

Godswill_Patrick · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Journey To Tasuki

The next day Jason is seen outside the crib, the rain storm was really hectic, it destroyed all the trees in the hill, leaving only branches. The ground is filled with different puddles in different locations of the environment.

Jason is seen at the stable, he is preparing his horse for the journey, it almost looks as though he had forgotten about his dream partner, when she steps into the stable to get Benganon's horse ready for him.

At first Jason didn't notice her presence until he hears some footsteps in the stable, he looks at were the footsteps were coming from and there she was, doing her duty with ease, the rays from the sun, even made her look more beautiful, her skin glowed like the morning stars, her eyes shone, her lips were still as sexy as Jason remembered.

" Good day Jason, hope you had a goodnight rest" Mira uttered with her angelic voice, which made him go head over heels for her.

" well I wished I did" complained Jason

" why? was there any problem? didn't I lay the bed well for you?, oooo, I'm Soo sorry" she apologized

" yes you did lay the bed well, it's just that one thing was missing from the bed" Jason replies

" and what is that?" she asked

" you" he replies in a seductive tone, touching Mira on her chest.

The moment he touches her, it was as though a thousand butterflies flew into her stomach, her cheeks turns pink, goosebumps looked like hairs on her skin, she smiles continually, trying to hide it from him, by brushing up the horse, her face was pointed downwards.

" well I have my own room " she replies

" well do you think it is as comfortable as mine " he continues.

" it is Jason" , she says while lifting up a bucket and attempting to leave the room just to avoid further embarrassment, she moves outside then Jason yells " wait!!!, I wanted to know if you were going to be join us on the journey." Jason asked

" well it depends on Benganon" she answers.

" that was the same thing he said , but he said it depends on you" he replies " so do you want to join us in the journey" he continues.

" I don't know" she replies

" well please I beg you , come " he says while looking for her, hoping for a positive reply.

" why do you want me to join you" Mira asked

" well, I am going to need some company you know, and your company will sure gladden my heart." Jason says

" w-well I won't want to break your heart, but I haven't prepared for the travel, plus, I don't have a horse" she replies.

", I'll help you prepare, and if it makes you comfortable, we can share a horse." said Jason

" do you think you will be comfortable sharing a horse with me" Mira says.

" it will even make me happy" Jason says

" well then I guess I'll come with you" she says, not minding her nerves when ever she was with him.

" thank you so much, I l-lo......" before he could say the next word, he pauses and clears his throat," I really appreciate" Jason continued.

" let's go and prepare for my travel" Mira says while dragging Jason from his hands .

" don't worry, I have already done that* Benganon says while holding a bag, it was as though he knew what they were planning, he throws the bag at Jason , winking at him in an awkward manner while going to sit on his horse. They both looked at him in shame, blushing as they went to sit on Jason's horse.

Jason lifts her up, in attempt to help her sit on the horse , after that he jumps on the horse like a pro.

" let's get going then" says Jason who was looking at them in admiration, he knew that both of them were in love, and he also knew that he had to watch them well, considering the fact that they were still young, he knew when to stop them, and when to let them be.

" hayahhhhh" Benganon says, while using his legs to hit the sides of the horse, causing it to take off, Jason did the same, and the two horses galloped away in speed.


it's already been two days in the journey and they had already reached the borders of Tasuki, due to their consistency, they were able to reach Tasuki in time.

Three men are seen hiding in different locations of the bush beside Jason an the rest of them. They knew nothing about this men, they were even surprised on how knights were no where to be found at the borders.

before they could go into the kingdom, the men jumped towards them , making them scared .

This men were dressed as local warriors, they weren't dressed in official knight attire, so Benganon sees them as robbers.

" hold your horses Intruders, were are you coming from." the most eldest of them asked them, while the other two were ransacking them.

" we come in peace, we are sorcerers from Amazon" said Benganon.

" sorcerers!!! well you are lucky we respect sorcerers, but because you are amazonians, we will just take fifty coins from you and we will be on our way" the eldest one amongst the robbers continued.

Benganon had no choice but to give them the money, hoping they would spare their lives, he didn't want to attack them with a spell, know what will happen to him for hurting a Tasukian.

They youngest man amongst them collects the money and gives it to the eldest.

"emmmmm, now that that's settled, I am wondering if I and my train, could find a place to rest our heads for the night" Benganon begs.

" well that will cost you fifty more coins" said the eldest man,and Benganon gives them without hesitation.

" thank you for your generosity kind sir, follow me" he says while swinging his hands.

They all leave for the village, to receive some good rest.