying to fake my laughter. "You're joking right? is this because your parents are dead—" I did not finish my words when she slapped me really hard. It stings on my face. After she realized what she had done, I heard a loud sob coming from her.

"I said I'm not blaming you!" she shouted. I started chuckling as I looked at her with my teary eyes. "But your actions tell otherwise." she shook her head at me, biting her nails, "I said I'm not!" she added while crying, sobbing and trying to catch some air to breathe.

"So this is what you wanted?" I asked, showing my smile at her. I chuckled when she did not respond to anything. Not even a no and yes. She just kept on shaking her head at me.

"O-Okay, I understand now."