
Capture That Feeling

With the never-ending holiday party at home, no one will miss her if she takes the same flight with that tall boy, right? All she has to do is get on the plane, never mind that the plane will bring her from Oslo to China! ------ "Would you like to come into my room, join me with some drinks and hear what I want?" she drunkenly said it at that time. "Don't worry, I don't mean any harm," she said assuring the man before she dropped herself to the couch. "Are you traveling alone? Don't you have any adult companion with you?" he carefully asked as he stood in front of Ellise. "Hey, mister, you must have difficulty understanding, I already said, I'm alone, right?" she answered back. "You're clearly too young to be drinking alone in a hotel room, in a country where you don't know anybody and on top of that you invited a stranger in your room," he said with concern. "Why, you're also too young to be having an affair with a married woman, meet her in a hotel away from the city in the middle of the night. How old are you, anyway?" she sarcastically answered back, avoiding the issue of inviting a stranger. "I'm twenty, and I'm not having an affair with a married woman," he answered with a straight face. "If you're not having an affair why the two of you clearly look like you're hiding," she said, not planning to lost an answer and question interrogation. "Listen, little girl. You better stop drinking because you're already drunk with all of these expensive wines," he said in annoyance. "You see, I have a credit card that has no limit, paying for all of my expenses here. I've been here in Shanghai since the first week of January, and today is my birthday. It's almost two months already, but nobody has come or asked my family if I'm okay." she said in a broken voice. ------- Bookcover by: Sendaline_16

Jyojiko · Urban
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Losing Their Mind

[This chapter contains some mature scenes. If you are uncomfortable with it, please skip this chapter.]

“Hey, what is your relationship with Grand?”

He pulled her away from the group. They just finished their morning run, and most of the other members would either go straight to the shower or the cafeteria. It all depends on which one is their priority - clean skin or empty stomach.

He took advantage of the chaos and pulled Miss E to the gym. The last room anyone would enter after Mr. Wan killed them from running twenty laps on the park near their building where they usually run.

She was startled when DT pinned her on the door of the gym. His sweaty arms were plastered on both sides of her face. He was staring at her waiting for her answer to his question. His warm breath was fanning on her face -- so dangerously close. She stopped herself from closing her eyes for she would look like someone asking for a kiss.

“Why do you care about my relationship with Grand?” She asked him with a straight face and steady voice. But her heart was jumping like a jack in a box inside her chest. And it has been skipping a beat.

“Because I don’t want any other man near you,” he leaned his face on hers that she couldn’t help but swallow the saliva that pool in her mouth, for DT looked so delectable. Flashes of what happened in the parking lot of East City weren’t helping either. Rather the memory of his lips crashing on hers fuel the desire she is feeling right now.

She smirked, “We don’t have that kind of relationship DT. So could you please stop?”

“We have that kind of relationship! Don’t just dismiss what happened in the past like it was nothing!”

“Why DT? Tell me what happened in the past? Other than you telling the whole fucking world that you are dating Asya.” She put her palm on his chest and pushed him away from her, but he didn’t budge.

“It wasn’t what it looks like Missy, please believe me,” his voice trembled with emotion, “I couldn’t take back what happened in the past, but let me fix what I could fix.”

“There is nothing to fix. I’m here to play CTF and nothing else.”

“Liar!” he growled and grabbed her chin in his hand. Before she could react his mouth was on hers. His tongue dove in. He kissed her rough and deep.

And her feelings with it come to DT always betrayed her. Her hands that were on his chest, pushing him away, crept to his shoulder and snaked into his neck. One of her traitor hands cradled his head and pulled him closer as she opened her mouth, urging him to deepen the kiss.

He pushed her on the door, lifted her leg, and ground his crotch with his hard shaft to her groin. She gasped as she felt his hardened manhood pressed in her lower abdomen. But instead of shying away from him, she lifted her other leg and clung to DT like she wanted all the spaces between them to disappear.

DT grabbed her ass and pulled her upward, his mouth wasn’t leaving hers as his other hand snaked under her shirt and unhooked her brassiere.

She was trembling with desires, she grabbed his shirt from his back and pulled it up to feel his skin covered in sweat under her palm.

“Take off your shirt!” she growled in frustration when she didn't have enough skin to roam her hands.

DT put her down on the bench press and took off his shirt revealing a well-toned body. His abs were chiseled into six glorious buns. She hooked her fingers in the belt holster of his shorts and ran her tongue on his abs.

His breath was caught at the back of his throat when he felt Miss E’s hot tongue on his damp skin.

He grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and squeezed her breast. When Miss E unzipped his pants, he caught her hands and kneeled down in between her legs.

“Missy, we are treading dangerous territory,” he said panting.

“Then stop. I hate it that you are always rational.”

She gasped when he grabbed her breast and rolled her protruding nipple in between his thumb and index finger.

“Right now, there is nothing rational about me. I would like you to take me right here, right now. Reason be damned!” were the last words he articulated before taking her nip to his mouth. His tongue replaced his thumb from rolling her nipple.

Ellise grabbed a bunch of his hair, arched her back, shamelessly offering her breast to him.

DT cupped her other breast and gave it a not so gentle massage, while his mouth was sucking her other breast like a hungry child.

A moan escaped from her lips when DT put more pressure on the way he sucked her breast. He alternately takes care of her breast and Ellise moans in ecstasy. She cradled his head closer to her bosom, as she bent down and bit his shoulder.

DT shuddered in delight when he felt her teeth sunk in his skin. He was about to pull down her pants when noises from the outside the room registered to his brain clouded with lust. He remembered where they were and the consequences they were going to face if they would get caught making out in the gym.

He pulled down Ellise brassiere and hooked it behind her. He pulled down her shirt as he embraced her tightly. “Fuck!” he muttered under his breath, surveying the floor for his t-shirt.

He reached his shirt on the floor with his foot. When he finally succeeded in pulling it near him, he picked it up and put it on. Ellise was still clutching his shoulder and he could hear her uneven breathing - they were like music to his ear.

They remained in that position until the voices outside the door were gone. Ellise was the first one to let go. She cleared her throat and gently pushed him away. He understood what she meant by those actions. They are back to being rational.