

Godswill_Patrick · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Jason is seen outside with Benganon. Benganon is giving him some tips about sorcery.

They are in Benganon's crib, which is located at the top of leaf city hill. Jason stares at Benganon as an interesting movie, his glare is sharper than even the sharpest dagger, he watches Benganon as he practices his spells one after the other.

Jason is really impressed on how Benganon swings his wand, every whoop and wap sets his heart ablaze, he wishes that he could cast all those spells like Benganon, but he couldn't because he doesn't have a spell book.

he was more interested in the invisibility spell, because he wanted to use it to give Richard a fright.

A girl comes out of Benganon's crib, she is the true definition beauty she sends a sensation of love into Jason's eyes, she is an attachment of the sun that fell into Jason's world the moment he saw her. From her well streamlined waste, which looks like it was properly measured by the creator with a measuring tape, to her legs, she carried an amazing feature.

Her eyes are wolf brown in color, which lights up a beautiful and we'll decorated face, even if she wasn't smiling, she would never look unhappy, her hair is black in color, which blends in more light to her beautifully lighted pink lips. Her name is Mira, she was Hushes daughter, Hush was married to a white woman until she died on the day she gave birth to a Mira. The only reason why she died was because she gave birth to a werewolf, so Hush had to take care of Mira on his own.

" Mr. Benganon, I can't find the pills you made for me," Mira says with an angel voice, which sends a wave of love to Jason's ears, the moment she spoke, it was as though he heard an angel speak.

" it's in the cabinet, next to my rest place" Benganon says, his voice was an interruption to Jason's day dream, it was like waking a sleeping baby up with a scream.

" ok , I'll go and get it, she replies to Benganon's statement.

" now who is that?" Jason's asked with a weird tone ,

" Mira, Daughter of Hush" Benganon answers

" I never knew Hush had a daughter" Jason asked

" Yes, he did, I had to bring her home ever since Hush died" Benganon replied

" well I guess she must have been heartbroken when her father died" Jason said.

" let's keep going, you have alot to learn boy" Benganon says, " remember, your trip begins tomorrow, you must journey to the plain lands of Tasuki to find your grand father's spell book" continued Benganon

" what!!! the enemy land, you know I'll be slaughtered if I am caught, I have the Amazonian symbol remember" Jason said point at a tattoo on his hands.

" well you won't be, you are a sorcerer, the people of Tasuki can never kill a sorcerer, due to the fact that it was a sorcerer who helped them in the world war, and that sorcerer was your grand father" said Benganon.

" it was my great grand father who helped them, ooooo, now I know his legend, the legend of the most dishonest Amazonian sorcerer" said Jason in a joking tone.

immediately, Benganon's hands are seen flying through the air and meeting with Jason's mouth, in attempt to shut him up" who told you that, don't you ever utter such words again if you don't want to get killed" said Benganon

" And why would I be killed for that, " asked Jason while forcing Benganon's hands off his mouth

" your great grand father was a great helper to the city of Amazon, the only reason why he went against the laws was to stop bad government in amazon, the only people against him are the highest priest of Amazon, they are corrupt leaders, but they were stoped, thanks to your great grand father, so if you talk bad about him, this people will show you no mercy, what you said is blasphemy" answered Benganon.

" well I guess I was wrong then, " says Jason as he looks up to the sky " I'm sorry grab father.


It was finally nightfall, Jason and Benganon just finished with the training process but Jason couldn't go back to the castle due to the rain storm that was approaching leaf city, so he decided to stay at Benganon's crib for the night.

He enters the guest room after having his bath with no coverings, and something embarrassing occurs. He is seen by Mira who was laying his bed for him.

Immediately, she hides her face, hoping to unsee what she just saw while Jason runs for a covering which was located next to her

" I'm sorry, I should have waited for you to finish" Mira apologies.

Jason couldn't stand the sad look on her face so he softens are mind which he knew would be beating like base drums " well I should be the one apologising, I should have come in with a covering " Jason says.

"but you didn't know I was in here" countered Mira.

" well now I know" Jason says sarcastically and a blush is seen on Mira's face as she hides it from him which showed that she was shy.

Mira dresses the bed and at the same time Jason is seen dressing himself in his nighties.

" You know, your really pretty" Jason says, complementing Mira's beauty, she blushes again but didn't let him see her.

He smiles at her and goes much more closer to her. Mira maunders backwards , as she tries to avoid him, this gesture made approach her with caution

" well you know, it's difficult to see your beauty from afar" Jason uses this as an excuse to go closer to her. This made her more nervous than she was already, her cheeks turns red, and at the same time goosebumps flooded her skin.

she glares into Jason's eyes, she but not for a while, she sees the beauty in his blue eyes, every little gaze made her eyes blink almost faster than a mini second.

Jason tries to kiss her, but she refuses him " I'm sorry, I have to go" she says while leaving the room .

It's cross midnight and Jason is not yet asleep, he keeps thinking about Mira , he remembers her hair, her deep brown eyes, her carefully streamlined waist, she is everything Jason had ever dreamt of.

Jason hears a knock on the door, he hopes it was Mira who was knocking, so that he could keep gazing into her beautiful eyes but all hopes were lost when he finds out that it was Benganon knocking

" I noticed you were not sleeping so I decided to check on you" Benganon says with a lamb on his hands.

" I was just,....." Jason says but he is being interrupted by Benganon

" it's about Mira isn't it" pauses" get some sleep, we journey to Tasuki tomorrow" Benganon continues

" is Mira coming with us?" Jason asked

" well it all depends on her" Benganon replies. " now get some sleep " Benganon replies as he shuts the door, leaving Jason to keep thinking of his Mira.

he left her thoughts in his head until he falls asleep.