
Canceled book ^_^

This was my first piece of work. Since then, I’ve made lots of improvements on my writing style. I now look back at it with cringe… but hey, people grow and change over time.

TalentlessAuthor · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 2: Frustration meets Realization

: Perspective change to Dante:

   'This...This is not how I wanted it to happen. I wanted to rekindle the relationships with my past. Friendships that I lost because I was self-centered. Say sorry to so many people... Hug everyone from my remaining family one last time. Damn...Damn it. FUCK!!! WHY?!!!' As I'm thinking this I start to feel the fear and regret slowly start to creep in me.

       I felt that where I currently was located, was some sort of dark impenetrable claustrophobic box that somehow to fit my entire being. I look to my surroundings and I only see darkness. I had come to the conclusion that I was in the form of a spirit; which a normal person should find impossible to comprehend or even conceive. Either it is my intellect or plain luck that I somehow resorted to fighting the fear that I had for the unknown with the overwhelming anger I had towards the injustice I felt from my current predicament subconsciously. I could have easily been plummeting down an infinite spiral of fear that I'm sure would have driven me mad. To that, I am thankful.

   'Why must I have such a fuck up hand!? Why?! Why was I born into a world where I and people who look just like me are hated for just the color of our skin?! Why must we be ridiculed because we exist? Why do we hate each other so much to the point that we are willing to take the food from our own mouths just to watch each other starve, so what? We can survive another day? Bull shit! Why am I just coming to this conclusion now?... Why didn't anyone teach me the value of human life? Why did my father have to be a Jackass!? No... No right here goes beyond racial... why are humans so shitty. Shitty to the point of being so contempt with their lives that they are willing to waste valuable resources like water and food. Stepping over those who need it as if they were a piece of litter. Truly despicable we are.' I spat.

   I would have huffed if I had a body right now. This further solidified the fact that right now I was in the form of a spirit. but I continued to vent even after coming to this conclusion. 'We worry about stupid fucking phones and other electronics when in reality we should have been worrying about how to get fresh water to countries in need. We shit and piss in a resource that people are out there going to war for in real-time because we wanna avoid the smell of our own filth! You fucking kidding me?! While we sit on our ass at home, arguing about who is the best looking Kardashian/Jenner and who is the better leader for the country, even though no matter who we pick, the same turn of events will happen and have no effect over our day to day lives; there is someone literally 3 city blocks away, sleeping behind a garbage can who has their stomach touching their God damn spinal cord! That's how hungry they are but yet people wanna wine, bitch, and moan about how its wrong to kill animals for food. "Animals are our friends" get the fuck out of her with that dumbass philosophy. Despicable we are true. I am disgusted at what we are.' 

   I pause from my rant to gather myself. 'Ok Dante... it's ok...' I took a few more seconds which turned into minutes which turned into hours until I finally cooled off, then thought

   'Although we may be pieces of shit... I won't ignore the fact that my favorite things in existence came from humanity. The iPhone is pretty cool after all hehe.' I start to relax a little. 'My older brother, niece, nephew, and Elijah were the greatest gift I could ever ask for. Julie was kinda cool too I guess' 

   I would be smiling right now if I had a face. Because at that moment I started to reflect on the past. Flashback after flashback hit me like a truck going at sixty mph. I'm pretty sure my face would be wet right now at the rate the movie like memories where coming. Flashes started to occur in my mind. Birthday parties...Graduations... Fights my brother and I would get into... Fights my brother and I would get in to. 'hahaha' I laugh as I was a very tiny bit of an alcoholic as I remembered causing problems with my brother, or for him'. I reflected on the many loving memories I had for my mother. And memories of how she would beat some sense into me after I caused either problem at school growing up or frankly just being the little snarky arrogant asshole I was at times. Soon I started to recall every good memory I ever had. That is until I ran out.

   After this, I just started to ponder. Pondering about any and everything. Ponder about life, existing, and other matters. Matters small as 'Is water wet?', to matters as large as 'Is it possible to use a black hole as an energy source?' I would spend countless upon countless hours solving complex math equations to pass the time. By now I have been in this black box for quite some time.

   In the beginning, It felt like days. Then after days, it started to feel like months. After months it turned into years, but then a strange occurrence happened. Everything around me started to change. I didn't know why but the darkness started to feel different. I felt freer as if I could stretch my metaphorical legs. Then the surroundings felt more and more open. The box had disappeared completely. But unannounced to me an even stranger occurs had happened as I looked down and seen my body start to glow. I lit up like a Christmas tree. I was confused for three reasons. One: because I wasn't aware that I had a body anymore, to begin with. Two: Because I can no see. Something that I missed for a countless amount years but learned to live without. Third: I was naked and missing my members. 'Why am I a Ken doll right now?' I looked like I was astral projecting, similar to how I previously saw doctor strange in the Marvel cinematic universe... but naked for some reason.


   But then out of nowhere a red light appeared in the far distance that could have been mistaken for a piece of glitter but I knew better. I was in the void of nothingness. 'Is that a star' I tried to reach for it but soon something surprising happened. ' The star... is multiplied?' Faster and faster the lights multiply. With different colors. Colors familiar and no similar.

   They multiply until they form the shape of an entire universe. "What the? *gasp* I can speak!". I said with a joyful shout as I jolt my arms in the air losing my equilibrium as the force started to make me backflip upside down. "Woah Woah Woah! Stop! Stop Sto~." What I saw at that moment shocked me to the core. I see a 15 foot giant in front of me with a joyous smile of delight. I knew who this was. If you know anything about Marvel comics you know who this was. "Hello, Dante. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is..."

I realize this is a short chapter. I choose to do this because I wanted to leave the story on a cliff hanger cause I'm a jerk like that. see you nex time ?

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